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Posts posted by SirCampbell

  1. I wanna paint over the strips on my 2nd 1/48 VF-1J to do a great custom. I was looking around trying to find a good color match to the white plastic of the Yammie Valk. If anyone knows for certain which color, please help me out.

    I'll post pics once I'm done. B))

  2. I agree that "quality" is MUCH more important than "speed of release". The 1/48 line is incredible due mostly to the quality of each one. I don't mind being patient... especially if a great toy is the end result.

    ... besides, I need time to also catch up on my Binal Tech Transformer collecting B))

  3. Well, this is sad to hear. :( At least you were able to spill some info in the past. I guess all we can do now is just wait. <_<

    ... think of it this way, Yamato is giving us a break after releasing 4 1/48's (Vf-1S Hikaru and Roy reissue, and Vf-1J normal and armored) in less than a 2 month period. i know my wallet is finally relaxing :blink:

  4. Ah, your first 1/48. I remember I was only collecting Roy Fokker Valks for a while. Then I saw DrClay's Hikaru VF-1A 1/48 and thought "My God... this IS the perfect toy". It's well built, transforms better than any before it, and it looks INCREDIBLE. Now some time later I have the whole 1/48 collection and 2 fast packs... Trust me, it is sooooo worth it.

    P.S. Welcome to the 1/48 Club B))

  5. Tonto confused.

    The point of this thread is that because the F-14 is being decommissioned left and right (after years and years and years of service)... so Yamato should quit making VF-1 toys?

    What the hell do these two things have to do with one another? Yamato will move on to making other valks... but I guarantee it'll have precious little to do with retirement of the similar real world F-14.

    Yamato is making valk toys from a 20 year old anime. For fans of the show. Which is classic. Which is the point of making them, etc, etc.

    I don't think Yamato and Kawamori have to keep current with today's military aircraft designs. That's never been the point of Macross and it shouldn't be.

    If you're tired of the VF-1 toys, by all means quit buying them. Otherwise be patient and understand that Yamato is going to do what they think is best, not you.

    Word... B))

  6. I'd want a 1/48 VF-19 Kai. Comes with speaker pods and a nicely sculpted Basara figure in the cockpit with his guitar. They could put in electronics so you push a button and he yells "ORE NO UTA WO KIITE!!" :D

    No offense, bud. Macross 7 is kinda silly compared to the "original". :rolleyes:

    Anyway, I'm sure Yamato will start releasing others... but let's let them finish the VF-1 line. They may be outdated, but they're INCREDIBLE!!! Besides, this line is closest to actual military aircraft. Take your time Yamato (give our wallets a break), and keep the Valks steadily comin' :)

  7. Come on now, give Max some respect. The man managed to get captured by the Meltrandi, convince them to let him join them, and get some of Milia too. So I guess yamato decided to go with the mac-daddy instead of giving poor Kakizaki a chance. I personnaly hope they do make one, but I don't feel Yamato did wrong with any of their releases...

  8. Seriously... that's very good advice. I used to have a HUGE G.I.Joe collection including the Cobra Terrordrome, but I lost them all when my parents moved long ago :( I've begun collecting again, but my collection will never be what it once was <_< However, now that I've started collecting Yammie's (quite possibly the BEST, quality and functionality, toys evah) I will never get rid of them. Take pride in your collection, store them away, and one day dig them out and feel warm nostalgia feelings all over again :D

    ...thanks for the offer to sell them to us, though.

  9. That Rusty Valk looks pretty good. ;) More variants would be great. Montarvillois had a great idea by not adding any markings to the Valk. Just imagine a Military-colored Valk with no squad markings on it, just begging for endless customizing. :D

    Makes my mouth water (and my wallet ache... just imagine how many could be bought and customized :blink: )

  10. Good point, that would be great. I also sgree on the military colors (that's what attracted me to the low vis in the first place).

    Also, just to keep the value of our "limited edition" low vis in tact, hopefully Yamato can vary a mass production low vis just enough to keep us proud owners of present low vis happy.

  11. So many Custom decals have been released for the low vis 1/48 Yamato since it's release. Most of the best (those from Takatoys, Anasazi37, etc) have been released well after all the stores have sold out. Finding them on ebay is really hard as well :unsure:

    If you would like to see Yamato produce more Low Vis Valks, please post here. Speak your mind and proclaim your love for these highly customizable toys :lol:

    Wouldn't it be great to have low vis 1/48 VF-1S's, J's, and other future models? Yes, indeed ;)

  12. my turkey day begins with a heavy dose of Metroid Prime followed up with TONS of food with my family. Then nap time, then work (snif, snif). :(

    here's an ecard for everyone at Macross World

    Happy Thanksgiving B))

  13. Very impressive. I will be glad to help support your fund raising effort. I'm interested in customizing my 1/60 fokker strike valk (I have the same thing in 1/48, so customizing wouldn't hurt too much). I was wanting to know if anyone had any pictures showing the Angel Bird color scheme and Minmei Guard scheme... picts of a custom yammie would be great, but anything would help. They both sound very interesting.

  14. Too bad we Americans have nothing as cool as that here (except maybe BotCon). As far as Macross is concerned, we get stuck with Harmony Gold craming Robotech in our faces (good no doubt, but not near as good) . Oh well, sign me up for a shirt. I'll send Graham a message with size, etc. Thanks for hooking we fellow fans up. B))

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