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Scale Solutions

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Posts posted by Scale Solutions

  1. one persons rubbery, oily, bubbly, reject is another persons grail kit.

    They don’t close them down completely, when they burn one identity to the point sales drop off they start up a new one to generate new sales. There are always people ready to line up and buy recasts just because there cheaper. Kit’s power is the 3 identity that I know of that they have been selling recasts of my kit under in the last year or so, the original website they were using now seam to have disappeared.

    its not hard to spot when someone is up to something doggy, they don't have any real contact details, because they don't want to be found when you realised they ripped you off.

    I think that what most people don't realise is the true cost of recasters is less new kits. I have not done any new macross stuff because I know this lot of recasters target that stuff, so if I produce something new they will eventually get hold of a copied and recast it. Recasters buy there nature are out to make a quick buck, so there not going to produce new kits because there is to much time, effort and skill in doing that.

    I stand behind what i have said, you can go to my website and find me, you can send me real mail, you can phone me up, and like members of this forum have done come around to my workshop for a talk. Try finding the real contact details for these recasters. The only contact details they have openly on there website is a email address, no phone number, no snail mail address, no real name, certainly no business registration details.

    I have told you what i know about how they operate, but i’m sure that will not stop people buying of them just because they have the kit they want at half the price of the original. Karma will deliver these people what they deserve.

    caveat emptor

    Wayne Pugh

    Scale Solutions

  2. Rubbery resin, soft detail. There was a photo copy of my instructions in the kit but the kit was not in the same parts breakdown, as the recasters had assembles some of the parts before they recasting it. The parts of my kit that have cast in metal supports did not have them. One of the people, there credit card had been billed for kits they did not purchase.

    Wayne Pugh

    Scale Solutions

  3. I should add too, that as fare as I can tell they brought the original kit of me paying via PayPal, but the credit card they used to fund the transaction was stolen witch did not come to light until a month or so after I had shipped the kit, so they ended up not even paying for it.

    Wayne Pugh

    Scale Solutions

  4. Kit's Power, AE-MODEL SHOP, METAL CAT HOBBIE, SMS HOBBIE STORE, GundamProShop, and variations of these names, Are all the same people and 95% of what they sell are recasts.

    When you purchase of there websites you go through there shopping cart software and you think you are just paying via PayPal but your not! its not secure! and there skimming you credit card details or PayPal logon details.

    If you have purchased through them you should change you PayPal Pass word, check on the the credit card linked to you PayPal account, and if you payed direct with a credit card defiantly check. If you payed with a credit card link to a PayPal account or direct you should contact you bank about the original transaction and probably get you card cancelled and a new one issued.

    I know this because I have had several people contact me that brought a recast of my Kit VIA them, then contact me and tell me the problems they have had.

    Wayne Pugh

    Scale Solutions

  5. It is a recast of my kit. The guy doing it's real name is Kenny Lam, he is from hongkong. Everything he sells is recast, his standard operating procedure is to open up a online store sell poor quality recasts, when he starts to get a bad reputation he runs some credit card scams then drops of the radar and opens up under a new identity.

    Wayne Pugh

    Scale Solutions

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