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Capt. Kraimer

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Posts posted by Capt. Kraimer


    well if it can't stand by it'self i'll have a chunkymonkey it can be kicking the crap out of as a balancing tool.


    capt. kraimer out.


    uh...you guys got me soooo confused. anyways.

    Q-rau. yes must buy and paint green. nuf said

    regault (battlepod) if yama yama yamato doesn't make 'em than those toynami guys will, (just hope they don't screw it up, though my MPC max is probably the best valk i have every owned.)

    Glaug - officer pod- must have. i hope that (whoever makes is put here) cast kyron as the fig in it. hehehe

    Tri-thruster (forgot real name) Now that would be cool to have to. i would make a ace Zen. squadron of

    'em. hehe. cool...

    anyways, i can't wait for the Q-rau to come out. i know it is expensive, i will pay cause it is cool.

    capt. kraimer out.

  1. why didn't she just fire the macross's main gun and obliterate everything AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAH!

    all work and no play make capt. kraimer a dull boy all work and no play make capt. kraimer a dull boy

    all work and no play make capt. kraimer a dull boy all work and no play make capt. kraimer a dull boy

    all work and no play make capt. kraimer a dull boy all work and no play make capt. kraimer a dull boy

    all work and no play make capt. kraimer a dull boy all work and no play make capt. kraimer a dull boy

    all work and no play make capt. kraimer a dull boy...... :angry:

  2. i just got done watching macross plus, and i was thinking...

    why couldn't Dyson and Bowman beat that stupid ghost thing together and then go after sharon???

    or why couldn't dyson just shoot the stupid part of the Macross that sharon was using...??

    it really bugs me that they sacrificed themselves so easily......


  3. yeah you both are right....sigh... :(

    it still would be cool though.

    just picture it....on your shelf (or large display thingy cause it would so huge) a vf1-s all decked out ready to launch boosters attached...platform taking up more room than your tv....ahhhhh...

  4. you don't think that the booster pack is lame????

    i mean i would be a ton of plastic

    but look how big that stupid UNICRON transformer toy i see at walmart EVERY day.

    capt. kraimer out.

  5. so, how do i tell the yammie folks to make this? j/k

    that is too bad. so, um...where do they get their ideas for their next projects?

    the toynami MPC boards?

    capt. kraimer out.

  6. in warhammer 40k

    there is a race called the tau

    they use mecha, VW beetle sized battlesuits

    they control via a large needle that plunges itself directly into the brain via a matrix-like socket.

    they then "become" the mecha/battlesuit and ther body lies limp inside.

    cool huh

    that is how i think the macross mech should work.

    anyways, i am done making silly sounds in the corner.

    capt. kraimer out.-

  7. agreed.

    They way you can almost feel the gulps of air rushing past the plains in Macross zero is awsome.

    and Yukikaze has nothing that bests my fav scene in ep. 2 during training when the main character almost crashes several times during gerwalk/combat training. that was awsome.


  8. i am going to create a custom squadron of 1/60 valks vf-1a's led by a vf-1j

    well i have a ton of line art and paint schemes but i am just not finding anything that i really like.

    i want a solid military look.

    anybody have any ideas?


  9. the description in vague.

    i contacted ebay support and they said that it does matter what was in the picture. If i recieve something that isn't what was pictured then it is fraud.

    capt. kraimer out.

  10. i admit the 1/48 valk is awsome, (i have mine in many many pieces. cause i am customizing it. i post some pics when i am done. ) but i really like the 1/60 valks(even though it took me an hour to figure out how to get the stupid canopy off...i thought there was a button under the nose...anyways i really like the size and they don't cost as much. i own 3 now and i haven't paid more than 30 bucks for one yet. :D anyways, capt. kraimer out.


  11. :huh: i just got a 1/60 yammie today that i won off of ebay. the auction had the vf-1a hikaru pictured. but they sent me the brown cannon fodder vf-1a. i got it to customized anyways so it's really no big deal, but it bothers me that they sent me something different... so...what should i do?



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