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Posts posted by JohnMc

  1. 10 hours ago, Einherjar said:



    Get over yourself and watch Remix’s source material.  Also, if you are lucky, maybe there’s a Let’s Play of Macross M3 on YouTube to watch.  It’s not like there’s anything worthwhile you or anyone else have to look forward to in the foreseeable future.

    I only looked forward to this series for the same reason many Youtube comic critics looked forward to every issue of Gabby Rivera's America Chavez comic. Too laugh at the inevitable train wreck that was sure to ensue.

  2. 13 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Somehow, I doubt the irony is lost on them... the fact that they now live in fear of a lawsuit from Macross's owners as a direct result of their own attempts to falsely assert ownership of the Macross franchise can't have escaped them.

    Yeah, but Harmony Gold are usually the ones that will send in the lawyers over the least little thing. So its nice to see a reversal of fortune once in awhile

  3. 1 hour ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Oh, five'll get you twenty it's legal's doing.

    Max and Milia are featured prominently in Macross's sequels and spinoffs, and Harmony Gold doesn't want to do anything that might draw the attention of Big West's layers ever since the whole Big West v. Tatsunoko dustup they inadvertently triggered.  That's why Robotech: Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles got rid of every remaining Macross Saga character apart from Rick Hunter by either killing them or putting them on a bus as preparation for the Shadow Chronicles movie.


    I bet the irony of sue happy lawyers being sent in escapes them.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Then let us hope she fails miserably in that endeavor.

    Robotech timeline bereft of both Dana and the collection of short bus seat-warmers that was the Army of the Southern Cross in the Robotech TV series is surely the Robotech franchise's best of all possible worlds.

    They're determined to make sure Max and Miriya don't happen for some reason. They've really trashed Max from the get go.

  5. 26 minutes ago, Einherjar said:

    Word of the street is that this comic will be in hiatus until 2021.  To be honest though, I feel sorry for whoever works on this if it does come back.  Hopefully, the announcement was just code for Remix getting the Shadow Rising treatment.

    Where did you hear this? Not disputing it. I think they'll keep it on hiatus longer than 2021 though

  6. On 5/27/2020 at 9:05 PM, Einherjar said:

    You consider both of them having successful military careers, moving on to a become a mayor and a fleet admiral, keeping their marriage intact and living long enough to have grandchildren yet still able to mop the floor with people as fighter pilots getting screwed over?  :blink:


    They were separated if not divorced in Macross 7. The most hated part of that season.

  7. 3 hours ago, blackconvoy_D01 said:

    To add; IMHO, Dairugger is a much better anime to watch than Vehicle Voltron.


    Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out while we're waiting for our guilty pleasure to return.


    Speaking of the Titan Comics Robotech series they're having a 66% sale. Anybody Max/Miriya fans need toilet paper?

  8. 7 minutes ago, Mog said:

    Plus, they did produce an updated toy of Dairugger under Bandai’s SOC line.

    But Robotech’s pretty much a dead franchise at this point.

    I love Soul of Chogokin Vehicle Voltron [ 1 have two] but both Robotech and Voltron are brands that have one foot in the grave and the other on the banana peel because they have been run into the ground by incompetents over the decades.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Focslain said:

    They did hint at the vehicle voltron at the end of Legendary Defender. So if they continue it, maybe?


    They always tease doing a sequel series with Vehicle Voltron, but it never happens so teases like at the end of LD just come across as another Middle Finger to Vehicle fans.

  10. 21 hours ago, Brofessor said:

    Spoiler Alert for Robotech Remix Issue 5 which is not published at the time of this writing.

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    1. In the remix timeline it seems as if Persy Satori and Max are married or at least have children. Max and Miriya have a contentious relationship. Maybe in future issues Persy was going to die a hero’s self-sacrificing maternal death. This would leave Max a widower, heartbroken, and romantically vulnerable. Remix timeline Miriya could come sweeping in and nurture our boy back to alpha male status. Nova and Aurora Sterling already seem to have a special fondness for Miriya so she would be their stepmom. A reconciliation between Max and Miriya would lead to the conception of fetus Dana. A likely heartwarming final panel of the final issue would be Dana waving goodbye to Max, Aurora, Nova, and a pregnant Miriya as Dana climbs into some kind of trans-dimensional spacecraft and heads back to her original timeline. Of course Dana would probably speak to fetus Dana inside Miriya’s uterus as she feels the baby kick. On a side note, in Episode 50 of the tv series there was an error in adaptation from the Japanese scripts and Dana says she left behind her younger brother. I suppose Nova could now be fetus Dana’s older brother. This almost resolves and retcons a loose plot thread at least for this splinter timeline. Nova Satori would still be an unrelated female character in the original timeline. Aurora is secondary canon from the novels. Maia Sterling is official canon. Remix canon is now… canon remixed.




