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Posts posted by macu5454

  1. Yes the Alpha MPC have went way below retail price of 79.99

    Why you ask? Because it sucks! Toynami has trouble selling these so they have to compromise by lowering their prices. Statistics and numbers don't lie. If Toynami had the chance to get 3 million for one of the Alpha MPC's they would but they can't. So there you have it. Spend your money wisely......

  2. if anyone is still interested in getting an mpc alpha, and if you live in southern california: the puzzle zoo at south coast plaza still has a few, and if you go and request it, this month all merchandise is 10% off because of children's festival that is going on in the mall.

    Hey sup, my friend bought an Alpha there. Be careful they are VERY picky about returns. The alphas are pretty cheap on ebay now.

    heh. I work there

    the manager is kinda... well...

    if you come in on saturdays, the manager on saturdays is much nicer.

    :o Josh!!??

  3. if anyone is still interested in getting an mpc alpha, and if you live in southern california: the puzzle zoo at south coast plaza still has a few, and if you go and request it, this month all merchandise is 10% off because of children's festival that is going on in the mall.

    Hey sup, my friend bought an Alpha there. Be careful they are VERY picky about returns. The alphas are pretty cheap on ebay now.

  4. Just an update for those who care:

    I started hounding Toynami (per Opus) to get some info on when my replacement will be sent and I finally got a response from them this friday. Their response pretty much says "we have received your exchange item and it is in the process of being fullfilled, it will be processed in the order in which it was received. Expect your replacement to be mailed in approximately 5 to 7 business days."

    So if I miss my mark they are telling me, in not so many words, that their exchange department is potentially flooded with people returning their toys for exchanges... either that or they only have one guy working on this and he has to share that time with his other duties of answering calls and emails.

    So hopefully I will get a less flawed toy back sometime next week or sooner.

    You are lucky, I haven't gotten my response yet. It has been 2 weeks...

  5. I tend to agree with Captain America. I just like to point out two things which I think has to be considered.

    First, Toynami has elected to go for a "limited" production run, which basically means the blue Alpha will be the blue-headed stepchild with QC problems, but subsequent Alphas are likely to be much better.. Tough luck for the folks who liked only the blue Alpha.

    Second, and perhaps more related, is that the labour pool is not the most talented in the world (you don't need to be really), and that it churns fairly quickly if what Felix said was true.

    This means while the production foreman might build up the necessary knowledge to work out some of the bugs in parts production, the assembly line workers may simply not be around long enough to learn to avoid assembly mistakes.

    This implies that the design may get better, but the odds of getting a badly assembled Alpha in later batches are, in the best case, merely decreased.

    Yes I have to agree captain america has the upper hand over felix. He sounds more experienced.

  6. All right, I finally opened up my Alpha yesterday afternoon after it had been sitting on my desk for about a week. I had read what had been said and was, quite frankly, a little nervous about the quality based solely on what I had read here. After playing with it for an afternoon I have a few tings to say about it.

    Let me give you a little background. I teach industrial design, graphic design, and just about any other type of visual design that I am asked to by my department. I have industry experience, and have taught for about eight years.

    Given that, I often spend a great deal of time going over new purchases, (I collect mainly Macross, transformers, and just about any other robot that suits my fancy.), with a fine toothed comb. I love to take real world products and use them as teaching aides in my classes.

    So, what did I notice about the MPC Alpha…Well, It suffers from a few problems, (some major), and at the same time has a few things going for it. Let me break it down for you.


    1. The overall engineering of the toy is flawed in that it tries to do too much. It tries to have all the bells and whistles that any hard-core fan would want, but lacked the development time needed to pull them off. I know, I know you are thinking, “It took forever to get this thing out, it is over a year late, and it still has problems.” These things are all true. Yet, to me it feels rushed. Come on, landing gear that is too short? That is a simple problem too fix and yet it wasn’t. This says to me that not enough test samples were run, and that the folks who engineered it didn’t spend enough time revising it. By the way, I was just using the landing gear as an example. Here are a few of others: missile bay doors, locking tab fit, hands, and overall parts fit. 

