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Posts posted by Hervoyel

  1. What continues to blow my mind about this after watching it again on DVD is how good they did this.

    Honestly, if someone would have told me twenty years ago that in another twenty years a new set of Star Wars movies would come out and they'd make an also new Battlestar Galactica television show look like Shakespeare I'm pretty sure I'd have laughed.

  2. Ok, I'm sure this is a newbie question and that many of you have fielded it before. I'm sorry if I get long winded in asking it but I want to be clear so hang in there with me. I'm also going to use the "R" word so nobody get mad at me. Once you hear what I'm asking hopefully you'll understand.

    1985, I've watched absolutely zero anime. I come across Robotech and I watch it steadily. I loved that show visually and had no idea at the time that it was three different shows spliced together. I did of course notice that it "switched gears" on me a couple of times in the middle of it but I went with it.

    Moving up to the late 90's early 2000's a friend of mine at work pointed me towards some anime. I really like this stuff and recognize that Robotech was "like" this in a way. To try and shorten this up some I mentioned to my wife after seeing the Robotech DVD's at Best Buy that I'd really enjoyed that back when it came out and she bought me the box set that contained the "Macross" segment.

    Now I'm getting to my question but I bet many of you can already guess where this is going. I started watching Robotech and you know what happened? I can barely sit through it. It drives me up the wall to listen to the voices. I always read subtitles when watching anime now and hate the English voices. Even bigger than that as problems go is the dialog. It's terrible IMO.

    Now here's my question. I'll go out and buy the Macross DVD's, find them wherever I have to and bring them home but how does it compare to Robotech? In Japanese with subtitles does Macross come across in a more serious way than Robotech does? Does the story flow better?

    What I'm wanting very much not to do is to go out and spend the money for Macross on DVD and come home, watch it, and feel like I do about Robotech. It "feels" like a childrens cartoon for lack of a better term. What do you get with Macross that you don't get with Robotech. How hacked is the Robotech "version" compared to Macross and is watching Macross an appreciably better experience?

    I'm sure you've heard that or some variation of it before. If you don't want to fill up space on this board with replies then send them to me via email at hervoyel@sbcglobal.net if you are so inclined.

    Thanks to anyone who takes the time to answer me.


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