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Omni Existence

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Posts posted by Omni Existence

  1. we asked about these shoulders and it took quite a while to get a response and an incorrect response at that.

    we asked about why we're being charged for replacement parts that should be free, which he still hasn't gotten back to us about.

    hes totally 100% down with yamato at this point and as much as he wants to keep things real here, hes not going to give up his relationship with them by telling us the whole truth when they requested him not to. and who can blame him? he gets to see all the new stuff they put out, and he doesn't pay for the productuion samples he receives. so if you see it from that perspective, hes got a lot to lose if he doesn't play it their way, and thats why i feel the way i do.

    none of this is fact, just my conspiracy theory of why we were kept in the dark for weeks on something we've been wondering about for months, only to find out weeks after the release that the shin/ghost combo is a lemon like the 0S and the previous 0A.

    not to mention the still unresolved issue of why we're being charged $30+ for 4 tiny pieces of plastic? yeah yeah yeah, they included the entire assembly.....that no one even needs. :rolleyes:

    Give the man a break.

    Graham doesn't owe the lot of us anything, yet he's providing us awesome service with whatever information he can squeeze from Yamato, and he's been doing it for years. To even insinuate that he's just screwing with us at the behest of Yamato, is waaaaaay out of line.

    You owe the man an apology.

    If you feel you're being screwed by Yamato, don't buy their stuff, or boycott them even. It's an old addage around here, but it's the most logical.

  2. I have just emailed him again and asked him to double check with the product development guys, who in turn will check with the factory.



    Thanks for the assist G! It's always appreciated. :D

  3. Anytime, Recon.

    Guys, let's settle down a bit. I did PM Graham with the same question that I sent HLJ, and Graham said that he was told that the shoulders "were" upgraded to POM.

    I'd take his word over HLJ's anytime, but it's just a little unnerving to find the same issues on a supposedly updated package.

    In any case, I'm holding off on these babies for now.


    Go get a 1/48 VF-1, then a Super/Strike Armor set, or a GBP-1 armor set, or get them all. The 1/48 is still the superior Macross product from Yamato. :D

  4. so in short,

    "please buy our inferior $200 product and when it breaks, give HLJ $30 more of your money, thanks for writing".



    Yeah, that about sums it up. :rolleyes:

    The latest releases (YF-19, and VF-0's) are definitely eye-candy, but just going by aesthetics is not practical anymore- especially for the price range these toys are going for.

    At the moment, I wouldn't mind Yamato releasing color variants of the VF-1's like the Blue Roses, etc with Super/Strike parts. The VF-1 is STILL their best Macross product IMO.

    I recall someone posting about how difficult it was to cast parts in POM... if that were the case, the SV-51 is already in jeopardy, and it aint even out yet. <_<

  5. Calmed down a little and did a bit of digging around, see post #47 from Omni Existence from Robot-Japan...Link

    Don't know who to believe anymore...

    Yeap, here's a screen shot of the email I received from HLJ.Com. I was planning to get at least two of these, but if I have to spend additional money if and when the shoulder breaks, then I'd rather spend the dough on something else.

    As much as I like Yamato and a staunch supporter of their products for a while now, but lately, their Macross products have been a disappointment.


  6. The Shin VF-0A is said to have the improvements.

    Sounds good, and Graham confirmed the same.

    The weird thing is, I received an email from HLJ.COM telling me that the Shin VF-0A does NOT have the POM shoulders.


    Well, I'll buy 'em anyway, and just be careful when transforming. I think I'll probably order 4 sets of shoulders (2 left, and 2 right) to make sure.

    Thanks for the info, Shin.

  7. Please feel free to do so ^_^


    Hoping to buy at least 2 this weekend, if the budget permits. Hopefully though, Yamato upgraded the shoulders to POM for this set. I don't my VF-0A having broken parts. :)

  8. Wow!

    I can't wait to get one!

    Thanks for posting pics, I hope you don't mind if I post them on another message board, props to you of course. :D

    Mod Edit---normally I'm not picky on quoted images, but that is an entire page's worth of scrolling for pics that were posted 1 post ago.

  9. Okay, I'm home and can see the pics and am STILL very suspicious that every single photo of this toy in Battloid mode is always taken on a Yamato Launch arm. If this thing can bust a cool standing pose then why haven't there been any photos of it doing so?? This isn't really so much a question about the YF-19 (although I still wonder) but more a question about the people who do the displays. I think any battloid looks dumb on a launch arm... show me the thing frickin' standing.

    PS - If Skywarp is a custom it is frickin' sweet.

    The pic was taken from a store in Japan, right?

    Why not fly over there, and ask the owner why he's so fricken stupid that he didn't pose the Battroid 19 standing and "busting a cool pose?"

    Seriously man, if you're so suspicious about every YF-19 picture posted, why not just wait for Graham's review and unleash your hellish complaining and doubts there when everything GOOD/BAD about the toy is FINAL?


  10. Nope, no rotating instrument panel.

    The black anti-glare section in front of the canopy hinges downwards to allow the front canopy to open. The anti glare section also has to be in the down position for battroid mode.



    From the pics we've seen so far, it looks like the 19 has a lot, and I do mean A LOT of moving parts.

    Assuming that you already have a prototype, or if you have already handled a pre-prod sample, how do you scale wear and tear /durabilityon this toy?

    I mean some of us like to actually play with our Valks, transform here and there, fly it around, etc.


  11. As I've been saying just like with the VF-0S, the actual product looks much better than the CAD art.

    Also, I wish people would stop comparing the Yamato YF-19 to the Hasgawa YF-19, especially as the Hasegawa is so skinny, it's positively anorexic and definitely skinnier than how Kawamri draws it.



    Me too! :angry:


    Me three.

    I think it's kind of pointless to be nitpicking on how the fricken thing looks when we all know anime proportions on a variable mech doesn't translate well as a perfect transforming toy in the real world because a lot of the proportions can be attributed to anime magic. <_<

    The whole 'it's too short/long/fat/thin/right/wrong' everytime Yamato releases a new product has been beaten to death.

    It's either you do or you don't.

  12. Hi!

    Just a quick question for you proffessional modellers here at MW.

    I'm going to be getting the Stealth 1J sometime next week. The clear / transparent plastic used for the optics is bothering me, and I want to paint it red.

    What paint do I use to change it to red, but keep it translucent?


  13. The more I see the new box art with every subsequent release, the more I am convinced that the designers are just picking out Adobe Photoshop filters, and cut/pasting the toy pictures on it.


    No offense, but it's not like it's the box you'll be attaching to your VF-1, now is it? :rolleyes:

  14. bandai 1, yamato 0

    he he he he... have you seen how badly a Bandai 1/55 yellows?

    In any case, I also have the 1/60's. None of the DYRL ones have yellowed, and I display frequently.

    Fate brought you the yellowing. You have No faith in the Hory Forating Head. :rolleyes:

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