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Posts posted by thedarkmarine

  1. Holly sh*t on a stick!!! you're so right, having sh*t on it's wingtips TOTALLY makes it a rip off of the VF-2SS! The VF-2SS's wingtip kibble is completely unique and hasn't been done all over scifi for decades. DAMN SK for ripping off Ohata's BRILLIANT innovation. :angry: [/sarcasm]

    :edit: This really IS related to Robotech by the way. This argument is pointless and totally irrelevant but it just wont go away, just like Robotech! ^_^

    Reading comprehension fail? I never said anything about ripping off or one based upon another. I'm saying the tornado pack looks a hell of a lot more similar to the SAP than anything you're trying to convince yourself is seeing.

    This also really IS related to Robotech by the way. This response is for a post that is totally bind by fanboyism, just like Robotech fanboys! ^_^

  2. Their meal tickets being on the line is exactly the reason they need to do it right. Trying to compete in an already saturated market won't do them any good, especially if there is nothing special that differentiates their products. The Macross universe has expanded quite a bit since the original series, and there's plenty of blue oceans where toy companies can find a niche.

    Being revoltech perfect transformation differentiates them plenty.

  3. Any other valk but VF-1 would interest me...

    These Japanese toy companies need to take bolder steps if they ever want to win market share. Is Yamato the only company that did NOT start the Macross line with VF-1?

    That's a lot easier for you to say when it isn't your mealticket on the line.

  4. I like this kit, but I'd actually prefer something closer to the official line art.


    and if Yamato thinks there aren't enough options for repaints with the VF-4, they need to take a look at Talo's Photobucket account. infinite repaint options ready to go. ^_^


    Wow. That looks really really messy. There's no flow. Things just begin and end...

    I vote for the sexiest one on the list.

  5. Sorry about that.

    Having seen all animated versions of GitS, but not the manga, I find that the movies blew. However, SAC rocked, and SAC 2ndGIG just blew SAC out the window. There was a general criticism about how there wasn't enough character development in SAC. I find that 2ndGIG dashed that statement too pieces.

    BTW: I'm only as far as the fansubs have gone.

  6. The first manga is a whole lot better than the animated version.. but SAC kicks ass as far as any animated series right now.  Batou and Togusa are more interesting because they get to banter off each other.  The Major was most interesting in the chat room episode.  Probably the best representation of her in any animated form.

    My problem with the Major in SAC is that she's protrayed as too perfect; she's too good at everything and has the personality of a block of ice. The other guys in Section 9 have a lot more character, although most don't start getting fleshed out until 2nd Gig I've found.

    Well, as of now, in 2nd GIG, Major has her ice busted open like a barrel of monkeys. We see someone who we thought was uncrackable, cracked, and that's the real kicker lately.

  7. Well, I'm trying to make the HG 1/144 Red Astray's flight pack.

    I'm sorta a newbie so I'm looking for cheap solutions. I also lack the resources to scratch build parts.

    I was thinking of buying the 1/144 M1 and using that pack, but I'm not sure where to get the two wings. I was I was thinking of using getting some cheap F-14 kip but the angle is a tad too sharp. I was hoping that there would be people here that can identify which wing would work. If anyone else has tried to do this, tips would be greatly appreciated.

    Here's a pic that has a profile of the wing.


  8. Historically, the Qin dynasty lasted only about 37 years and is remembered as a tyranny for imposing heavy burdens on the population and burning literary classics which were not "politically correct".

    It is also regarded as the years that built the foundations of China. It is agreed by most that if Qin did not do the things he did, there would be no China. He unified the language, the people, the nation. True, it may not be humane, but the end is the preservation of one of the most cultured civilizations.

    I believe the signature flying martial arts is derived from qing gong. Go google it. It is not just some thing some movie director though of. It actually has history. It certainly has more credability than some overteched transforming F-14's.

  9. This question has bugged me a little. So we see Isamu's 19 spewing casings from his gun in Macross Plus. Now, I'm thinking it's awfully dangerous for airplanes to spew things of that nature into the air at that rate. So, I was wondering, what happens with real airplanes? They have a box inside that goes clank clank clank as it collects, or do they have some nifty technology without caseings for their guns?

  10. I don't get it... why are you all so dependant on bootleg DVDs?

    Just download the digisubs.  They're free, good quality, and the subs (usually) don't suck.

    Please allow me to use this:

    Mod Edit: Image removed because it's linked from another site.

  11. BOB: Most rape victims you speak of don't know their aggressor as best friends, but only as monsters they don't even know of. Also, Myung could have also been able to piece together why Guld did whatever he did, and spare some sympathy.

  12. Guld while being very honorable on the surface was a hair's breadth away from being a murderer, and already was a rapist.

    I also find that a common misconsception. Guld did not rape Myung. He saw himself after he ripped Myung's clothes, and you also see Isamu holding Myung with tattered clothes. There was no rape.

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