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Posts posted by marx

  1. What is the front of the nose for on the harrier jet? Why do some have it and others not?

    Is this the make believe science technology thread? I haven't posted in a while. But seeing my valid post being deleted makes me wonder if Shawn and Graham handed out admin privileges to some douche bags. This just doesn't seem normal. Or at least the old normal from the earlier years on the forums. If that's the case. Feel free to delete this account I won't be coming back. Not even to buy or sell anything. Actually just delete the account, no point arguing with idiots. And I won't be tempted to come back. Thanks Shawn Graham for the good days on the forums. and mac news. The yamato stuff was always useful and insightful.

  2. We've all seen it. It's why most of us are here. Robots that walk, punch, hack and slash. I can totally understand how these are exciting plot elements yet I have to wonder if there is any real world pracitcality to it. Lets start with just building giant robots. Building a tall robot is like building a giant target. It's easy to see, very visible. Most militaries today prefer a certain amount of stealth. I'm sure there are some advantages to to being high. Being higher can improve communications and would also give a better perspective of the battlefield. But still, the robot is a giant walking target. Giant robots aren't going to be able to perform any sneak attacks. Then there is this thing about legs. I have to wonder if having legs offers any advantages. Legs allow traversing rugged terrain much more easily. Yet old fashioned Wheel technology seems so basic and efficient and wheels could traverse simple terrain at greater speed than legs ever can. Having legs might cause problems for infantry but seem like a complicated technological risk. Whatabout robots with heads? Why have a head on a robot? Seems that they have a head merely for stylistic reasons. Sensors could be placed in other areas of the robot. Why would robots have hands if they are built for combat. I think having canons for arms seems more reasonable than having hands that hold some type of hand gun. It would also allow more efficient design because there would be fewer systems to fail. What happens if the trigger finger breaks on your robot? It seems there are many ways to make a robot combat ineffective. Just taking out a leg with a mine or tripping it could take the robot out of the fight rather easily. How well can a bot handle on ice or slippery terrain. Also when we see bayonets, swords, and ball and chain weapons. Are these even realistic weapons to be using? No doubt a ball and chain is a dangerous thing but to be able to move a heavy object like a giant ball at dangerous speeds would require a lot of energy on part of the robot. A gun or missile seems more effective than a ball a chain. When would hand to hand combat happen with such huge robots, surely they'd see each other and start shooting before they ever got close enough to pull out some kind of cyber lance or mace.

    I'm interested in your thoughts.

  3. I have to agree that it seems like it is all going to be ruined. But one can make a strong point against that. Veidt makes a good point by saying that Rorschach is not a reliable witness nor someone without a stain. Also as someone already pointed out, the New Frontiersman being somewhat unreliable itself...

    Yeah the pirate comic is kind of connected to Veidt. I guess I overlooked that. Especially when he says "Well I dream about swimming towards a hideous.. no, never mind it isn't significant..."

  4. I just finished reading the graphic novel. I'm probably going to get a lot of hate from those in the know but... Is the reader supposed to assume that the big secret is revealed to the world anyway from Rorschach's journal? Especially with doc Manhattan saying "it never ends". I understand the last lines, that maybe the authors leave it in the reader's hands as to what happens next. It just seems to me the scale is tipping more to one side than on the other.

    Also in the movie (if released) do you think an audience would be okay with the movie ending just like the book? Where you're not sure if anybody won.

    Also, the whole pirate comic, I can see it sort of paralleling the watchmen universe somewhat but I found it a bit annoying. Is there some special significance to the pirate comic that I missed? It just got in the way of what I was interested in the story. I'm sure the pirate comic probably won't be in the movie or if it is, just a brief appearances.

  5. At times, I was tempted to get these - but the "real" thing is better in almost every case- TF, GI Joe... Star Wars... so the appeal is near zero.

    I feel like - at the age of 29 - I've finally outgrown Hasbro's target audience :) I have no matured into Bandai, Yamato and, eventually, Takara-Tomy's target audience :)


    That makes me wonder about who their target audience is. They are making toys based off cartoons from the 1980's. Whens the last time the 80's GI joe and the 80's transformers were on tv? I wonder if kids are as familiar with those series as they are with say spongebob and the stuff that's on cartoon network. If I were a kid and went to a toy store I'd be confused about seeing transformer toys that aren't from transformers animated.

