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Posts posted by Hey-Pi-Ron

  1. What Arcadia should to is to redesign the two halves of the ball socket so that the enclose the ball much further. Of course this would mean that you have probably less articulation on the legs and you can't extend the hip joint.

    Or just made it in one diecast piece for more durable of 300~$ toy. I think that price can handle this.

  2. I hope, if all you guys send this photos and video to Mr.K, ARCADIA fix this issue for VF-0S.

    Anyway, Isn't this is same mechanism as VF-1? Why this have half-ball instead of full metal balljoint like FV-1 have? I didn't understand something?

  3. Nice catch! Haha :D

    Arcadia needs a stable product strategy I guess...

    I can even predict Bandai's next moves on Macross franchise, but predicting Arcadia's move is impossible... They need a roadmap!

    Why not a product schedule spanning over 3 years for VF-0 line for example?

    (Bandai's DX VF-25 Renewal line started in 2011!!)

    Feb 2015 VF-0D Shin >>> HIT

    Sep 2015 VF-0A Regular Type >>> OK, I WILL GET THAT TOO

    Feb 2016 VF-0S (w/ Armor) >>> BIG HIT

    Sep 2016 VF-0A Shin Type >>> MEDIUM HIT

    Feb 2017 VF-0D Regular Type >>> YEAH, WHY NOT?

    Sep 2017 VF-0S (Reissue) >>> CRITICIAL HIT

    December 2017 VF-0B and VF-0C Web Exclusives >>> "I'M AN ADDICT" HIT

    Hey! I want VF-0S with ghost and fast pack! How can you forget?!

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