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Posts posted by senator02103

  1. Hello everyone, 

    It's been a while since I posted and I regret that I came back to ask this question, but I am looking at moving overseas and I'm contemplating selling all my Yamato 1/60 Valkyries. 
    I've got the show version of Skull 01, the armor pack VF01 and brown Industrial and the orange one. 

    Are they still valuable and worth trying to sell or should I just box them?

    They've lived in a glass cabinet away from sunlight most of the time I've had them. 

  2. I have watched SDFM, Plus, Zero, Frontier and five episodes of 7 (enough to know it's just a show about a song called planet dance.) and I think if the new series could maybe return to the same sort of serious themes as the original series and Zero with a blend of the light fun episodes they had in Frontier.

    I don't know about anyone else but I'd like to see a Macross series go the same length as 7 did.

  3. I have just started to watch M7 with very low expectations after seeing all the posts around the place about it, I will say its taken me 5 episodes to just begin to grow on me, it's different but it's not too bad.

    Does it ever get past being a show about close ups of Basara's face...just joking...sort of.

    Original series and M+ will always be my favourites though.

  4. This is going to be such a newb question, I watched DYRL and the series...as someone who owns some of the DYRL set what are some of the differences between the valks of DYRL and the valks of the series?.

  5. No you're not. But that is a vintage toy iirc. Maybe the version Matchbox released in the states.

    True, I really want a tv version but I guess I could live with the DYRL version.

  6. Wow. That escalated quickly...

    Yeah that sure got outta hand fast...! :p

    Now you need to get Hikaru's VF-1J to get The Vermilion team complete then get the tv VF-1S Roy. That's how my addiction started and when you complete that its DYRL's turn to be procured. :p

    this becomes common in this hobby lol

    I already have a VF1-S Roy TV Version.

    Don't encourage me on the DYRL range because I have already been like...yes yes maybe...maybe...

    Also I saw in the attached thumbnail what appears to be a TV version of the Macross herself...am I incorrect?.

  7. If you are more used to newer anime then 2199 is as good of a place to start as any. Start at chapter 1. Soon we will get chapter 5.

    The japanese blurays are region free and have english subs

    There will be 7 chapters in total. If you want something to watch once you've caught up and are waiting for the next chapter, maybe try the original movie versions.

    Thank you!.

  8. Aww! Baby's first death machine! :)

    Welcome to the club! I remember my first one too. So naive to think I only needed one at the time.

    I thought I just needed one...and then I opened the box and saw it...

  9. Ok so you bought the same as the one i said i was eyeing, and you are even admitting it? You are so green!

    You said you were eyeing the Hikaru version... :p

    Perhaps your purchase cravings are making you see funny comrade :D

  10. Wow, that was quick. It look like you've got it even worse than me :D

    It appears to be a fever you can't sweat out.

    Me to brain: "Don't go crazy with the buying of the Valks!"

    Brain: "Must have all the Macross...must have all the Macross before it disappears!."

  11. LOL. I pretended to have self control for about a week when I got back on this site earlier this year and then all heck broke lose. It took me about another week to accept my problem and then another two to be okay with the fact that my wallet would hate me. The only silver lining is that I'm only doing 1/48 (with a VF-0A/Ghost Booster since I love that valk and it's the same size as the 1/48s) and only the valks that I want. Still, I can't believe what I've spent.

    *Please look at my post, that I posted like not too long before you responded :p*

  12. Yeah...I will admit to the forum that I just went and purchased the following from HK collectibles after my last post:

    VF1-A Mass Production.
    VF1-A Maximillian Version

    VF1-A Kakizaki Version

    On another note I also purchased a Bandai 1/100 VF2-SS model kit.

    Am I the only one who considers the Mass production version awesome...I don't know what it is about the coloring scheme but I like it.

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