  6. Hasbro has a line of toys that takes many popular franchises and deforms their shapes to cartoon like proportions. There is something cute and funny about this series of toys. But I know that some people just prefer realistic proportions for their toys. Strangely enough I kind of like the toys as it is a different take on the franchises. I do have some reservations though about the price of the toy, ($7) especially in consideration that these things are so small that they almost belong in a cereal box. From what can I tell their are 5 different franchises getting the Heroes treatment by Hasbro. Maybe their are more? Anyways, do you like the line or hate it and why?

    GI Joe Combat Heroes

    Transformers Robot Heroes

    Indiana Jones Adventure Heroes

    Star Wars Galactic Heroes

    Marvel Super Heroes Squad



  7. I go in and out of macross. Last time I was here and looking around. 1/48 vf-1s was new and everyone was dumping the old 1/60's. Now everyone is dumping the 1/48's for the new 1/60. Say yamato came out with the newer 1/60's right after the old 1/60's. Then Came out with 1/48's. Would you still hold onto the new 1/60 or dump it for the 1/48?

    That aside, it's always great to see the new yamatos.

  8. If you had to make a list of the best and worst of the 1/48 line what would it be? I haven't been paying much attention to macross for a few years now. I now come back and find many colors of the 1/48 and the QC is still a hot topic on the mw forums. So I have to ask, what is the best and worst and why? (I have to admit, my question is making me feel like I'm beating a dead horse, sorry if I am)

  9. Over at the AnimePunch forums, JsARCLIGHT posted a great review of this movie. Has anyone else here seen Ratatouille?


    The movie is good. Some strange plot points but Pixar gets it to work rather well. One of pixar's better films, and that is saying something as even their lesser movies are still pretty good. It is a movie that will age well overtime, unlike other movies like shrek and the sort.

    On a side note, the Lifted short that precedes the movie is also well done and enjoyable.

  10. Refer above post. ;)

    I didn't really like starcraft as a game but the story rocks so i just play the campaign. The multiplayer I felt was just all about who can come up with the most units 1s to rush the other player.

    Yeah I think there is some truth to winning by numbers.

    The only strategy elements I could remember using in sc were for terrans. Build supply depots to block entrance... That was pretty much all I ever did in the multiplayer game and it paid off 90% of the time.

    I think the major strategy is not really in the attack but more who can manage their resources the best. Who is the most efficient at making stuff in the game. Tough part was grabbing and stealing resources.

  11. Blizzard should make a movie with the sc2 franchise. All cg. It would be great to be interested in sci fi again after the horrible ending of the aliens franchise. Sc2 could keep the story fun by focusing on the marines. Not unlike the forementioned.

    So.. Anyone going to buy the $250 18" Tychus Findlay marine statue?

  12. mpss.jpg


    They could probably make those things hip lasers like the yf19, sort of like how hot rod in the movie had that buzzsaw in his arm.. :D

    While the extra forearm plating = armband shield against a melee attack. TF fans will just have to eventually get used to this starscream being the official one.

    Note how his wings look like they've been angled upward like set of demon wings? Looks much better after closer inspection.

    -forearm shield

    -can run without tripping over

    -has four lasers to shoot at you simultaneously

    -less blocky


    too many good things to turn back now.. May as well put a UN SPACY symbol on him and be done with it..:D Then bring on the Masterpiece G1 jetfire.


    The wings on the hips don't look good I'd rather have em on the legs. I don't think it matters if his legs are freed up from wing clutter it still won't be very possable, looks back heavy.

  13. As soon as either the hobby magazines for the next month hit or THS-02 (Hybrid G1 Prime) is released we can be one hundred percent certain one way or another whether this rumor is true.  IMO i think it's true, not only because i want to believe it, but because it really makes sense if you think about it.  I'm sure making a new Masterpiece mold for Takara with all the Diecast parts and the amount of detail that would have to be included in each release prevent them from going crazy on the line like they normally would on their main stream lines, so... with that in mind, what character could they come out with that is not only popular with alot of fans, but at the same time can easily be repainted and to an extent retooled into other characters?  Starscream.  A Starscream Masterpiece bascially means we can expect a Thundercracker and Skywarp Masterpiece some where along the line (keep in mind they might be exclusives, but i'm 99 percent sure we'll see em eventually) with Sunstorm and maybe even slight retools into the Coneheads (Dirge, Ramjet & Thrust) perhaps later on down the line.  7 potential toys from one mold sounds like a good bet to me, but i guess only time will tell, esp. if this intial rumor is just that... a rumor.  :o


