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Posts posted by broadshore

  1. Well, I guess it been a while I posted something here. I thought you guy mite enjoy seeing something I did as a Rendition of a Macross type soldier.

    A little Photoshop work.

    IPB Image

    Here some views of the figure.

    IPB Image

    IPB Image

    IPB Image

    You can fine me on a forum called the OSW or One Sixths Warriors forum.

    Thought it would be kinda cool to show off one of my Macross bashes on this forum, see what you guys think.

    BTW, I forgotten the storyline of how I did this figure. It a Marine. yeh.



  2. Greetings everyone, it been a while I posted here.

    I just want to let everyone know about this place that sales Macross Delta Patches. I been in Commucation with him of a long while now to help fans get a rather rare-to-fine Patch.

    This is the link to the patches.


    BUT! just email him. This is their Email at logo4u2@hotmail.com.

    Just say, Regards to a Friend saying you have Macross patches.

    The'll hook you up. BUT! Save a few, PLEASE! ^_^

    Enjoy! And hope that helps with your Macross Needs.

    Broadshore, Out.

  3. I don't know what program your using. But with XSI you can make real looking glass using the Render Tree.

    I also do a little tickyness with XSI's Materials/Phong to get the right type of Glass look. Set your color Mat to like a light really really light blue <Unless it a Militray App light Green> that should help. Also work with your Reflection and Transparancy. Other then the rest of the model.

    All I gotta say is. I love what you did to your Texture Skining. Did you do a Displacment or Bump? Because it really looks nice. But all I can see is the Canopy is the real problem. Good luck man!


  4. Hey Jew-Lew and Dante? Um... The pictures are great. But I see a problem with the model or maybe the lighting on the glass. It just looks.... Not Real. It looks like a piece of Clear Material. Other then that. Looking good.

  5. Doing some beautiful work on your SDF-01. But I hate to say this. But your water looks like there to much repeats going on there. Here another question? I got this felling I'm going to get banned from this board. But, is your ship near Dock or out in sea?

    Other then that! The SDF-01 and her ships look great!

  6. I used Dangaioh post and revamped the look of the movie Cockpit screen. Right now I am in a Pickle. I notice in the picture of what looks like words but I can't make it out of what they say. That is all that is needed to be done to the Cockpit Screen project. Can anyone help with some ideals. Send me your PMs.

  7. I got a I'm going to get shot by a bunch of Macross Fans.

    I was bored a few nights ago. So I was on the board to see what you guys have done with your Wallpaper. So, I took a old of the old images from the Macross Movie Console Image and did this...

    Still not done but heres a look.


    PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!!! >_<

  8. its ok I call Dragon Figures and all those "military action figures"; "barbies for men" cause cmon, what is the rpemise of barbie? Dress up and accessorize and what is the point of the military action figure? same dang thing


    Barbies are just stick figures that can't even stand. They're more 'doll-like' than an action figure that's meant to be posed and can stand without some doll stand. If Barbies are dolls, then your small 3 inch posable 'action figures' are miniature dolls with fake clothes and minimal accessories :p .


    :blink::lol::lol::lol: Bawhahahahahahhahaa

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