    2. This brings me to the second problem I have with the Alpha, and that is its overall complexity. Here is a little analogy for you. Bandai, for all intents and purposes, has an unlimited amount of time and resources to produce a product. (When was the last time you complained about Bandai taking too long on a project?  Never, because it won’t matter. Bandai will finish when it is finished. They don’t rush because they don’t have to.) They also produce very well designed and high quality toys. Some might argue the best in the world, and they would have a case to do so, but they still don’t get it right every time. (Do I need to mention the SOC Gaiking?) Now look at Toynami. A small company, fiscally limited, and under the gun of fan pressure trying to design and produce as high a quality toy as Bandai. To me that spells disaster. I understand the want to make it better than the last incarnation of the Alpha, but I for one could do without all the bells and whistles. Just give me the basics. The Gakken did, and it is a marvelous toy. Is it completely accurate? No, but do you care? Would you rather have had a smaller Gakken like toy that didn’t make you sweat when you played with it? Me too. The way I look at it Toynami broke the first rule of design: Keep It Simple Stupid.

    3. Materials are always a big issue when designing anything. Here, Toynami both hit and missed. (I’ll talk about their hits below.) As for misses, the use of metal for metals sake is not a good idea. It is hard and expensive to mix materials, and over the long run causes more problems than they are worth. (How many of us have and old Valk whose chest plate no longer matches the rest of the toy?)  Differing fading, and shrinking rates aside placement of the metal components is strange. Would the arms be less floppy if there was no metal in the forearms? Next is the issue of plastic choice. If you have ever paid close attention there are about a dozen different plastics that are used in the making of toys. Everything from rubbery PVC to brittle and rigid ABS, and each one has a different price point. Sacrificing some of the metal for a higher quality plastic would go a long way to fixing some of the problems people are having. (Like the weird sticky hands. And, on the same note, why didn’t they just use the hands from the super pose able? They looked good, and there were a bunch of different poses. Shut up you perfect transformation snobs…)

    4. Finally, the paint, and its accompanying sloppiness, is a simple problem to fix. In most cases I have seen, it appears that all that was needed to fix this problem is to allow the painted parts to dry longer before assembly. Again, this might be an issue of the company trying to rush the product to market, or it might be a problem with the manufacturer. (And if this is the case Toynami needs to make a phone call to their manufacturer.)

    Enough with the Problems now it is time for the stuff they did


    1. Enthusiasm for a project is always a good thing. I can look at the MPC Alpha and tell the folks who designed it loved the project. I can just here them saying, “let’s add the missile bay doors, and retractable landing gear, and….uh….let’s make it so we can make a Beta later to hook it up to…” I love to see my students to talk like this, and it is great to see a company roll the dice on this kind of enthusiasm.

    2. Innovation is always a welcome thing in the world of design. How many of us really grooved on the tailfins that slant out, the cockpit that opens like the one in the show, the way the canards fold back, and the cool pilot figure that doesn’t look like a peanut. Let’s face it there are some things that really got done well. Not to mention the box, the instructions, and the really nice stickers. All in all the graphic design is very well done. (Which makes me wonder if the toy was designed by graphic designers instead of industrial designers……Hmmmmm….)

    3. I mentioned that there is some good materials use. From a design point of view the metal in the feet is a good use of metal. Keeping the center of gravity low in a toy that stands up is a good thing. Not to mention it doesn’t need painting. Good call here.

    So, the question now becomes, how can the next one be better? Well, in order to answer this I want to say two things, one to us as fans and one to Toynami.


