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Posts posted by parts

  1. Thanks Scy.

    Ended up just CA gluing the bastard back together and putting a little glue on the stressed side as well. Will open up my next valk or other figures to see which parts might need reinforcing. I have been doing it with my TFs, but valks are much more intimidating lol.

    Will email the site. Can't afford to commission anything since new consoles and figures are around the corner. Will check out the FS section as I cannot start a thread yet.

    Again thanks for help.

  2. Hi,

    I bought a 1/60 set of yf 19 and yf 21 a few years ago and primarily used them for alt mode displays before I went back to collecting transformers.

    Long story short, I started fiddling with them again today and broke a piece of the yf 21 off and was wondering if there was a place I could get a replacement. It is the grey piece of plastic under the helmet (looks like a home plate) and was held on by 3 screws. I could glue it back on but would like another one as the one on his right side seems to have a stress mark as well. I remembered when I transformed him a few years ago that pulling his head apart was extremely difficult and there was a reason I didn't transform these guys too often lol. Today I was super careful too... :unsure:

    Hopefully this is the right place to ask.


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