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Posts posted by Kamineko

  1. I stop reading for a year and Macrossworld is getting flagged as NSFW? Could it possibly be things like a random post I found from the GN-U thread about Graham poking holes in discrete places?

    Ah, same great Macross smell . . . (please don't ever change) :lol:

    Anyways, I cannot condone what I am about to suggest . . . If work is blocking it, bypassing the content may be a fire-able offense.

    How about using an "anon web proxy"?

  2. I will be attending once again. Hopefully there will be an interesting panel for me to photoblog this time. AX barely holds my attention nowadays.


    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Jyukai looks interesting, but the rest of the GoH seem "ho-hum". Akemi Takada may be an interesting Live Programming to attend, seeing as how she's the character designer of so many classics.

    I can only stalk, err-um "photo" cute cosplayers for so many hours . . . :D

    I guess I miss the days of "Mechanized Propultion Systems" . . . and no, Day 3 "Robotech" panel doesn't count!

  3. Non-eventful . . . Went for all the days, skipped every single LP Panel because none seemed interesting. Bumped into Egan and he said he was kicking back this year but focusing on having a panel if he could get someone even REMOTELY related to any mecha. Every single event was late (wouldn't be AX if it were on time). Tried to see the Transformers prescreening, but the line formed pre-7am (rather spend 3 hrs in dealer room than waiting 3 hrs to see a movie I could see on full screen in 2 days). My only highlight was scoring a 1/5000 Wave W.H.A.M. kit. Friggin expensive as hell and damn to the person that bought the other kit!!!

  4. Definitely, the experimental fighter made me think of the original episode . . . especially during the testflight. The moment Starbuck zoomed off and Apollo radioing frantically for her as she disappeared reminded me of the original series episode.

    HAHA to your proposed CORA version for the new series. Wouldn't it be fun to have a "little Boomer" in each viper . . . :p

    I don't know if anyone noticed, but this episode also was a homage to much earlier BSG episode (The Long Patrol) where StarBuck flied a Recon Viper named C.O.R.A.


    This episode has nothing to do with that. Where is the talking computer and the recon mission?


    What Starbuck of old and Starbuck of new flew where both experimental fighters.

    One built for speed the other stealth.

    That particular episode in the broadest sense parralled the original series in terms of making homade fighters.

    If you need a talking computer, stick Boomer in as the headless C.H.U.D. ... Computerized Heads Up Display.

    BTW.... would the posting for a Stealth Viper be grounds for a ban for the day?



  5. Terrorist-Proof Lighting illuminates areas with no power.

    July 29, 2005 08:10 - Shatter-proof Glow-Luxâ„¢ Emergency Afterglow Lighting combines scotopic phosphor blend with non-radioactive after-glow phosphor blend to provide uninterrupted illumination in critical interior areas during low-light and no-power conditions. Even if bulb breaks, glass pieces will continue to glow up to 12 hr after power goes off. This 100% bomb-proof fluorescent lighting can also be detached and used as portable emergency light source.


    It will be cool when the power goes out, we'll all have anime-esque glows in the darkened rooms . . . :p

  6. It came out of Exo's a$$. :lol::lol::lol:

    Err... not funny dude at all. Its a totally useless reply that is totally off-topic. If you have a problem with <Exo> take it to PM. I am getting TIRED of your BULL#### posts!

    Back on topic, how big is that?

  7. Old news but at least its getting more press.

    Firefly lands on the Sci Fi Channel

    By Lila Holland

    June 15, 2005 at 09:27:00 AM


    Firefly, a science fiction series that was canceled midway through its first season on Fox, has found a new home on the Sci Fi Channel.

    The cult favorite Firefly alights on the Sci Fi Channel! Fans of the cult-hit series Firefly will be pleased to learn that the show has been picked up by the Sci Fi Channel--just two months before the release of Serenity, a Universal Pictures film based on the series.

    For the uninitiated, Firefly is a "space Western" set 500 years from now, in a spaceship that cruises the outer borders of the planetary system that humanity has taken as its new home. The crew is made up of rebels who are fleeing persecution by the unified government known as the Alliance.

    Firefly made its debut on Fox in 2002 but was canceled before the end of its first season. The Sci Fi Channel will air all 15 existing episodes, including the three that never made it to TV, starting on Friday, July 22.

  8. Anyone remember SkullOne? He's bada$$

    i wonder why Quadrono left? :(  :blink:

    I hope you're kidding about Quadrano. She left because she got caught in a lie.

    Any other explanation would take way too long and wouldn't be very constructive. Suffice to say, with that departure, it greatly "lessened the noise" (and bickering) around real, true news.

  9. IBM wasn't keeping up with speed for the G5 and even more important, there was nothing in the pipeline that delivered G5 or better performance yet was power/heat compatible with a notebook. Armentage raises some interesting points--will Apple under Jobs continue to be anti-clone? I think the answer is yes, because Jobs has always viewed Apple as a hardware company.

    I wouldn't be surprised at all if we see a Mac Mini with a Centrino sticker in it . . . :)

  10. heh security fix.  wonder if its for future bootlegging since one of the game was ripped off the disc weeks ago.

    Note to self: avoid firmware updates.

    can't, supposedly newer games coming out will automatically update your firmware, whether you want to or not.

    Actually, you can choose not to, but that just means no more new games...

    Hate it when they do this <_<

    Yep it'll be required for newer games eventually


    May 19, 2005 - If you're all excited to try out that Network Update feature of the PlayStation Portable, now's your chance. SCE America released today the 1.5.1 update that was recently released in Japan. It may not be an exciting update, but it will likely be a necessary one.

    To update your PSP to the new system edition, either boot up the Network Update feature of your PSP and connect to a nearby HotSpot, or else visit SCEA's PSP Update Service and get the update from there using a USB cable to transfer the updater. Future games will likely also carry the updater for you to make use of, as upcoming games will likely require this new version. As we wrote a few weeks back, this is required security update is already locking out some games until PSP owners run the updater.

    There's nothing special in the update to rush out for -- SCE put together a few features in the Japanese bump from 1.0 to 1.5 (and also patched a big security hole in the process), but this new update just fixes some features that only programmers and publishers need to worry about. You will be updating your system soon enough when games make the new version required (hopefully, we'll get a major PSP update sometime soon down the line to add some cool features instead of these little security band-aids), so if you're bored and want to get it done, head over to the SCEA's PSP Update Service.

    We'll keep you updated on more updates

    Ugh, and here I was hoping they would fix the resource leak in the image viewer (jpg's don't decompress fully). I'm getting tired of power cycling my PSP when I view past 8 pages of manga. :angry:

  11. First of all Ghadrack where can i make my PSP into a remote for my TV that is cool!!!

    That one is rumor right now. The PSP has an IR transmitter, some crafty japanese kids figured out that they can control their Sony robot Dog with it, it is speculation at this point but if it is capable of transmitting the signal to remote controll the dog, it is probably capable of transmitting to control many different Sony products. It will likely take a firmware upgrade from Sony to facilitate the function any further, or it could just be a fluke with the broadcast spectrum hitting on some of the Dog's signals.

    I can't find the article about it this second but I am pretty sure I read it on Engadget or Gizmodo..

    It was an April fools joke.

    Hopefully something useful will be devised for the IR port.

  12. Whee . . . I get to preorder it thru HLJ and hope for a shipping notification +3 months after it actually gets released . . . <_<

    *crosses fingers for the other vendors to setup preorder*

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