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Posts posted by Kestrel

  1. Hey everybody.

    I asked this n the old forums but it looks like I can't access them at the moment so I was wondering if anyone could help me out.

    I'm looking for good, precise schematic style drawings of the VF-1 (preferably A, but S or others will do) so that I can used them to begin a 3D modelling/animation project. I need at least a dead-on side, front, and top view. Bottom and rear views would be equally useful as would front, side, and top views of individual sections and accessories.

    Additionally, if anyone has a good set of drawings depicting the transformation of the legs from fighter to battroid, that would be incredibly useful as well.

    If you can provide high quality scans of pictures like this out of any books or model instruction sheets or whatnot, I'd greatly appreciate it.


  2. Hi all.

    I just got my 1/48 VF-1 FAST Packs and put them onto my VF-1S in battroid mode. Only problem is that the backpack won't stay put and teeters backwards. The clip that folds up from underneath the head door grabs hold of the top of the backpack, but the combined weight of the backpack plus the new booster nacelles causes the head door to pull away from the body.

    Is there a way to combat this? Is there some minor trick to the transformation I'm missing? I thought the little white plastic pice that came with the FAST packs that slides behind the head might be used to clip the head door in place, but it doesn't seem to work. There are two little nubs on the underside of the back lip of that piece that look like they're there to hold that head door, but the piece isn't deep enough to reach it.

    So, any hints on how to make my Valk wear his new duds properly?

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