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Posts posted by Venom

  1. Generally it was good...

    Lots of mecha Porn : Five Stars!!! :) Actually i'm a big fan of the Variable Fighter technology, so it was a prefect ending.

    And qho said two women is too much for our Alto-Hime? HAREM-NO-JUTSU!!!! :) :)

    The only thing i'm a bit dissatisfied about that Luca still lives...i'd trade Luca for Michel...Luca was the most.. ehm..gray character compared to the others. Okay, i still understand that someone has to go with a larger fanbase but hey...!!!! Poor Klan :S

    I wonder that they will or will not make an OVA or sequels this year...

  2. I really liked this episode. Altough i don't like to happen, but i strongly think Ozma will die - Focker style, i guess. Damn, i'd really like to see an Ozma-Cathy duo :) And i really start to like the Alto-Sheryl pairing. You may throw stones at me, but Ranka started to become a puppet :) This Brera guy is okay for a cyborg, but that forced coolism he shows..brrrr....

    I wonder where will the story develop. It's clear that they based all on this on the Minmay-Attack idea, just put it on a more advanced level : hyperspace fold theory???? So Ranka is an alien? (I bet Minmay couldn't "sing" fold waves...) Who knows...

    And for the style: VF-25 FTW!!! Antares 1.. blah... maybe they read the "Day of the Cheetah" :) :)


  3. Good costumes but i my opinion is rock solid : if someone draws a caucasian male then when a japanese one dresses up like him is... funny. That stays for asian girls, too... :)

    So, japanese Sheryls are ehm..NC for me :)

    Still Nanase rulez! :) (Until i can find a better Klan :) )

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