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Posts posted by cobraleader

  1. G'Day,

    I'm building the Ban dai Queadluun Rau, however the instruction being in Japanese makes it difficult to get the OOB colours (Green version).

    Can anyone tell me what the 3 main colours are?

    Gunze or Tamiya colour codes would be helpful.



  2. G'Day,

    It would depend on what type of finish you want to achieve with the camo scheme.

    If wanted soft edges,


    I would recommend an airbrush with low air pressure and "draw and fill in" the camo scheme - may take awhile to paint the entire model, but the results are worth it.

    If you want a hard edge to the paint job, like


    then use masks, like tamiya tape, silly putty, liquid mask with the airbrush. The use of these will depend on the type of camo scheme your doing - splinter or SEA, etc.

    If you go for soft edge scheme, use a soft pencil - not lead pencils as they show up through the paint job (well the ones i've used have), that way you can markout where you want your scheme. I put a dot of the paint I want in that area so that I know I won't stuff up - especially on complex patterns.

    If you do "stuff up" re-apply the base coat and start again.

    Anyway, have fun with it.



  3. Hi,

    I use an AZTEC A470 as well. Only have a general and thin (low pressure) nozel, the siphon tube/jar and the gravity feed cup.

    I have an old revell single action external mix airbrush which I use for very basic wide area coverage - anything for a lean and very mean finish.

    I have a pasche compressor.

    nothing too flash, total about A$400 (australian) spent.



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