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Posts posted by iriemember

  1. Just saw these utterly awesome renderings for the first time. Been trying to generate a "solid" model of a VF-1 for a while in a format that can be produced on a CNC machine tool. No acceptable success. Does anybody have an .iges, .stl, .stp, parasolid, or similar 3D model that can be used to generate toolpaths? Have access to many convertors; if in doubt, reply regardless. You'd get a Ti or AL scuplt for your efforts!

  2. Was more of a lurker then a poster though.

    Been "lurking" on this site for about a year now and never thought about registering until you put it that way! The VF-1J is ultra badass. All the 1/48s are ultra badass. Got one of each and cannot believe the detail and craftsmanship. Am an Applications Engineer for the pre-eminate CNC machine tool manufacturer and realize, on a very intimate level, the CAD/CAM work that went into the design and manufacture of these Valks. Would have to charge you $20,000 for a tool steel mold of the front landing gear strut alone. These are truely works of art. You will undoubtably agree after your first one, and the occasional trip to 7-Eleven to make a "withdrawl" will be forgiven!

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