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Posts posted by daikoncat

  1. 47 minutes ago, M'Kyuun said:

    Great work, Daikoncat. Honestly, I've never been a big fan of the Ride Armor design, for some reason. However, as a fellow mecha builder, I recognize the challenges of realizing the Ride Armor in a three dimensional functional form, and I tip my hat humbly to you for making it work so elegantly and for so accurately capturing the look of it. It's a beautiful bit of work. I supported you, and I hope, despite all the licensing issues with Harmony Gold, that this will see production. If so, I'm down for a couple copies.

    If I may venture an opinion, I think the sand green is closer to the source than the aqua, which is too light and oft gives the appearance of glow-in-the-dark plastic.


    I also supported Bricksash's VF-1, although, much like every other Macross related submission, I have zero doubt that, even with 10K votes, it will never see production due to all the legal issues posed by HG. I don't know if restricting its availability to the Asian market would be cost effective for LEGO, but since they haven't gone that route with previous Macross projects, the apparent conclusion is no. What a shame that one company's greed and shady practices have robbed the most of the world of Macross.

    Thank you for M'Kyuun, I am very humbled by your compliment. Regarding Harmony Gold, you make an excellent point and I agree that the odds of this project making it into production are very slim. I have always been neutral about the whole Harmony Gold situation, since I still give Robotech credit for introducing me to Macross (and anime in general) when I was kid. I can only sigh in disappointment everytime I hear negative news on what Harmony Gold has done.

    Anyhow, It is my dream to see anyones Macross project make it as an official LEGO set, which is why I supported all of the past and present submissions. As for my Robotech/Mospeada project, if it does hit 10k support, that would be enough to be huge honor and achievement for me, even if it doesn't pass the final review.

    In any case, I will still make sure this LEGO design goes out to all the Robotech/Mospeada fans who have interest in building one of their own. :)

    Good feedback on the aqua color scheme! The color still intrigues me though and I was initially thinking about going with sandgreen for the chest and forearms, then aqua for the rest. But sadly the best I would be able to do for now are renders, until lego releases more elements in that color.

    Thanks again for supporting my project M'Kyuun, it really does mean a lot to me.


  2. 7 minutes ago, Beltane70 said:

    That actually looks better than most of the commercially produced ride armors that I’ve seen out there!

    lol! I have a 1/12 Riobot VF-052F that I think looks awesome (though I have never opened it for some reason), I actually tried to take some design cues from it. But this build is actually primarily based off of the old 1/8 VF-052F by Gakken, which is the clunkiest version of the bunch (I am a sucker for vintage toys). I was most familiar with the transformation of that toy, so it made it easier for me to plan out how everything should come together.

  3. 2 hours ago, Valkyrie Hunter D said:

    I just looked at your album.  VERY cool stuff, daikoncat, thanks for sharing!


    40 minutes ago, danth said:

    This is just ridiculously awesome. Kudos!

    Thanks for the positive vibes guys, it makes all the work worthwhile :D

    3 hours ago, jenius said:

    Wow that's amazing. I can't believe you were able to get it to stand without a support! Really impressive stuff.

    Thank you! Yes, that was the most challenging part. My earlier designs were too top heavy and thus I needed to figure out how to reduce the weight and keep it balanced, without compromising the form. I would really like to slim it down just a tad bit more, but I am happy with the results so far.

  4. Hi Everyone, 

    It has been several years since I shared my last LEGO project of the VF-1S Valkyrie. I now just wanted to share with everyone, my latest creation, which is based on the VR-052F Ride-Armor (Cyclone) from the Robotech/Mospeada series.

    Like my previous project, this LEGO build is transformable and poseable in all modes. I chose Stick (Scott) Bernards Ride-Armor first, but I will be working on the others. You can check out the progress of those on my flickr.

    If you like what you see, I really would appreciate it if you give your support of my project on Lego Ideas. My goal is just to have my work professionally reviewed by LEGO. If it makes it as an official set, then that would just be a bonus. Instructions are in the works but it will take me some time. It would be free for all, but all I would ask in return would be your support :)

    Anyhow, here are some photos and a video link of the transformation:










  5. The max model you have on your FB page, is it under construction or is it finished?

    It's finished, I took some pictures that need some editting...I'm planning on completing that this week.

    I did notice I was off on some of the colors...also I forgot to attach the heat shield during the photoshoot...oh well :/

  6. Pretty neat though I would bet this one gets the 10,000 votes first. http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/638

    I've seen that one. It's a really nice model. I just like the proportions on the one I posted. Although you might be right about it reaching 10k before the other model.

    True, and it would be well deserved too. That project has been on Cuusoo for a little over a year now... I am currently a supporter and hope he reaches 10k :)

    This doesn't mean that my project will no longer have a chance if/when that happens. As long as I am able to achieve 10k votes, my model will have a chance at being reviewd. We had a good run last week. With over 200 new votes and making the Lego Cuusoo top 10 most supported projects for that week, thats pretty good if you ask me!

    To the folks at Macross World who have voted and/or helped spread the word, thank you very much!

    I have a Lego VF-1A DYRL Maximillian Jenius version done, but I just haven't had the time to take any pictures. I hope to have that posted up here next weekend.


  7. I had already registered and clicked the support button at the site you linked to on my first post of this thread, and also helped spread the word on a little videogame board I go to.

    I would suggest you show this to people who hang out o science fiction boards, anime boards, videogame boards(there is a macross videogame out now to celebrate 30th anniversary so now is the time) and robot and toy collectors boards in order to get full exposure for your work so you can quickly get the support you need. They would be interested in this type of thing.

