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Posts posted by MotleyBoa

  1. Why do I get the feeling we just gave this guy his first crackpipe?

    LOL. NAh, no worries. I don't have an addictive personallity. :p

    I've been like this for um....about 8 years now with Macross toys. Just in the past few years I do more lingering than anything else because I'm so busy with other things. By "being like this", I mean I like to have one of each. heh

    I know what you guys mean about having so many Vf-a's and J's. They do all start to kinda be the same, but they're still a little different :-P I felt that way with the 1/60's. At least with the ones I have open. I should sell some of them, and get dup Ostrich and Elint since they're so different.

    I was super lucky today to get a couple inquiries on some baby snakes I still have from 2003, so if they buy, I'll treat my self. :lol:

    Hey...what the hell! Maybe you guys want one!!! :D

    Macross Bad...mm,k :p

  2. Man, I forgot how awesome everyone is on these forums. It's been so long since I posted.

    Everyone says the SAME thing...not one said...eh, you can pass.

    GREAT!!!! Now I gotta get them all!!! I can not get just one!!! What kind of a macross fan would I be?!?!

    Now I just gotta figure out what I'm missing. I don't even know all the ones out. A little research I'm sure will tell me.

    I'm thinking I should go ahead and get the low vis first since they might be gone soon?

    To address the MISB thing. Ya, I do like MISB stuff, but I've always managed to get doubles cause I know they need to be opened to appreciate them. I currently have 5 1/60's on display, and 1 of each sealed. I also *HAD* 2 of every origianl Bandai and 2 of every original Takatoku...but I decided to sell a set to pay for a snake :-P

    (If you havn't figured it out, I have a snake business...I breed rare and expensive snakes)

    So anyways...

    Ok...I'll make an effort to get what I'm missing now.

    I'm sure my tab will be around $1K!!!! :o

    But as you guys said...Treat myself.

    I do buy killer snakes for a ton of doe, but I consider them part of my business and an investment. Valks are the only thing I buy that is just for fun and for the love of the hobby.

    Thanks to all for the help. I REALLY appreciate it!

    I'll make an effort to post more on this forum!

    phatslappy - you're the man. Long time bro! :-D

  3. I just need to know if I'm really missing out by not getting any of the 1/48's. My problem is, I have more than one hobby, and Yamoto pumps all this stuff out so darn fast!!! It just seems to get so expensive! When they first started with the Macross plus valks, I was buying 6 of each. That stopped REAL fast. Then I was getting 2 of each with the VF-1's came out...after that...I was like...forget this, I'll get one of each, and just not open it. Now, I still get 1 of each, but I even WAIT long till thier prices go down on eBay...cause they usually do!

    I'm still missing some stuff like the VE-1 and the VT-1 as far as the 1/60's go, but there's all the 1/48 stuff out there now, and I GOTTA know....should I be making the effort to get them! Forget about the fact that I don't open them, I'm just figuring my collection is incomplete without them!

    Now I see this Q-Rau...omg...I need that too!

    Man, I gotta get a move on and sell more snakes! :-P



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