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Posts posted by bbarr97

  1. Still looking for a 2nd edition ;). The one you sold me is going to be the VF-1D!

    I have seen a Max go for 200 but not a Hikaru.  I bought a Hikaru for $150 with shipping but the guy listed it incorrectly and sold me a Max instead.  Yea for me.  Too bad i still don't have a VF-1A Hikaru though.


    200 seems a bit high...

    lurk around ebay for a while and you'll find one for about $150... maybe less.



    Heyy....I thought I sold you one didnt I? -_--_--_-


  2. I have seen a Max go for 200 but not a Hikaru. I bought a Hikaru for $150 with shipping but the guy listed it incorrectly and sold me a Max instead. Yea for me. Too bad i still don't have a VF-1A Hikaru though.


    200 seems a bit high...

    lurk around ebay for a while and you'll find one for about $150... maybe less.


  3. Thanks anasazi37

    The best thing to do, if you're debating between the content of our sets, is to look at the preview pics posted in the store section of tmpanime.com.  We took different approaches in terms of content.  I went with a Hasegawa-inspired design theme while Takatoys tends to stay closer to what Yamato offers on the original sticker sheets.  Both styles seem to keep people around here pretty happy. :D

    Please feel free to check out my entire catalog.  I have almost 70 sets available now.  Whew!  Also, please PM me if you have any specific questions.


  4. Which set would you say is more sturdy/durable? If decals are done right (i.e. painted over with decal clear coat) they typically last a very long time but that requires some painting.

    Then again, stickers start to curl.

    I guess here is the two questions I have.

    1. Which is more durable?

    2. Are there any little details different between the two?

    Thanks for all the help everyone.

  5. Howdy,

    I am in the market for some 3rd party decals or stickers for my 1/48's. I noticed that their are two brands. One made by "takatoys" and "Anasazi37".

    I respect both their works but I have no idea what the difference between the two decal sheets are. I already assume both sheets are very nice but I am sure their are differences in the two and was wondering what opinions various memebers have on the sheets?

    Thanks for the help,


  6. I have been looking for a reasonably priced 1/48 VF-1A Hikaru for a while. Doesn't matter to me if stickers have been applied or not and box doesn't have to be perfect. Just want the toys condition to be very good. I got enough cash to negotiate with or I got some items I am willin to trade.

    Mainly I have some Robotech Masterpiece toys I am willin to part with.

    I have Vol 1-5 and all the super armours. Of course I wouldn't trade all of them for one 1/48 VF-1A but it goes without saying it would be more than one.



    ebay id is bbarr97

  7. Somehow I don't think there will be two types of CF. I have mention in the CF post, so far I have seen the Japan online shops taking pre-orders as either LE or normal production. There's no single shop taking pre-orders for both types.

    As for a LV, it will have to be a significant difference from the LE not to piss off collectors. Maybe a slight variation in colour and prob no panel lines and weathering, but still I don't think that will please some collectors. If it does comes out yay for us. Maybe Yamato doesn't care if they piss off the customers as since they may be coming to an end to Macross :(

    And who really cares if it pisses off the collectors? Most of us believe you shouldn't have paid 300 bucks for one anyway.

    My .02 cents

  8. I own a matchbox one but it went through a very tragic accident just three months ago. Seven moves in the past 6 years and I thought I was in the clear :(.

    So now I am making extensive modifications to it to tighten the joints, make the broke parts stronger (one of the bases to the main cannon shattered and the left arm fell off). Actually learned a few things and it has turned out stronger than before. I will have to paint it though so I figured I would take apart the whole thing a modify it to add detail.

    So long story short,

    I own one, I broke one . . . hopefully I make better one

  9. I recently bought a Rook and Lancer Alpha and the toy is MUCH better than the VF-1 MPC collection. I did have some peculiar/funny QA issues with mine.

    The VOL 2 Rook I bought actually came in a VOL 1 box.

    The VOL 3 Lancer had a stripped screw in the knee cap causing it to fall off.

    TINSC has already offered to exchange them both though.

    Overall, I think they are pretty nice though. Heavy, and the same sturdy enough. They are no less or more fragile then the 1/48's I own.

    As far as the Scott Alpha goes I heard rumour that you need to get one above the 3000 count for better quality. Not that a number that high guarntee's anything but most people above 3000 have said the joints are all tight (in a good way) with some minor paint QA issues.

    Hope that helps,


  10. Anyone have any clue of the MPC Veritechs use these magnets?  I have been messing with some "improvement packages" on my MPC birds and I was hoping upgrading the magnets might help.  Of coures, they may already be Rare earth magnets and an upgrade wouldn't make a difference.

    The biggest thing that pisses me off about the MPC's is the legs not staying in position in fighter mode.  I was thinking a nice BIG magnet might help fix that syndrome.



    i'm not sure what kind of magnets toynami used(probably the cheapest crap out) for the MPC's but i can tell you they didn't lined them up correctly.

    the legs were originally designed to stay up in fighter mode, theres magnets behind the calf and where the back plate meet(notice the little metal plates on the backside of the shoulder lamps).