    Everybody pretty much guessed that Persy was the Mother of Max's kids. God only knows why they made it such a secret. Plus the favorite theory is that is already dead. Otherwise Dana would have no reason to have Miriya babysit the kids. She would just bring them home to their Mother. Kind of weird to unceremoniously kill off a character that they created and introduced in the previous series.


  11. On 4/16/2020 at 9:17 PM, Einherjar said:

    After 35 years, how about having the courage to move past episode 85 (or 36) of this supposed multi generational epic series?  Because the powers that be have literally lead you in circles for most of that time with multiple reinterpretations of the same story, this included.

    I get that the Macross Saga is the most popular, but they need to do something to move on. Or atleast move forward and not keep rehashing the events of the Macross Saga. World Events have the same problem with Voltron. They stuck with the Lions and now they're also fighting to stay relevant.

  12. 14 minutes ago, Einherjar said:

    After 35 years, how about having the courage to move past episode 85 (or 36) of this supposed multi generational epic series?  Because the powers that be have literally lead you in circles for most of that time with multiple reinterpretations of the same story, this included.

    I have. I would like to see a decent story from them once in a while. 

  13. 10 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Have they actually commented publicly?  I haven't seen anything from them about Robotech at all this month.



    They posted it on their Facebook page as a response to a question on where it is. They claimed the virus and shutdown being the reason, but 5 was meant to be out before the shutdown occurred.

  14. 22 minutes ago, Brofessor said:

    I agree with JohnMc.

    While re-imagining and remixing the series is fun, without a masterful overarching vision, the basis and underpinnings of the series begin to fall apart. J. Switzer has recently observed by making Minmei and Lisa so assertive in their Titan incarnations, the contrast between the two is lost. This muddles and diminishes Rick's romantic tension between these two love interests. Originally, Minmei and Lisa were illuminated against the backdrop of the other.

    In 1982 the plot tension was generated by the dynamics between these character archetypes. As JohnMc observes, this contrast is now lost between Rick and Max. It is doubtful the Titan creative team foresaw these repercussions. Minmei and Max were the alpha female and alpha male of the original series. Max was the Anti-Rick and Minmei and was the Anti-Lisa. In Titan their character arcs and opportunities for growth have been squandered.

    I would love for Titan to prove me wrong with reinvented plots and alternative plot conflicts, but it seems they will never get the chance to publish their intended material.

    I do see some potential for Titan's Max and Miriya in an opposites attract and growing sexual tension plot line. But again, in support of JohnMc, Max seems stubborn and whiny in Issue 4. Miriya seems mentally and emotionally dominant. Also, she is illogically very maternal even though she has not fallen in love nor had children. In Issue 4 Miriya reminds Max they do have children in another space and time which seems to make her more wise and reasonable.

    Thanks Brofessor. Reimagings can be interesting, but there needs to be a plan for what your changing what ramifications those changes will cause. Titan clearly didn't think of that. They clearly wrote themselves into a corner and don't know how to get themselves out of it.  Which is why I wouldn't be surprised if a relaunch happens once things return to normal.

  15. 1 hour ago, Einherjar said:

    Sounds like just another uniquely Robotech problem that someone will be forced to resolve (or not).

    Well this thread is about the Robotech comic. Its not a Robotech problem over all since eventually the license will change hands again the next group will most likely ignore this garbage. 

  16. 12 minutes ago, Einherjar said:

    What actually caused their relationship to break down?


    They never even got together in this series. They've crapped on Max every step of the way. They had Rick interfere in Max's famous fight with Miriya and have Rick be the one to drive Miriya off the SDF-1 [Because that piece of crap desperately needed more feats that they had to take one of Max's few away to give to him] Had Dana interfere when they did have a hand to hand fight so Max was robbed of another win. They've just crapped on Max and this relationship in general.

  17. 1 hour ago, Einherjar said:


    I have a feeling that this is supposed to be the payoff for whatever is going on with Max and Milia.  Unfortunately, like whatever happened to Minmay (if she isn't dead) the series is still many, many issues, years, and staff rotations away from that even without a global pandemic.

    They've made the pairing so toxic that it wouldn't be believable to have them together now.  This is why I'm expecting a relaunch with a time skip where they're magically together.  I already wrote to Titan I still won't buy their comic if they pull that. I told them that they screwed over Max and his relationship with Miriya on panel so they can things on panel.

