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Shadow Skull

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Posts posted by Shadow Skull

  1. mikeszekely and Blaine, could you two provide a rough estimate on how often your friends used their PS2s? I know that electronics will usually wear out quicker under heavy use regardless of the machines quality, I wondering if that might be the case here.

    Myself and my three closest friends, all of whom had multiple consoles, would alternate between the consoles. That is, sometimes it'd seem like Xbox was going through a hot streak, and a month or two would go by before we'd touch our PS2s. But then PS2 would be on a hot streak, and we'd be using it for something like 4-5 hours a day every day for a month.

    My brother, who bought a PS2 well after launch, found that it didn't work pretty much out of the box. He exchanged it, and he'd play for maybe 5-6 hours a week for a year. Then it died, so he bought an Xbox.

    Okay, so based on you and your friends experience. The consoles didn't have a life span anywhere near the length that they should. I'm interested to see what Blaine has to say, since I don't know if he has done any tweaking or how long he has used it. Of course I've noticed that most companies these days tend to make shoddy products so that people will purchase from them again. IMO I think it is kind of sad that companies that build game consoles would do such a thing since they normally begin releasing another generation of consoles five years after the previous release.

    Edit: Not much point in double posting

    Togo-I wouldn't trust sales numbers that someone throughs up on message. Unless I happened to know if the site, that the info came from, was reliable.

  2. mikeszekely and Blaine, could you two provide a rough estimate on how often your friends used their PS2s? I know that electronics will usually wear out quicker under heavy use regardless of the machines quality, I wondering if that might be the case here.

  3. JBO maybe they will make a sequel to Taboo after they finish Perfect Dark.

    Theres was an interview with Hideo Kojima on PA, but I can't seem to access the forums atm, but it did say that the PS3 is going to be one hell of a expensive machine to produce for, meaning you will only get truly outstanding games one or twice a year. While the Xbox360 is going to be much cheaper, meaning outstanding games 2 or 3 times a month. And the revolution will be dirt cheap, meaning non stop waves of outstanding games.

    Well if that ends up being that case . . .

    Don't really care if the PS3 gets many good games, since they seem to have so many damn sequels. Besides maybe a drop in sales will make Sony less arrogant then they are right now.

    Both the Xbox360 and the Revolution really need more good games and they both need have great games from multiple genres. So I do hope this ends up being the case.

  4. Hmm..... that`s something but we have to wait for final products to see how turn out form using the consoles capability, in the end it`s the games and the 3rd party support that will judge the system.

    Yeah, Halo for the Xbox is a good example. The ways things are going, it looks like all three have a nice line up of exclusive titles.

  5. As the poll shows, PS3 is clearly in the lead........and you all say my gospel is not the truth??????

    This poll is crap, no offense directed at Agent ONE, because it's not a random sample of the world wide population. Most people are here a fans of Macross and seeing how both the PS and PS2 had Macross games. I would say some of those people may get the PS3 because they are hoping another Macross game will be made for it. Besides this poll doesn't even represent the community on here because not everyone has voted either.

    Dude, nobody here pics systems based on Macross games.

    I would hoped nobody bases their pic on the console just having macross games, given their track record. However, MGREXX proves that some people will buy crap if has a certain brand name printed on it.

  6. As the poll shows, PS3 is clearly in the lead........and you all say my gospel is not the truth??????

    This poll is crap, no offense directed at Agent ONE, because it's not a random sample of the world wide population. Most people are here a fans of Macross and seeing how both the PS and PS2 had Macross games. I would say some of those people may get the PS3 because they are hoping another Macross game will be made for it. Besides this poll doesn't even represent the community on here because not everyone has voted either.

    Edit: Damn I hate having a slow computer.

    guys can someone answer this for me? WIll Xboxlive free version have free online play 24/7 or is it just free skins and downloadable demos? I am a casual gamer so this is stuff I hear but am not really sure about. But a lot of you here are in the know, therefor eI ask.

    Not sure if it is 24/7 but from what I have seen EGM, it looks people will be able to play online for free.

  7. Yeah Enterprise was a big let down, I saw a few minutes of the finale and thought the episode was crap. I still find it hard to believe that there is a whole universe in Star Trek and the writers can think of anything new focus on. I think if they ever make another series, that they should move away from the bridge crew perspective and focus on something else inside the trek universe.

  8. Damn it Agent ONE! There weren't any choices for undecided.

    Anyways I will eventually get more then one of the next gen consoles, probably when they become obsolete. :p

    The only one I'll make an effort to buy before it becomes obsolete is the Xbox 360, mainly because it will likely have titles that haven't been sequeled to death. Right now I don't see much point in getting a PS3, when I get a PS2 for a lower price and still have access to a large library of great games.

    Anyone check out Eletronic Gaming Monthly? I so an article in it today about how games for the next gen consoles might be sold for 70$ when they get released.

  9. James T. Kirk, I'll admit he isn't the most diplomatic captian but when you take a closer look at what happens in the episodes, you realize that he does use his brain and doesn't soley rely on intuition alone. Next favorite would have to be Sisko, I think he was good balance between the traits that made Kirk a strong Captian and the ones that made Picard a good diplomat. Captian Picard is my third favorite, I wouldn't want him to lead the troops but his skills made him well suited for first contact missions. As for Janeway, she wasn't my favorite but you do have to give her some respect since she ended up on the other end of the galaxy, then got home without sacrificing the crews humanity.

    Hurin, I believe the whole reason they stopped seperating the ship was because it required the destruction of the model used in filming. So that is probably why the producers decided to have the Enterprise D go down in Generations.

