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Posts posted by SHODAN

  1. I am not going to cancel my order just because of a few gore scenes that last about two seconds. Always thought those scenes were out of place and a bit ridiculous but i guess that's just me. We are talking about Shoji Kawamori here. By now I would expect him to edit out Minmay's tits as well. This is what he envisions the movie should be like as it is passed down to future generations so it is safe to say that a future release with the gore added back in is unlikely. Maybe for the 50th anniversary or when Kawamori retires or dies and some director who has taken the mantle decides to redo these changes. Then again we'd be probably living in an all digital age so I really don't want to take my chances on missing out on this supposedly ultimate release. The only way i can see them topping this anniversary is by bringing back the Gold Book with the next edition or as a separate release.

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