    Probably right that they used the most craptastic magnets available. And I have noticed the misalignment. It is hard to fix the alignment though without having to scrape plastic off from inside the leg to move the magnet. I will probably do it but I am going to buy some rare earth magnets to do it. Maybe one of those magnets that holds 2 lbs of weight might actually work!

  11. Anyone have any clue of the MPC Veritechs use these magnets? I have been messing with some "improvement packages" on my MPC birds and I was hoping upgrading the magnets might help. Of coures, they may already be Rare earth magnets and an upgrade wouldn't make a difference.

    The biggest thing that pisses me off about the MPC's is the legs not staying in position in fighter mode. I was thinking a nice BIG magnet might help fix that syndrome.



  12. Interesting. Thanks for putting me in the know on the scale. It still looks like the model and the MPC are exactly the same size height wise though. I still have three of those IMAI models waiting to be built.

    Yep, don't get me wrong, they are both the same scale. It's just that they're both like 1/51 scale if you want to be overly proper. That's assuming the math done on RT.com was proper. Obviously that makes it close enough where if you said it was either 1/55 or 1/48 you're close enough to being right where no one will argue with you on something this small.

    Then again... these MPCs have pretty tricky transformations and maybe the person who did the math just didn't extend the toy out far enough and it really ought to be 1/48 scale. Let the debate live on....

    LOL, no debate here. Actually it is kind of nice to know. I may just sell my VF-1 Masterpiece set and have the 1/48 Yamato and Masterpiece Alpha compliment since they are very close to scale.



  13. Is the IMAI model off scale or is the MPC Alpha off scale?

    I believe the correct answer is:

    Neither one is correct.

    Both kits are somewhere between 1/48 and 1/55. Somebody on RT.com did the math for us and we figured that 1/55 would be a bit smaller than the MPC and 1/48 would be a bit larger than the Imai.

    Personally, I love the MPC sculpt. I own the models to make all three of the Legioss but damn, after seeing this I'd never be happy with my own attempt :( Don't hold the MPC's fighter mode against it based on the comparison pic, the front "fins" are still pushed down instead of being in their proper position making it look kinda sloppy. Looks like the back flap that fits the shoulder mounted sensor (whatever that thing is) fits a lot better on MPCs and the front fins are anime correct on the MPCs (as far as their folding behind the mech in battloid). For a model, those Legioss are super impressive though.

    I never understood where they got that center missle stand and top mounted gun though... those don't appear in the series do they???

    Does this Jung character still build and paint models for people? Maybe he can do my Legioss too! :)

    Interesting. Thanks for putting me in the know on the scale. It still looks like the model and the MPC are exactly the same size height wise though. I still have three of those IMAI models waiting to be built.

  14. WOW COOL PICS thnx for the link! :blink:

    I love the imai though... it is more accurate except the flaps and the little wings

    the imai scale is wrong however. sadly.

    Is the IMAI sculping scale off or actually scale?

    I noticed that the IMAI model and the MPC are the same size. Does that mean the MPC Alphas or 1/48 scale?

  15. Right now, it's in logistic & engineering hell...

    I thought I'd let you guys have a look at it ....the "blueprint" :lol:




    If you get one built I can guarntee you I will pay good money to get the sculpt out as will quite a few others around here. I already assume it will cost a few hundred, but that is worth it for a 1/48 Thunder Hammer! (IMO)


  16. I am bored so I am going to throw my opinion in here.

    I own some of the MPC collection and the 1/48 Yamato. I personally like both of them but there is no arguing that the 1/48 has the better sculpt and better quality. The only problem I have with the 1/48's is a lot of other items will not be made in that scale (i.e. Alpha/Legioss Fighters).

    I like to have items in the same scale so I decided to stick with the MPC so I could have the Alpha fighters in the same scale also. I am going to try and make the 1/48 Imai Legioss model kits to go with the Yamato's valks.

    I don't mind collecting both simply because the MPC can be found very cheaply these days. You can get the Max, Mirya, and both armor sets for $105. That is well worth the money. You can easily find Ben Dixon's around for as low as 35. I think they are worth that much money (but in NO WAY are the worth 80).

    If you had lots of funds I highly recommend buying 1/48 yammies though. You will not be disappointed.

    It simply depends on what you are looking for. I am keeping my hopes up the Toynami's MPC Alpha makes up for the problems with the VF-1's. So far, it looks pretty damn nice.

    Forgot to mention, I like to tinker with the toys and I am making a lot of improvements to my MPC collection. It includes replacing magnets, tightening joints, and some painting. I like little projects like this which can make it a much better piece.

    I have babbled incoherently enough.


  17. Curious as to why everyone wants the M&M to be sold without armour. I am assuming it is because it would be cheaper to buy them but I want to make sure I am not missing something.

    Am I missing something? :)


  18. I have been trying to find a review of this model to no avail. How well does it represent what the actual alpha looks like? Is it grossly disproportioned. Does it look anything like the Alpha when finished? How does it look when built in each mode?

    I have done a search and came up with very little opinions. Perhaps someone has picutres of a completed model available in each mode?

    Facts and opinions about the model are welcome.



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