    I have to agree with the clone potential. I doubt we will see any masterpiece figures that cannot be cloned into other figures. With that said what TF figures have clone potential? Bumblebee and CliffJumper? Or is there nothing else? If the rumor is true, this could very well be the end of the Masterpiece line as nothing else seems feesible business-wise.

  14. I'm thinking more on the lines of design. But there are multiple processes to design and production.

    There is a science to the construction of the plastic in toys, right?

    Are all toys only painted on the surface or is the color all the way through the plastic?

    If the coloration is only on surface is it sprayed on?

    How are multiple shades and colors applied and layered?

    Is an original toy mold made of clay?

    -If so What type of clay is used? Oil Based, Water based or something weird like sculpy?

    Is a metal mold used for production?

    -If so how is the metal mold created?

    --Is it similar to a lost wax method?

    -Do metal molds break down overtime?

    -Are there multiple metal molds for single pieces or just one metal mold in existance for a piece of a toy?

  15. I hear a lot of people saying that beast machines toys sucked. I would agree with most of that assesment except maybe on the basis of mega tankor and deluxe jetstorm..

    My question is why are the rereleasing stupid beast machines crap? Did BM sell well at the stores?

  16. In Batman begins there is a scene where Crane is sprayed with his own hallucinogenic chemical. He looks at batman and sees this scarier hardcore version of batman. They ever make a batman toy like that?

    Found a bunch of other batman begins stuff.... (kinda lame) Attack net, Battle Gear, Bomb blast, exo suit, knight staff, lightsuit, rapid fire Batmans.... To name a few... Basically looks like same toy different accessorie.

  17. My suggestion is to surf around on ebay in the action figure section. Doing a series of specific seaches through keywords, then looking at completed auctions every so often, I think you'll get exposed to stuff thats on the secondary market but likely to bundled in loose lots. Your question is kind of vague in some ways, so I think just browsing through  ebay where you can see pics and get a feel for market value of those items, might pique your interest in a line or lines you've never seen before.

    That being said, there are lots of action figure news sites that are worth checking out once a week to see whats the latest and greatest. Raving Toy Maniac, Michael Crawfords Toy Review Of The Week, Action Figure.com. About.com has an action figure dedicated section with links to many of the major sites and etailers, thats another good place to look to increase exposure.

    Here, I'll start you off with Crawfords site, its varied and you also get his feedback on quality control on the stuff -


    Good luck.


    Thanks for the link.. Thats pretty helpful. I am also interested in non mecha stuff sometimes as well. So that is a nice site.

    I got an Idea:

    Do any of you guys have that "1001 mecha-show openings" vid anywhere?

    if TS sees this he can state timestamps as to

    which opening is what and get an answer if there are toys available for it



    Thats a good idea. I think I remember the 1001 mecha show openings.. I wish I knew where to get it cause I don't have it on my computer anymore. I think I downloaded it back in 2003-4? Anyways it would be helpful.

  18. i think he is also intersted in non macross stuff, i just picked up on ebay some nice super robot figures from a company called Yujin they are of 2 of the main mechs from the King of Brave series, one is of Great Exkaiser and the other is of Great Fighbird, they are virtually the same as the Gundam import MSIA figures, but they seem to have better paintjobs, i got lucky and found them for around $3.95 each, it was a steal they are cool figures they have decent poseability and they look great on my shelf.  they also have some nice Gaogaigar ones

    edit; i just realized you did not want rainbow colors :p  i am pretty sure these fall in to that catogory of 1980 thru 1990 colorful  anime super robot. they are still cool though. :)


    My bad, I shouldn't be so close minded about color.. I really close the door to cool stuff when I say no crazy color. Maybe there is cool stuff with crazy color.. I've never seen the King of Brave series or any of the others you listed. It's interesting. Not quite my taste but maybe someone else here will appreciate them. And my taste does change over time. :)

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