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Posts posted by Hicks

  1. Hi Guys, Does anyone know what will release from Yamato besides the up coming 1/48 Yalkyrie Armor ? How about the 1/100 VF-0S ? I just picked up the limited edition Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0A model kit from my local hobby store. Probably it will be stored in my closet for a very long time. I really want the Yamato 1/100 VF-0S which was shown in last year's Hobby Japan. I don't know why Yamato will delay the release of the VF-0S ?


  2. Hey Guys. I already brought the 1/48 Hikaru's VF-1S. I am deciding to collect the Hikaru's VF-1A as well. But there difference is quite little, except the Valkyrie's head. The color scheme is exact the same. I am a big fan of Hikaru, but spending almost another $100 bucks to get a his VF-1A ?, I really don't know. There's also a 1/48 Hikaru's VF-1J avaiable about that price, but I am not so interested in VF-1J's head design. Oh boy ! What should I do, man ?


  3. I collected my first Yamato 1/48 Hikaru version VF-1S last week. I am planning to get the 1/48 Hikaru VF-1A as well. I like Hikaru's 1A & 1S because he is the main character both in TV and in the Movie version. The only difference is the Valkyrie's heads, the numbers:001,011 and the rest is the same Red color instead of Yellow, and I think Red looks nicer than yellow (Only in my Opinion) . I own a 1/60 Roy 1S with Fast pack. Both of Roy's and Hikaru's 1S is nice. I think if possible you should get both, but I will get Hikaru's if there's only one choice.

    Good luck


  4. They should really make the Markings like the Gundam Fix Figuration, they are really beautiful. I am also a GFF collector, they are toys, but they printed the markings right on the product. Really nice, just like models


  5. Hi Guys, those Yamato stickers is quite nice but it is very hard to re-position cause it is very sticky, just like Scotch tapes. I think they should make water slide transfers,same ones comes with plastic model kits. Do you guys agree ?


  6. Hi Guys, I am planning to get the 1/48 Super Valkyrie Accessories for my newly purchased Hikaru VF-1S. Does it Comes with the Hikaru (Red skull Squardon) markings ?. I also need reviews for YF-21 with Fast Pack, 1/60 VF-1D and Hikaru VF-1A and what will be the reasonable price for them.

    Thks, awaiting for your reply.


  7. Thks guys for the comments again. I will get it today. I can tell you that getting Japanese stuff ( Model kits, Gundam stuff, toys ) are much cheaper in Hong Kong & Macau than in US, Canada and Europe etc. I came to work in Macau from Canada almost eight years ago. I used to collect Gundam and Macross models kits in Canada. I discovered that it is way cheaper in Hong Kong and Macau, usually at least 30 to 40% cheaper comparing the price from Canada. The Price you see is the price you pay cause you don't need to add up those annoying tax at the cashier.

    Thks guys, I will try to post some pics soon


  8. After receiving the comments from you guys, I am deciding to get the 1/48 Hikaru version VF-1S. I saw one from a old local hobby store with a price tag $95 US dollars, if my currency conversion is corret. Should I get it there or shop around e-bay ?

    Please advise



  9. Hi guys, I am new to this forum. I am also a Macross fan. I have two 1/60 Yamato Valkyries, one is YF-19 ([Macross Plus) and the other is VF-1S Super Valkyrie (Roy Focker). I am thinking of converting the VF-1S into Hikaru version using some red paint and altering some stickers. Or, should I just get the 1/48 Hikaru version VF-1S instead. By the way, how much do you guys paid for your 1/60 and 1/48 Valkyries ?

    Waiting for your advise and comments, thks !


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