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Posts posted by ashuram

  1. Got all 3 of my helmets today (got a max, rick and roy). They are beautiful. They weren't packaged very well, but they survived pretty well (the rick does have a slight crack on the top of the visor (about 1/2 inch), which can easily be covered with paint, and one of the exhaust port things on the back broke off, which can be easily super glued on). They each came in a black fabric drawstring bag (with the Masei logo on it). They DON'T have the M911 on the arrow (yay). They do have the un spacy kite logo and the skull shield thingy in the pictures though (they look like they might be able to be removed, haven't tried yet though, will wait for someone else to do it so I can find the best way to remove them). They have white shells, so no worries there. The Max on mine actually already has a blue tinted visor (Yay, free bonus for me?). The arrows line up pretty well on the Max and Roy (close to perfect), the Rick they are a little off, but not by too much. Overall, I'm VERY happy with my purchases. I'd post pictures, but I got a New Year's Eve Gaming party to go to and don't wanna be late. Happy New Year all, you should be getting your helmets very soon ^_^ (considering I live in PA, further than most of you peeps are from Asia).

  2. Damn, eagerly awaiting the email from Masei in August. Helmets done, pay balance and we'll ship it to you... Just need the shipping address and it'll be on the way...I'll have the biggest smile on my face for weeks, waiting for that box to arrive when I get that email. I do wish that the visor were longer (more like the DYRL version), but obviously, to make them usable on a bike, they can't do that (wind resistance and all). But seeing as I don't ride a bike anyway (will be displaying them on my bookcase only, filled with my other anime figures and such, it'd be nicer to have it closer to the DYRL version).

    Then again, the helmets with the shorter visor does look closer to the Macross TV series so It's not bad at all (really nice sculpting on the other parts). And just knowing that the helmets are DOT and ECE approved, is a nice bonus if I ever do decide to learn to ride (I've always wanted to). And knowing that the helmets are sturdy, and will be able to protect my noggin in the inevitable zombie uprising is an even bigger bonus :p .

    Basically, it's still a WAY better option than paying $700 to $1,200 for a Yamato replica helmet (if you can even find one, I've searched for 5 years and only seen 3 on ebay during that time). Can't wait, wake me when it's August.

    P.S. Make mine with NO VENT HOLES.

  3. Got my deposit down. Yay, can't wait til August. That chest/shoulder piece thing that Jasonc posted (upper part of flight suit) is sweet. Wonder if anyone's gonna make that for sale. I was thinking of making the flight suit, but I've never made costumes before, other than a Star Wars Biker scout (bought the armor pieces, but made the boots, and all the other fabric pieces). Sculpting and vacuum forming hard pieces is beyond my abilities.

    Was thinking though, maybe dying/bleaching a real flight suit white (real flight suits aren't that expensive, around 30 to 40 bucks on ebay, that's what I used for the under costume for the biker scout), would make a better looking costume. In terms of material. I've seen some macross flight suit costumes and the material didn't look right. Kinda looked like long footie pajamas made of soft cotton or something. Just seemed a little off. Anyway...I'm off to sleep, someone wake me when it's August.

  4. Just so everyone knows, I got another reply.

    They said they are sorry for not answering all emails directly.

    However those who emailed in the first 200 slots will get emails about

    Color and payment options in December.

    Sweet, I guess I'm in the first 200 slot since cost estimate was around $189.00. With shipping and more finalized accurate price etc...I guess it'll be around $239.00 like smiley424 said. Definitely a bargain when compared to the original Yamato helmet which new, sells for well over $700.00. Can't wait!!!!! I think I'm gonna get football helmet display cases to put the Macross helmets in (hopefully it'll fit, gotta check the dimensions of the finished product).

    This'll complete my holy grail items. I already have a masterpiece collection cyclone, a nice cel of Ashuram from Record of Lodoss War (have 2 actually, beautifully centered and great detail on the armor), and the Yamato Macross flight helmet (well, not exactly, but Masei's scale should look better on human body, and, it's an actual DOT approved motorcycle helmet, too cool, cooler than the Yamato one I think). Now, to find new Holy Grail items...my quest will never end.

  5. That's awesome!!

    So when did you first notify them about purchasing one ??

    I sent them a message back in May thru their Facebook page and still have not recieved any emails or messages of them reserving one for me.. :(

    I also emailed them on their web page back then and have not heard from them at all.

    Did you email them on their web page address??


    Well, I tried their facebook page and their email address, but what got me the response was their ebay account. They were selling the original Yamato helmet they used to take measurements and for references, molding etc.... I contacted them through their ebay account. They then said to email them at sales@maseihelmets.com which I did. They must've remembered me from ebay, so they emailed me back with the confirmation. It did take a few weeks. This was a few months back. Link to the ebay listing is below.


    Good luck and keep trying. Persistence pays off.

  6. Got a response from Masei, my preorder is set. Yay!!!! Gonna get a Hikaru, Roy and Max. The set is gonna look real nice on my bookcase wall with the rest of my Anime figures and Valkyries. I'm thinking I'll devote a shelf for each helmet and put little knick knacks that match each character.

    Hikaru's shelf will have a picture in a frame of Hikaru and Minmay in front of the fountain from the anime (just gotta find a nice high res picture and print it out on photo paper), photo of him and Misa (see below), a fanliner plane (see below), dogtags (from the Toynami/Popbox Hikaru Figure), and his Valkyrie (don't have the Yamato version, but have the 1/55 Bandai version and the Robotech Masterpiece collection version).


    Max will have a Yamato Milia figure (see below), his Valkyrie (Masterpiece collection), maybe a gold chain (lol, Robotech dub reference, when Max said that to Hikaru before his date with Milia), blue tinted glasses, the photo below in a frame as well.


    Roy will have his Valkyrie (Bandai or Masterpiece, haven't decided). Claudia photo in frame (see below). A model kit of the Fokker plane (the one Hikaru drops in the hospital when he learns Roy is dead). Maybe a plastic pineapple?


    What do you guys think? Max and Roy's shelf seems a little sparse though, anyone have any ideas for more knick knacks I can add to each of their shelves? Maybe a drinking glass to Roy's shelf? Thoughts? Comments? Aspersions? All are welcome.

  7. Anyone try contacting them recently? I sent them an email, but no response whether they got my preorder. I tried to friend them on facebook but couldn't (I pretty much never use facebook so maybe I did it wrong?). I MUST own the motorcycle helmet. Anyone able to friend them? I was able to "like" their masei motors page. Anyone recently have luck getting a response to a preorder email request?

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