  18. 12 hours ago, Brofessor said:



    12 hours ago, Brofessor said:

    Spoiler Alert for Robotech Remix Issue 4 February 2020

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    1. As Rick 481 chokes Dana he has a flashback which shows Bowie holding a smoking Mospeada gallant H-90 presiding over a lot of dead bodies including Lisa’s. Dana seems to be aware of this event and flashback Dana is confused while remix timeline Dana attempts to explain and deny Rick 481’s mistaken impression. Jack Baker aims a staple gun at Rick 481 which bears some comedic symmetry with the gallant H-90.

    2. Aurora Sterling knows intuitively this is not remix timeline Rick She states he is “other.”

    3. Dana refers to the pollinator on Aurora’s shoulder as a cha cha which may be the name originated in the Robotech novels.

    4. Arminus Blanc returns to his ship and finds the Zombie Zentreadi wandering around. His superior technology is unable to identify the lifeforms.

    5. Max and Miriya arrive separately at the Baker home. Miriya calls Max a hajoca.

    6. Nova and Aurora greet their dad and seem to have a very close relationship with Miriya.

    7. Aahna and Lisa share a shuttle from the SDF-3 to Earth. Aahna seems interested in news about Rick almost as if she is Minmei or a spy for Minmei. The name Aahna means inner light and immortal one among other definitions. The shuttle is attacked by the Zombie Zentreadi and Lisa suggests Max utilize a “concert defense” using Aahna’s music.

    8. Aahna’s music is in English as well as some type of elvish alphabet like tengwar. The concert defense seems to consist of drones projecting holograms of Aahna.

    9. The Zombie Zentreadi have Invid Plasma canons mounted on their shoulders.

    10. Arminius Blanc uses his modified bioroid mecha to clear the timeline of the Zombie Zentreadi.

    11. Rick is seen meeting Roy, Claudia, and their child on a sailboat.


    Roy and Claudia's happy ending is the only good thing that's come out of this series.

    Hajoca is meant to mean Coward or weak.  More proof that they made Max and Miriya's relationship so toxic that there's no believable way that they can get together now.


    So now they're using the virus as excuse for why 5 isn't out yet. Despite it supposed to be out before the virus and subsequent shut down happened. 

  19. 35 minutes ago, pengbuzz said:

    For some reason, I didn't flash on Simon Furman being the writer behind RT and Remix; that explains a LOT.

    Furman did the same thing to Transformers, including the mythos of Primus he himself had created in the Marvel series. He ended Regeneration One by essentially destroying all the Transformers and Cybertron, and his work in the 2009 IDW series I didn't care for either.Furman seems to like tearing stuff down, even if he's the one who built it up. In Max's case in Remix, it's like Furman to take that character and utterly deconstruct him to the point where he's now essentially destroyed/ worthless. He's also trashed the Max/ Miriya romance to the point where only a continuity correction/ reset could ever repair it.

    One last note: in RT, they took the SDF-1, rebuilt it with parts into the SDF-3 and sent that back into time to be rebuilt into the SDF-1. Has it occurred to anybody that should that be the new "timeline", the SDF-1 would repeatedly be sent back through time until the frame was too battered by going through the timeline and being sent back to hold, and the whole damned ship breaks apart on reentry into Earth's atmosphere? That ship is in an infinite loop, but it's not infinitely durable!!!

    Furman wrote the first series from Titan. Brendan Fletcher wrote the so 4 issues of Remix. Furman definitely deserves the blame for Max being crapped on. He's the one who wiped away Max's feats to give them to Rick. Fletcher continued crapping on him [despite him and Titan claiming that they realized the Max wasn't treated properly in the previous series and that Remix would right that ship.

  20. 33 minutes ago, Einherjar said:

    I figured it out almost half a year ago when the totally not Var syndromed giant aliens showed up.  This comic didn’t have a woke problem, it had a deculture problem, and I still don’t know what what the heck woke is supposed to mean.

    Woke means to be alert to injustices in society [racism, sexism, every -ism and -phobia the grievance hustlers can think of]

    I don't think has that problem. I think the problem is that its been handled by two writers that either don't know or don't care about Robotech and the lore and characters involved.

  21. 1 hour ago, pengbuzz said:

    You know, it really sounds to me like much of the "Remix" fanfic here was written by a man who despised Max in the original RT and felt compelled to take a collective dump on him.

    Keep in mind: a "favorite" can be someone's favorite punching bag...

    Both writers [Simon Furman wrote the original Titan series while Brendan Fletcher wrote Remix] didn't seem to like Max.


    1 hour ago, Einherjar said:

    Some of that sounds like the Macross 7 version of Max, except he’s a loser.

    No wonder this series was doomed to failure. Copying the Macross series than most fans like to pretend doesn't exist. What could have possibly gone wrong?

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