    I'm sure anyone in their 30s would remember robotech/macross from the 80s and have the money to purchase one of these should they be made into a product to be sold.

    This puts EXO force to shame. LOL

    Thanks for the vote and for helping spread the word! I've been trying to share on different types of forums, but I have not yet tried a sci-fi board, so I'll look for a good one and post there as well. Thanks for the tip :)

  8. You can upload the final product with instructions in Rebrickable.com


    Please simply register at http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/39360 and vote for my project. There is no obligation and it will only take less than 5 minutes of your time. If I am able to achieve 10,000 votes, LEGO will review my model and determine if it can be made into a real LEGO set.

    I know that there is a chance that my idea will not make it into production, but I still would like my work to have the chance to be reviewed. Who knows, maybe they will like it enough to make it happen. :p

    I would not want to disappoint everyone who supports my project, so I've decided that, if my project achieves 10,000 votes, and regardless if LEGO choses to mass produce it or not, I will create the instructions for my VF-1S and make it available for free to the public.

    Lego would be insane to not want to release them as products. Didn't they recently have a line of sci fi robots that you could build and some of the pilots resembled actual macross characters?

    Yes! Something called exo-force was released in 2007. Too bad I wasn't into Lego during that time lol.

    Yes very well done.

    Urban camo is my fave scheme for the VF-1 in GBP. (along with grey low vis vf-1)

    How long did this take you to build?

    Thank you! I started designing the GBP armor just about a month ago. I only worked on it during my free time and I wasn't keeping tally of the time I spent on it. But I'd estimate about 5 hours a week, so maybe ~20 hours total.

  9. Very cool! :)

    I am impressed! Those (suppossedly) professional guys at Kre-o( actually Oxford) should be ashamed they can't do a transform able version of their transformers !

    Awesome stuff.

    I am late to the party here but these are awesome stuff

    Holy crap! Armored GBP VF-1S frickin rocks.... genius idea

    Thanks all, I really do appreciate it! I'm plannning on doing the VF-1 Elintseeker and Super Ostrich next. But I'll proabaly work on the VF-1A, D, and J first since its just a head redesign and a color change.

    I'll be sure to post those all in the forums when they are complete :)

  10. Hi all,

    Just wanted to share my latest Lego Macross creations with you. Please check out my VF-1S Strike Valkyrie and Armored Valkyrie GBP-1S "Urban Camo" Version:

    Hikaru's VF-1S Strike Valkyrie, Fighter Mode


    Hikaru's VF-1S Strike Valkyrie, Gerwalk Mode


    Hikaru's VF-1S Strike Valkyrie, Battroid Mode


    GBP-1S Armored Parts "Urban Camo" Version


    Amored Valkyrie GBP-1S


    Armored Valkyrie GBP-1S, Burst Mode


    More pictures of the Armored Valkyrie can be found on my Flickr Photo stream: http://www.flickr.com/photos/daikoncat/

    If you want these Lego models to have a shot at becoming a real Lego set. Then please register and vote for them on Lego Cuusoo: http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/39360

    I would really appreciate any support or feedback.

    :D :D :D

  11. That's pretty awesome. It looks like it has pretty good articulation too with the ball joints. Very nice work!

    It looks pretty final to me!!! :lol: Great job daikoncat!

    As a person who has built many things (in my youth) out of Legos, I have to say; That Rocks!!

    Welcome and great job!

    Thanks all! I made changes to the joints so that it is more stable in battroid. The model weighs about 1 pound with the fast-packs attached. I hope to have some updated pictures of it this weekend.

    By the way, this project is on Lego Cuusoo http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/39360

    It's a long shot, since it's its pretty much unlikely that Lego would be able to obtain a license to produce this as a set, and the fact that there is already another geat Macross project there with 6k+ support doesn't help my chances either :p

  12. Got a parts list or instructions? Awesome work my daughter wants to build it and I'm not one to argue.

    Thanks! No parts or instructions yet, since i keep making changes, I probably wont work on that until the design is final.

  13. I already saw this on Brothers Brick (http://www.brothers-brick.com/2013/04/15/this-jolly-roger-transforms/) and i loved it! :D

    Awesome build, and i would really love to see a video of it transforming.

    Thanks! I'm planning on putting a video together showing just that, I'll post it here when it's done.

    Welcome to the boards!

    That's a very cool looking rendition of Focker's ride.

    Have you tried adding on the skull heatshield? It would definitely improve your already great looking version

    Thanks for the greeting! I've been thinking about that, a decal is definetly possible on the heat shield. I'll give it a shot!

  14. Hi all,

    I'm new to the forums here, so please let me first introduce myself! I have been a long time Macross fan as far back as I can remember. I have always been into the toys, especially the VF-1 Valkyries from the orginal series. From the old-school 1/55 Bandai/Takatoku's to the new Yamato variations...I loved them all.

    I just wanted to share a project that I have been working on that I am sure most of you will enjoy.

    I'm also a big LEGO fan, and work on my own custom creations. I've recently built a fully transformable VF-1S Fokker Type. Though its not the first ever, LEGO Valkyrie, I feel that my design is a lot closer to the actual designs when compared to other LEGO Valkyrie models that are out there on the web.

    I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions as I am constantly working on trying to improve it! :)

    Any way, here is my creation!:

    LEGO Macross VF-1S with removable Fast-Packs:


    Fighter Mode


    Gerwalk Mode


    Battroid Mode

    You can find more photos of my model here:



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