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Posts posted by confuseguy

  1. Very dubious...the description still mentioned "yamato", most likely just a copy and paste from old promo....

    I think the seller is trying to catch attention for collectors who miss out the SDF-1. Seller is ard since 2011 with many positive feedback. Looks legit to me.

    Well. who knows? Thats 10 months away. Lets see.

  2. The only thing is that if ever they do this it will only be catered to local customers since their store is not open to customers outside Japan. Unless they do it like Bandai/Nippon-Yasan. That any online shop exclusive should be paid upfront. And with today's Arcadia pricing a massive 1/3000 SDF will probably cost us more than $500.

    Gd news. As I was surfing through Taobao (China version of ebay), saw a preorder for sdf1. Available July 2017 for 32,000yen!

    This is what I got from there:

    ARCADIA太空堡垒 1/3000 超时空要塞 SDF-1 母舰再版

    1/3000 完全変形SDF-1 マクロス

    2017年7月 出荷予定

    予価: 35000円(税込)














    2017年7月出货,定价35000日元,预定价格 2XXX


  3. Ok np. By fluke, I got one piece at anime export for 20,000 yen - I was looking for other macross stuff, click on it and got it. There's another sg fan who's interested, guess I will pass him my account and he can take over the order.

    I don't blame most of the online sites for their servers - it's difficult for them to anticipate demand and ensure smooth online transaction when there are many of us and scalpers pinging their servers. I do blame some sites which raise their prices like an auction - this is unfair and they are extracting too much 'middleman' fee from a product that is not even released (!?).

    PM sent! :)

  4. Anyone know if it's easy to find the 29 in Japan retail stores? Going there next week

    just return from Japan last Friday. Only manage to get 1 at Yellow Submarine for retail price. All others sold out.

    sorry. I should not say sold out. I mean the others were sold above retail.

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