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Posts posted by trueblueeyes

  1. Welcome back! :). I also just recently came back to the boards after some time away. I don't know of any facebook groups, but there is a Buy/Sell/Trade section here on MW that you can see & post in after you have made several posts. (Sorry, don't know the exact number). But, it shouldn't be too hard to find some Chunky Monkeys looking for a new home. Good luck!


  2. I have a few items up for auction, sorry US shipping only.


    That VF-X is going to make someone very happy. Good luck on the sale! I'm tempted to bid & I just bought one! I'm going to wind up on that Hoarders show if I don't stop buying. That or I'll be the first person to die by being crushed by Yamato & Arcadia boxes.
  3. I'm looking for the Macross Special Edition High Grade Card Collection by Broccoli.

    This set: http://yackdeculture.tumblr.com/post/46522694563

    Will pay top dollar for a set. Please PM if you can help. :)


    Edited to add: I have lots of extra Macross Perfect Collection cards (including the special cards) just sitting around. If there is a card you need, let me know. It's better than tossing them in the trash if it can help finish a set for someone.

  4. Arii 1/24 Soft Vinyl VF-1S:


    Size & rarity is the only thing this kit has going for it. It lacks detail, but it's huge & a talented modeler could make some improvements. It also has a fairly reasonable opening price. Just don't expect Hasegawa quality, or even Toynami quality for that matter. Of course, that may be a little unfair. This thing was produced in 1999 & it doesn't appear to have crumbled into pieces. (Unlike the hands on my Toynami Alphas).

  5. are you sure that's the correct scale? 1/2000 goes for 1.5-2k and up.

    Yes, it's definitely the 1/2000 kit. I don't think I can resist getting it. Anyone need a kidney? Or if I'm lucky, maybe the box is big enough to live in. :). With my luck, the day it arrives Bandai will announce the release of their 1:1800 version. And there I will be with my big model, my dream of emulating the work of modelers like wm cheng, & the modeling skills of an average toddler.

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