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Posts posted by Sweekz

  1. Agreed.  More mechs and less magic.  I was really disappointed that DD and Nora were killed by the PC mech and not Shin or Roy.

    While I disagree with your conclusions on 'magic' (it sounds like you didn't understand the show), I do agree that both of the main characters being unable to defeat the main antagonists was weak from a story telling point of view.

    Heres a one to think on who would have won?

    Ivanov? and Nora? or Fokker? and Shin?

  2. fart mod chips

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  3. If they can explain how the rocks floated that would be good.

    Were they:


    -magick? (sara can heal, and levitate and create a ball of energy. Like gundam and starwars she is a jedi knight/newtype person with special ability due to her genes or blood or something. Mind Power/Telekinesis I can accept because of akira and dragonball, so long as it's done in a tasteful way. In sdf:macross the zentradi's reactions to the movie may hint at the existence of legendary beings with supernatural power - with macross 7 alredy opening the gate to the fact of these beings having some bearing in thier reality)

    -the rocks were just special and possibly alive with some unknown force bound into them. (only these rocks float, nothing else. The land is sacred and all sorts of strange phenomenon happen there.)

    Given that mao's alpha bombay blood in her veins connects her to the afos, and that her people called on a spirit to inhabit her body, I'm willing to accept magick as an explanation and that it's a case of the average person not believing what the myths say about flying birdmen, ancient astronauts etc until it happens in front of thier eyes. Even in sdf:macross nobody believed misa's report of the zentradi aliens without the visual recordings. (her camera was destroyed) She could have made it all up for all they knew and it didn't look like they gave her the benefit of the doubt.

    1/1 LowViz Lurker what was Alpha Bombay Blood anyways? I didnt get it..... was it the special blood of the Islanders?

    the floating rocks had to be Magick

  4. If you're talking about shin's VF-0A getting feathery wings and then "magically" folding, well i for one think that since Sarah is controling AFOS, she made it bring a little souvenir of earth with them, who knows where they ended up thought  :huh:

    well, that's what i think  :blink:

    didnt look like she died from the 4 fukkin nukes flying at AFOS either....

    If that baby survived that im sure she did too i guess

    as for shin What the hell???? where he go?

    he was suppose to "protect the Mayans" where the hell did he end up????

  5. Ok one the Macross Compendium the Chronology.......

    they dont list the second series..... not the one with macross but after macross?

    the (UN Tanks (forgot what these were called) and 3 cloned aliens..... (forgot what they were called)

    then the next series the INVID with the motorcycle suits.....

    what happen to these series on the timeline????? are these after Macross 7 or something????? Im confused.... The Official Macross site seems not to have any information on these series either..... what happen to them??? did a different company make these series or something?

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