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Posts posted by MC-2

  1. Aww SWEET! Thanks for the heads up guys. Have the RVF-25 Super Parts pre-ordered from NY. Wallet takes yet another beating...

    Anyway, my Luca Valk arrived a couple of weeks ago:


    ...still haven't transformed it yet. Terrified. Any good video walkthroughs anyone can recommend? Thanks in advanced guys. :)

  2. Hey guys. I received mine a few weeks back too. This baby's been sitting on the stand in fighter mode. Have been too scared to transform the thing -but I know I will need to soon to see if anything is missing/broken. Has anyone made a detailed 'walkthrough' on YouTube? I know there are walkthroughs for the Alto 171s -is the transformation process identical for both?

  3. So, given that most pre-orders start around 2am in the morning (on the West Coast), and last maybe five minutes, how does a person manage to be in the right place at the right time to place an order? I'm curious as to how the bulk buyers manage to purchase everything before anyone wakes up. Any insight...

    Heck, I'd hate to have to hold an all night vigil to get one of these babies. "right place at the right time" hits the mark I think. I'd gotten home from work, logged onto the forums, found that the first round of pre-orders for the CF-171's had ended...almost stormed off in disgust but hung around and then I noticed a post from neoexcaliber saying that CDjapan had pre-orders up! My first Valk toy! Yeah!...still have to wait for it.

  4. Just a minor note - this was Tenjin-san's personal opinion. It does not reflect any sort of official stance or policy. Having said that...

    Agreed. He had minimal involvement in the PSP games which werent original/adding anything new to the Macross universe anyway. With M30 having an original valk and an original story, I daresay he is a little more picky over what makes it in and what doesnt.

    As noted earlier on in this thread, PS3 games are 99.99% region free. No mod-chips or conversions required. So all you need is one of those cheap slim PS3s and the game and you are good to go.

    I only had an Xbox 360 too, but I got a PS3 recently, for Macross 30 obviously, among other things. There's nothing wrong with the super slim PS3 as far as I can tell. I like it. Lastly, PS3 isn't region locked. You won't need to do anything to play Macross 30 on your new PS3. I've also been playing Gundam EXVS on mine, which is a Japanese only game, with no problem.

    Isn't he personally overseeing the story as well?

    Hehe...thanks for the encouragement guys. I think I will have to pass up on this-as sweet as it sounds. I want those toy valkyries too badly though!

  5. Go for it bro!

    Dag nabbit!!

    Why must you guys tempt us? Hehe...I already have a CF-171 on pre-order and am keeping an eye out for both the RVF-25 Renewal and upcoming VF-30. I just want one of each...not asking for too much, please!!! :hail:

  6. Yea when it's ready to ship they send you the shipping price, it's normal for them

    Hehe. Thanks man.

    This is awesome, looks like most if not all of us managed to secure this most awesome of awesome (gotta stop saying awesome) toy. Now for the RVF-25 Renewal!!!

  7. Man what the hell...is this how it's always like?

    This hobby is bad for the heart. Hehe. Congrats to those that managed to get one though!

    So now that the pre-orders have ended, does this mean that no one else can purchase one?

  8. Valkyrie toys are cool, but these games are like being able to play with Valkyries in a more dynamic way :)

    Ehehehehe! Thanks for the encouragement Keith.

    This doesn't help my cause any though! The Mrs will definitely not approve. Hehehe. Must...refrain...nff...nff!

  9. This game looks totally awesome! Trying to get my head around:

    a) Need a PS3 (Only have an XBox 360 & PC)

    b) Said PS3 would probably be the latest generation (Midget PS3) type

    c) Midget PS3 would need to be -cough- converted to play a Japanese import game?

    That's a lot of needs. :( And after looking at the projected Valkyrie Toy Budget for 2013 fiscal year...seriously might not happen! Double :(

  10. Game image of the YF-30 in 3 modes:


    And a cleaner shot of the fighter:


    Note the really unique FAST pack on top of battroid mode. More info here:


    One word sums this baby up: WANT!

    Man, someone's said it all ready -the golden age of Macross is truly upon us! Geeze, I remember back in the day (late 80's) when I was hit by the Macross (then Robotech) craze...there was "no such thing as the internets" -at least not in the shape and form it's in now. All we had on the east coast of Aussie land were Toy World, KMart, BigW...and they barely stocked anything!

  11. Hi everyone,

    Complete newbie here, reporting for cannon fodder duty!

    Have never bought a valkyrie before. -Shame- Either due to sitting on the fence or missing out or just plain not knowing how or where to get my hands on one!

    I'm looking to pick up a DX Chogokin RVF-25 Renewal version and maybe a DX Chogokin VF-171 Cannon Fodder.

    Might anyone be able to suggest where I would have a good chance of scooping one up online when they're released? (Being from Australia and all...)

    ...dunno if I'll be around this awesome forum for much longer after that. If the wallet doesn't kill me the wife definitely will.

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