    Give them a break, and let them have the time they need to fix the problems. (Even though most of them should have been fixed before the Alpha hit the shelves.) I know I have waited forever for a new Alpha and this one is close. I feel like it is in its infancy and needs to grow up. Unfortunately, this version of the Alpha will have to grow up before our eyes, but let’s give it a chance to do so. Remember, like Yamato, Toynami is a small company of a few individuals not a giant behemoth of a company like Bandai. (Which makes the price of the MPCs not seem as bad to me as the price of the SOCs.) Think of Toynami as a small local toy store, and Bandai as Wal-Mart. (How many small local toy stores are there in your area now? Also, this makes the price not seem as bad.) Finally, I think that any company that wants to make high-end robot toys is to be commended for even trying. It ain’t easy…


    You have got customers who really want you to succeed. We want these to be good, nay great. We want to buy cool robot toys that do what they are supposed to do. Don’t shut us out, listen to us, don’t get defensive, and try to remedy the problems. I guarantee you will sell a lot more product if you do. (Remember what is said about flies and honey…) Simplify, I know that I can live with fewer bells and whistles if the core product is improved by their elimination. Also, don’t give up. I like the enthusiasm for the projects you have done. I have all of the MPCs and I will say that while the first VF-1j was weak the last YF-1r was a worthy competitor that I enjoy very much. (Fans if you don’t own one it is really cool and pretty high quality. Especially done up with Blue Roses decals.)

    Well, there it is. As a teacher what grade would I give the MPC Alpha if it had been designed by one of my students? As it stands right now about an 80%, but that grade can go up with some work. It can also go down with apathy………..Sorry this is so long.

    What about the size of the Alpha? Dont you think its too small therefore its more fragile. You know? Cuz I think I know but does what I think really matter? Toynami can you hear me?!?!

  7. Finally got my Alpha on Saturday. Didn't have much time to play with it but did get to transform it once and give it a once-over. Initial thoughts:

    -Most everything was in pretty good at a glance. Only problem I had was with the shoulder radar thingy. The swivel base kept falling off.

    -Damn, it's small! I knew it was going to be small but that still couldn't prepare me for actually seeing the thing... and standing it next to my Gakken.

    -Definitely heavy. This was impressive.

    -Floppy arms. I was somewhat expecting this. It still sucks to be stuck with it, though.

    All in all it's pretty good. I still think it was over-priced and should have been around the $40 mark. Maybe $50. I think I may end up only getting the Shadow but we'll see what happens. I know my wife would prefer me not getting very much in the way of toys but that's just sillyness on her part :D:p

    For now, I think I'll just save my $$ for a reissue Predaking ;)

    Don't transform it too much cuz if you will more problems will arise.

  8. Does any one know what that hatch thing is where the alphas butt is?


    That folds in to make room for the canopy in robot mode.

    How do I pop it out again to make it flush in fighter mode?

    If it is really jammed hard you might have to use a flat head screw driver or butter knife to gently pry it out. If you look closely you will notice two little holes on each side of it. Those holes refect how far in hatch should go.

    In this pic of my Alpha in Guardian mode, you can see the hatch pushed in.


    Push it in any farther than that and you will have problems. I made the mistake of pushing it in all the way and it was pretty hard to open it up again.

    Hope that helps.

    Can you? It is a nice pic...

  9. How much would you guess Toynami makes on one Alpha? As in terms of profit.

    Normal manufacturing margins in most industries are between 60-75%

    Maybe even more than that as for the Alpha. The plastic is so cheap and the toy is small. Toynami made alot off of these Alphas I mean good for them but what about the consumers? So many have mentioned that it is not worth 80 bucks maybe 50 or 60? I think most will agree about this especially when there are other transforming toys out in the market that is way cheaper.

  10. I have a PRE-3000 issue of the Alpha, and all I have is a loose arm and that pesky problem of the arms not wanting to stay locked together in fighter mode... Other than that, it's pretty darn good...

    My issue number is: 16XX for the record.

    I think that maybe they did some tweaks to the assembly line post 3000 units, but it doesn't seem to have helped 100% of the minor problems...

