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Posts posted by Zovreign

  1. I got a VF1J with the Armor kit on my desk, and a few other misc toys. No problems with people stealing stuff since theres bigger nerds then me at work, with lots more rare and expensive stuff kicking around other peoples desks, one of the guys around the corner from me has about 4 1/48's on display on a shelf in his office

    I'm actually cutting down on the number of toys @ work, just keeping it to one or two flagship items [right now I got a 12" diecast T-800 and the Vf1J armor] and move the rest of the clutter home. I'l probably sell or give away some parts of my toy collection to reduce space and clutter.

    Never had any security issues at work, its rare that something gets jacked.

  2. I know, not a macross item.

    Its a long shot, but I'm looking for the Epoch statue of June, a character from the Capcom game, Star Gladiators.

    I missed a chance to get this statue, and as far as I know it was only released in Japan, and not in North America.

    Please contact me if you know where you can find one, or if you have one that you are willing to sell.

    Thank you,

  3. Hi Seiichi,

    I noticed in another thread you were selling limited edition Evanglion Asuka figures that come from a mail in offer. The small figure sculpted by Aspy [?].

    Unfortunately I missed this post, and probably missed out on this toy.

    I have 2 of the Rei figures that came packaged with the manga, but I didn't know there was an Asuka figure coming out.

    Is it still possible for you to get 1 or 2 more of these? I'd be interested in buying them and would prepay in advance for them.

    I can be reached here or via email at kurt@rhythm.com

    Thank you.

  4. 3279.jpg

    I've heard that there is a new version of this game that came out for PS2, anyone know what the name of the game is?

    I loved to play KB on my Genesis, I would love to check out the new game.

    I remember that title, published by EA/New world computing.

    New World Computing also followed that game with the Heroes of Might and Magic Series which takes Kings Bounty and adds lots of improvements and new stuff.

    I think there was 4 or 5 sequels to heros of might and magic. It eventually became a turned based kings bounty/warcraft hybrid. Pretty fun stuff.

    You can probably get the PC version at EB for 9 bucks these days.

  5. I think what Agent One is saying makes sense. I also think that's why Yamato is making thier VF-0 small and relatively inexpensive. The VF-0 is targeted at the newer younger fans who were introduced to Macross by Mac Zero while the expensive stuff is reserved for 25-30 year old collectors who can afford it.


    Yamato is targetting 25-30 year olds with this, we got more disposable income then a 5-15 year old.

    Case in point I own several yamato toys, and my friend whos my age has 2 kids, he has some of the cheaper branprestos and plans to get a bandai reissue eventually, but he and his son likes the yamatos but they stick their nose up at the price.

    His words was "why would I pay 150$ for a toy?"

    Yamato isn't targetting kids with 80-200$ toys, no parent will foot the bill for it, ask a kid if they want a new game system or a macross toy, guess what they will likely pick.

    Anywho I'm talking about the north american market but I'm sure the same thing applys to Japan.

    We had some kids over at our studio last year on a tour and when a bunch saw all the macross toys and models I had at my desk they all shouted "gundam!". I didn't bother to correct them since mentioning macross would only gather confused looks.


  6. After watching the Macross series, and seeing some of the estimates online for the size of Badozas fleet [5,000,000] and after Badozas destruction [4,000,000], what happened to all these Zentradi forces as Space War I came to a close?

    Did most of the fleet freak out, and folded away in dis-array? I'm guessing this is what happened and a large degree of the fleets took off for parts unknown.

    Did the spacy pick up a sizeable fleet because of this? Even if a few hundred or thousand ships remained to join forces, that would help boost Earths defenses considerably.

    Oh, any estimate to how far you can travel during an fold operation?

    I'm wondering if the Zentradi could be spread out to neighbouring galaxys... hmm.

  7. EDIT: also, you can buy 2 20th anniversary Optimus Primes for the price of this 1 figure.

    Comparing the price point of the Masterpiece Convoy/Prime to the Q-Rau is a bit unfair.

    Transformers has a far bigger fan base than Macross and it's a safe bet that Takara/Hasbro's production run has been far, far larger than Yamato's. The larger the production run, the lower the per unit cost and selling price can be.

    Takara/Hasbro have probably made at least 100,000pcs of the Convoy/Prime (if not more) and while I can't reveal the actual production run figures for the Q-Rau, it is considerably smaller quantity by a huge margin.


    [my first post, I've been lurking for a few years, hello everyone!]

    I was writing up a multi-page guestimate on the production costs and run of the Rau based on some experience I've had, however I could get in trouble for mentioning some of the examples I'm familar with due to NDA.

    [no I don't work for a toy company, but I'm in a related business ;)]

    I'd say MPC Prime/Convey had a production run of a few million units easy. Walmart in the USA alone will cover that.

    With a production run that huge, I wouldn't be surprised if the cost to build prime was 2-5$ for Takara. I do know that smaller toys like hotwheels cost 5 to 25 cents each to produce, and thats with final assembly, and with diecast.

    The only way Yamato can seriously drive costs down is to get a larger market opened up. And.. well theres an issue with that as we all know.

    I got one on order from Kevin, he'll fit in nicely with my gaggle of robots at work.

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