  10. Make no mistake, I love my GBA SP. Rivaling was probably the wrong choice of word.

    Nintendo's new system will again be some kind of cartride most likely, I agree. You realyl don't want to use discs than can be scratched in a portable system, that's why the PSP's discs are enclosed.

    It may take a loooooong time for Sony to catch up, Nintendo's current hold is massive, but if Nintendo waits too long Sony will start to. There are hardly any more good GBA games coming out that I've seen. Zelda and that's about it. Sony already drummed up so much support from the 3rd parties.

    Sony's going to snag a huge piece of the Xmas pie this year, and all the way until then. That's a long time without any new challenger from Nintendo. I've always liked Nintendo's stuff personally. I skipped on the DS though but will look hard at the next GB.

    Hopefully in summer we'll see the specs for the new one, and they can work up a good campaign.

    I'm looking at the PSP too, and might get it eventually, but right now don't see any need to.

    Nintendo does have a large inventory of games that people can use with the GB systems, however, the downside is that it limits the number of new games that will sell fairly well. Most people aren't going to buy a new game that copies an already existing game, when they can find orginal game at some sort of second hand shop. I think the PSP might rival the next GB when it comes to attracting people from the teen or adult crowd. Of course Nintendo probably should try to get ahold of or produce more new games for their new GB soon, they aren't doing to well console wise and Microsoft will probably start making its own portable systems sometime down the road once the Xbox gets pretty well established in the console market.

    However, the PSP is a nice little device. I would buy one if I had the money and thought that I would actually play games on it a lot.

  11. QUOTE (JsARCLIGHT @ Apr 15 2005, 03:37 PM)

    Edit: one of my personal favorite "only JsARCLIGHT hears it" audio flubs is when the Y-wings get pasted in the death star trench and Gold leader gets blown to dogfood and Gold three (or two, which I forget) leaves the trench and says "Lost Tiree, Lost Hutch. It came from... behind" and you hear one of the red boys say "copy, Gold leader" even though Gold leader is in pieces on the death star trench. Now it could be argued that they instantly promoted Gold three to Gold leader (because there was one other surviving Y-wing out there for him to lead) for the five seconds he lived before getting pasted himself but that just seems dumb.

    I also recall that scene too, I'm not sure if it is a mistake on the actors part or if that was what he was suppose to say. In some ways it does make sense for the Y-wing pilot to be called Gold Leader if he was the most senior pilot out of an the surviving Y-wing pilots (I recall at least one escaping or maybe I'm mistaken). Since that would make him the acting wing leader.

  12. I think Lucas is trying to set Anakin up as a tragic hero, I suspect that his selfishness is suppose to be what leads to his downfall. However, IMHO Lucas didn't do good job with pre-Vader Anakin. As said previously, Anakin never comes across really being noble. The character reminds me of a serial killer that come from good family, who went to church every sunday and never got in trouble when he was a kid. Then everything starts going downhill once he reaches puberty.

    Hell the selfishness thing kinds of screws up the end of the last movie because now I can argue that Vader didn't kill the Emperor and save Luke out of the goodness of his heart. He could have done it because the Emperor was trying to kill his son, and that the only person who can harm something that belongs to Vader, is Vader himself.

  13. I suppose the UNG might have created an anti-armor VF-1. Sadly I haven't seen the orginal version of Macross, so I have idea if there were any active anti-UN forces left that had access to tanks. I say use the orginal armored VF-1 as a reference, I doubt it would really need to transform and trying to do so with a big assed bazooka would probably be more trouble then its worth.

  14. As if Harmony Gold doesn't feel arrogant enough at keeping consumers from buying Macross related goods in the US, they are now trying to push their twisted form of anime down the throats of others in foreign countries. The first thought which comes to mind when someone familiar with Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada shows on TV is "What is this Robotech, and why are they calling (add title) Robotech?"

    Just one more reason Harmony Gold needs to get flushed down the toilet.

    I hate to disappoint you but not as many foreigners will go "WTF when they see the footage and the titile Robotech." I know the series has had exposure outside of the United States.

    Am I the only that finds it sad that UN is referencing a crappy 80s show, with a plot that will never happen?

  15. Goshawk, I think that is a pretty good theory for why most of the brownie pilots suck. I suppose its better to send someone poorly trained out who manages to kill or damage a few enemy mechs before dying, then keep them in training and get completely wiped out during an attack because there aren't enough pilots to fend off a group of attackers. At least it makes sense for Space War One, not sure how viable the theory is for later on in the Macross Universe.

  16. BW should be told about Marketing , I think they neglect macross solely because they fear it won´t catch up with newer series when it´s just a matter of marketing their franchise. Newer serie do not have anything especial to them , they´re just very well marketed by their companies.

    Yeah, I don't think Macross gets the attention it deserves. I think little kids would get a bigger kick out of the transforming Variable Fighters, then they would just watching Gundams move. I love Gundam but it doesn't have as many kill mechs as Macross.

  17. I've actually been toying with the Action! System. Someone made a fan created mecha version called Mecha Assembler which could be converted to Macross needs.

    As for Palladium games it was fun at the time but there has to be something better out there. I still play Macross on message boards and find myself drifting away from Palladium with my ten thousand house rules in its place.

    I don't think many of GMs who run Macross RPGs on message boards follow the Palladium rules that closely. It does have some serious flaws though, hell I could never figure out why a character got an extra action for having boxing, even if they alread had Hand to Hand Avanced or something better then that.

  18. Multiple handles are for the weak idiots that can't stand being insulted or accept the fact that they have been banned from a website. I thought people would have gotten bored with the topic by now, after all MGREXX's idiocy does get stale rather quickly.

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