    I think a lot of people here are also overly-bitching about this toy since it's a Toynami piece... I'm not trying to defend Toynami, I'm just stating my opinion that the Alpha is not being judged as objectively as I had thought it would be... I know you all remember the VF-11B leg fiasco... And Yamato doesn't offer direct replacements... I have 2 VF-11Bs that have broken legs... Luckily someone here was nice enough to send me a couple extra fuselage parts to fix them...

    I know some of you may say... "we have a right to bitch"... and I will be the first one to agree with you... However, let's keep it in perspective... Yes, Yamato does build a superior product overall, but in comparison Toynami didn't so such a bad job on the Alpha as it's being made out by some when put next to the numerous flaws in some of Yamatos pieces (the above mentioned -11B, the 1/60 line (specifically, the Ostrich and Elintseeker chest plate issue, the floppy head of the Super VF-1J, and the loose hip joint issue that plagued almost the entire line), the YF-21FP that no one was really thirlled with, etc). And yes, I also agree that for the money, and the claim of this being a "collectible" that there should be a higher standard for this toy... I'm just asking for a bit more objectivity...

    How much would you guess Toynami makes on one Alpha? As in terms of profit.

  11. I went to my local gamestop today and was told they sold the few they had and that is it no more. They can not even order more.

    The Gamestop you went to where is this one at?

    Well the guy at my local GameStop said that their shippment was in the range of 3000 and above. He is aware of the Alphas problems himself because he said he was a robotech fan too and his own Alpha fell apart as soon as he took it out. He even said several customers came back with their parents complaning even though the purchaser was over 20. HAHA but still no refund. He said at first his manager was accepting exchanges but too many people were coming back so he had to stop all exchanges and refunds. Hence he had to place a sign up. My own Alpha is below 3000 and I had alot of problems with it too so i guess its kind of a gamble.

  12. :unsure:

    can anybody confirm that the it is the pre-3000 Alphas have the most problems?  Or it doesnt matter.  Based on what I am seeing, it seems so but I wonder if anybody compile this data.

    Well the guy at my local GameStop said that their shippment was in the range of 3000 and above. He is aware of the Alphas problems himself because he said he was a robotech fan too and his own Alpha fell apart as soon as he took it out. He even said several customers came back with their parents complaning even though the purchaser was over 20. HAHA but still no refund. He said at first his manager was accepting exchanges but too many people were coming back so he had to stop all exchanges and refunds. Hence he had to place a sign up. My own Alpha is below 3000 and I had alot of problems with it too so i guess its kind of a gamble.

  13. LOL, went to my local GameStop earlier today and they had a sign next to the Alpha saying that there is no returns after the tape/seal has been open even if the toy is defective!! HAha I talked to the guy and he said that alot of people have been coming back complaining about the toy. He also said that they will NOT be carrying any of the other series.

  14. You'll love this one. Number 984 has two issues. The right shoulder won't fold all the way down and allow the peg to reach the mounting hole. Not great but I can live with it. But the real kicker...the damn thing is missing the front part of it's face. :angry: It wasn't even in the box. Any chance of Toynazi selling parts needed to fix their "masterpieces"?

    Edit: to try and fix picture. This MPC is so bad, not even my cat will wake up long enough to chew on it.

    :lol: LOL and i thought having both floopy arms was the worst luck. Face lift anybody?

  15. Mods, please close this thread it is making yamato look bad. Geecie30 same thing happen to me too. I will PM you on some options I used to fix it.

  16. Got my Alpha this morning. My sister received it from the UPS guy while i was still sleeping. Didn't even go to the bathroom for my morning pee but just went straight to open my package as excited as I was......took out the Alpha

    First impressions, nice sculpt, anime color accurate BUT both arms are floopy as hell!!! It aloso had a lot of paint scratches and over spray. My sister sees my disappointed face and laughs. I Hate you toynami!!!!

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