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Posts posted by muswp1

  1. Here's a suggested tip. If your Roy 1S or Hiki 1J needs replacement at the hinge area, ask instead for the hinges of the Max 1S for the Roy 1S, and the Max 1A TV for the Hiki 1J.

    At least you'll be sure of getting matching colours and hinges that do not have the knurling that causes stress.

    If I'm wrong in my suggestion, please correct me guys...

    Thanks for the tip. Hopefully I can finally get my VF-1S Focker's backpack fixed.

  2. IMO an airobatics plane doesn't need a gunpod.

    When I get it, it'll never be transformed out of fighter mode.


    I wonder if it's going to have the full compliment of underwing weapons. With all the specialty valks coming out lately, I wonder if Yamato is eventually going to do a VF-1D??


    I sent a PM to Neova but he posted a while back that he'd be too busy to respond to PMs until the end of July.


    Thanks for the reply, I'll PM him in August. I am just uncomfortable with the idea of using epoxy on the joint with the weight of the boosters attached to it.


    I guess I can join the growing group of broken part BP8's owners. A visitor elbowed over my VF-1S Fokker in Gerwalk mode and broke the left hinge point right off. Who do I need to contact to arrange for a replacement??

  3. Look at this. Either this is extremely yellowed, or Matchbox accidentally released an SDF-1 molded in the wrong color!

    No doubt discoloration:


    Yeah, I was just kidding. But that's probably the worst yellowing I've ever seen. I wouldn't pay more than like $10 for something in that poor of condition.

    Anyway, check out the price on this MPC Ben Dixon. Talk about overpricing to avoid eBay fees!

    That's too funny. You could get a case of those for that price.

  4. Unfortunately, this is probably going to mean the Madden 2005 is going to be the last good football game from EA. When companies get a monopoly, the first thing that goes is QC because they don't care about their product anymore. Given Madden's ties to ABC/ESPN, I'm suprised he hasn't jumped ship already.

  5. I saw both trailers, both sucked hard. Will Smith is too hit or miss for me to like. When he hits (see Enemy of the State, Bad Boys, Fresh Prince), he is really good. When he misses (Bagger Vance, Bad Boys 2), the results are horrible. From the trailers, this movie is going to fail badly

    BTW, on a semi-related note, wasn't there two rather good TV episodes (either Twilight Zone or Outer Limits series) called I, Robot based on one of Asimov's stories. I remember Leonard Nimoy being involved in both and both episodes (one being done in the 1950's and one in the 1990's) being really interesting shows.

  6. Ok, a real quick set of answers before this thread gets locked...

    is there any site with a review of the fast pack for the 1/48?

    Graham probably has a review up in the Toys section, I haven't checked in the last week.

    How does it attach/ does it firmly attach?

    The Boosters slide into the holes on the sides of the backpack and attach very firmly. I have actually had problems reomoving them once they are attached. The leg armor back piece attaches tight to the back of the valk's leg and then the verniers/side piece locks on to that. The arm armor snaps on with no problems. My only quibble is that if you remove the outer leg armor shell from the side pod while it's on the valk, it can be hard to get it back on without removing the whole side pod.

    And, what is that extra odd piece of plastic that comes with the fast pack?

    OK, that's important. The piece is a reinforcement for the backpack to insure that the head hatch doesn't suddenly open because of the extra weight of the boosters. First you have to push the hatch in past it's normal closing point until it snaps beinf the back piece. Then insert the extra piece between the head and the hatch until the prong on the end go OVER the hatch. This will hold the hatch in place with the heavy boosters in place without anything falling off. The boosters are actually the heaviest part of the armor.

    I hope that helps :rolleyes:

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