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Powered Convoy

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Posts posted by Powered Convoy

  1. Very nice figure. I like mine. Though it's one of my least favorite of the VF-1's.

    My only complaint is the legs don't like to stay attached to the swing bar when transformation. The latch keeps coming undone. 

  2. I take it you never saw Mac 7. Well miriya uses hikaru themed flight suit in the show. I guess it was a way to pay homage to the original series. But like David Hingtgen said, it would be nice if they re-sculpted the pilot figure instead of just throwing a hikaru pilot in there.

    Actually the outfit reversed the red and the white, as there is no blue like on Hikaru's. :)


  3. I have all of the reissues from a few years ago, so I can't see buying these two. If they do some that weren't reissued or were never released to begin with, then I'd be game. But as it is, these are too expensive and I already have them.


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