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Posts posted by MC420

  1. I also have the VF-2SS model, if anyone is also interested in that. I will be posting pictures tonight for both VF-2JA and VF-2SS.

    I lost my job, so need money for rent and bills. I'm am asking $100 for VF-2JA and $50 for VF-2SS. Not sure if this is a crazy amount, don't want to insult anyone, if it is please PM me with an offer.

    I just need as much as I can get, hope you guys understand.

  2. Just looking for some guidance, I am determined to get a Vader saber and really want the best one possible...

    Master Replica's design has only one aspect better then a Park's Replicas, the sound. But Park's Hilts are sized accurately, where the MR hilts, are enlarged to fit all components. Park's blades are duelable and very durable, where the MR are flimsy. Park's blades are detachable, so the hilt can be displayed easier and look better displayed. Overall, MR is great for a lamp. Park's are great for play and display.

  3. How sturdy are those things anyways?  I want the Vader saber.  $119 is a bit much though.

    I've never owned one of the Master Replicas lightsabers, so I can't speak for those. I only own a Parks. It's solid. If you think $119 is a bit much, then you might want to pass on a Parks. Those run $250 and up. Excellent, excellent stuff though. Absolutely worth every penny. :)

    I'm with Drad, my first EL lightsaber was the MR Anakin FX. I thought it was cool, but once I saw the real deal (ie. Parks), I knew MR FX does not even compare. Jeff Parks, definitely makes the best custom sabers.

  4. so i think i'm getting a parksaber if anything. they sound like the shiznit, and look it too. the MR's look nice but thats all it does, look nice. jeffs badboys light up and have the detachable bladez.....I MUST HAVE ONE!

    i'll start saving up for it now, and hopefully i'll be able to pick one up by the end of the month.

    i'm looking to get luke LS from ESB or vader, maybe maul, AHHHHHHH! :blink::blink::blink::D


    Let me know if you want any of these. Randy Johnson works with Jeff Parks and he actually just did a run of Vader's stunt saber from ROTJ. I should be able to get these to you at a great price.

  5. Also did you guys know that someone actually developed a real working lightsaber. I found this place when I discovered EL lightsabers, I thought these were so sweat, I searched the web for days trying to find a place that sold them. The website was IONSABERS.com, now the site is down, but about 5 months ago, they had a lightsaber on sale for $10,000 and then it dropped down to $5,000. The price caught my eye, so I read more about the product more. I discovered that the internals were similar to Tazer guns and that the saber emitted a 3 foot plasma blade, which could cut through thin metals and plastic. I'm not sure if these were the real thing, but it came with a warning.

    Sunglasses must be worn since the light is extremely bright. And that the company was not responsible for any dismembered human body parts.

    I wish the site was still up. If your up for it, just check periodically.

  6. I saw that thread, I think you're referring to master replicas

    If you are, check out their web site. Get yours now, its almost 2005 =)

    Master Replicas Website

    The ones posted in the for sale forum awhile back were the Force FX ones that had lighted up blades, sounds, etc.

    Master Replicas is great for just that, A REPLICA (without blade). They don't have any with duelable blades and their FX Series is not to the right scale and it can't be dueled with. I have a personal collection (I will post pics in a few minutes). These were made by a personal source and the internals (which means the EL blade and its components) were supplied and added by Jeff Parks from Park Sabers. If you want a great EL lightsaber, but not a replica from a Movie, then by from Park Sabers. Others you can try are:




    But if you want a replica with an EL blade, then talk to me, I know everything about these. YOU'LL SEE BY MY COLLECTION.

  7. I agree with everyone in saying that this is the best display stand made. I can't wait to pick some of these up. And for the scale of the VF-0, does anyone know how big it would be in 1:72 scale? If 1:100 is too small and 1:60 is maybe to big (in my opinion, nothing can be too big, ex. Yamato's 1:60 Monster) then wouldn't a 1:72 make sense.

    I may have to retract my statement. If this stand does not hold the gunpod in fighter mode, then it's a little weak(Hense little, it's still a great looking stand, but no gun, that sucks). Can anyone tell from the pic if there is room for the gun? or even see the gun?

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