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Posts posted by mamochan

  1. This is why I bought the SDF Macross Blu-rays from Japan.  There's no way in hell hg would ever put Macross on Blu-ray.  I don't know how AnimEigo was able to sub license SDFM from hg.  Hell must've froze over 100 times over?  With sony in charge, they may or may not release it onto blu-ray. 

    Let's say Sony does make a release. Will they use proper subtitles? Dubtitles? Ick! (Manga ruined GITS SAC Blu-rays recently). Then there's the video source. Will they use AnimEigo's old DVD source and upscale? I can't even imagine what that would like.  

    Screw sony and hg.  Avoid them like the plague. Because of them, we'll never see any Macross in Blu-ray.

    The only way to enjoy Macross is to either download or buy them.


  2. Put my order down for the regular edition back in March

    I own the original DVD set (BCBA-238) and the remastered set as well (BCBA-3170). Didn't want to spam the links, so I pasted the catalog numbers instead. Triple dipping is fun. Did it with Gunbuster R1/R2/Blu-ray :)

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