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Posts posted by the9breaker

  1. Don't mean to bump this for no reason - but if you are still looking - Bandai will soon put a pre-order up for 3 ghost + SUPER parts all in one bundle. You lucky piece of $#!T - me and many others had to buy them separately - yes it's going to be +150 not to mention + S/H = it's a lot of $$$ to fork over. Anyhow - if you still need to join the coveted 3 Ghosts for your SMS squadron - go look it up.

  2. I would keep checking AE anime export shop religiously - they are pretty good at re-stocking once in a while. I bought 2 Luca Ghost sets last year LOOOONG after they sold out for reasonable prices every time I went to their site. However they can be pricey sometimes.

    Try Tokyo-hunters too, I also got in touch with them when I needed a Luca Ghost, which they got (but I had already scored a better deal on Ebay)

    Good luck man

  3. ^ HA! You remembered. Had some extra cash saved up, and well who can say no to better updated parts, with accurate color designs and tampo printing and a sleeker valk.

    Same ole' floppy mess but it hides its imperfections a lot better than the v1. And with that - I am out of the Macross collection business (unless they come out with the new tamashii posable stands again like they did with the v1. but for v2.) But I guess that's a topic for another day.

  4. Are there any major differences (aside from the fit) between the 1st ver Ozma armor parts and the 2nd ver?

    Exhausts at the leg missiles. More accurate decal tempo applications. The brace for battroid mode. The locking piece for fighter mode. The locking tabs for the hip intake. No add on for the side wing. No need for extra piece for the gunpod in fighter mode. No extra joint for neck piece. That pretty much covers it besides the more accurate look.

  5. I'm almost 100% sure that none of us want to ever go back to v1 despite the potential floppiness of v2. The main selling point is that they look better :)

    True. Very true, I agree. v1s weren't THAT bad IMHO. I also agree that the selling point here was just the looks, design, and accuracy of the valks. Besides that, I wasn't too keen to jump on the bandwagon of the how they were going to hold up. Call me pessimistic. Either way Bandai made its money from me by having me buy the v2 ozma with armor parts. And with that - my VF collection is done. (Now to save up to the 1/6 scale Hot Toys THE BAT)

    By the way - when they say 1/6, do we mean like 1/60 scale?

  6. Hah - I knew it :D - regardless of the improvements - the v2s. ended up being floppy regardless. (take that you :) v1 haters)

    At least the hinge systems in the shoulders that support the backpack seem to hold a lot better than the v1 ozma, with better material (ticker too). :D

    @ Drakie - THAT IS A MARVELOUS IDEA!! - that's from the v1 gunpod holder piece right? I will be employing that in my tornado v1 vf25g messiah.

    Any words on the special stands from bandai? like the ones released for the v1s where you can change the angles, etc. (I really liked those - I got two of them, but man, were they pricey at $60)

  7. 1BXZ1kN3.wp68KlfsLyMag.jpg

    New pic of Armored VF25 Renewal Ver. is in - For the money Bandai has been asking - I really hope to hell that those missiles are painted....otherwise it's going to suck for a lot of people.

    Via: CyberGundam Blog

  8. Make sure you get the battroid adapter included, Bandai forgot to package it but sent out free parts.

    These stands kick ass, and well, with the advent of V2 - it's a bit worth it to get them. They add flair and a lot of cool poses to both Fighter and Battroid modes - Gerwalk - well not so much as we all know what a big floppy mess that can be.

    Good luck bro.

  9. Just got it - initial impressions - very small package (a surprise for Bandai) - Pieces fit in like a wonder, can't wait to start panel inking!

    THE BAD: As I feared, this thing can't hold too many poses without the aid of any kind support once ALL the back parts have been installed, the figure can be posed but very limited choices as the back pieces simply make it flop either down or foward - it stands evenly but very in a very PRECARIOUS manner (and I know any one here can't simply afford a half-a-grand-valkyrie as seen in some ebay listings lately)

    I will post pics later. Gotta go Paintballing.

    But so far the super parts give it a very intimidating look, and once again hats off to tokyo hunters for delivering in pretty much record time!! Stay tuned for pics in the pose thread.

  10. I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that as all modern, complex transforming VF toys, whether from Bandai or Yamato seem to break, decay, rot or whatever even when stored untouched in the box, it's probably a good idea just to play with them and enjoy them while you can, as no matter how carefully you handle them, they are going to disintigrate sooner or later (probably sooner) anyway!


    I think I'm in love with you - just summarized what I been trying to say a long time ago since I joined here. "Yammies suck ass with their vf0 lines, or broken shoulder there - Bandai made their v1s are utter garbage and all" - just enjoy the f*cking figure.

    @OptionZero - email HLJ and see if they can exchange it for another one (which I doubt) or see if you can at least get a partial refund from them. Sorry to hear that man. But email them ASAP and see what can be done - I remember I bought a Cancer Myth Cloth that was faulty and they wanted pics and I sent it back, and I got another from them - but that was 4 yrs ago, I don't know how much have their policies changed since then.

    Actually can you explain how did this happen again and be specific....

  11. I was too late to get in on the preorder for the VF-25S on both Amiami and HLJ. Waiting and hoping it'll come around again. In the meantime, I'll keep an eye out for reviews on the VF-25S. Seen the reviews for the VF-25F, and I've been tempted. Just absolutely gorgeous in all modes, but especially battroid.

    Doesn't the VF25S come out end of Jan. according to HLJ.

  12. Your order number #### at Tokyo Hunter has been updated.

    Order status: Processing

    Order comment:

    Your order is now packed and ready for shipping. EMS shipping fee is 1,860 yen = which is about 25 bucks for me. Please send payment to paypal@tokyo-hunter.com. Thanks!

    Same here actually - great news. I'm sure it will get here WAY BEFORE Christmas - perhaps by next week - after it is EMS in my case. Damn, I'm excited.

  13. Could be - actually, the way they snapped to the V1 Armored Messiah wasn't so bad either - AND it was a stable and strong hold. I wonder how will the backplate joints hold up with that MASSIVE weight.

    I'm just surprised we haven't had any hobby publications have up-close pictures of them yet.

  14. Are you kidding me? I consider anything Yamato has made since 2001 to be better than the V1 DX VF-25 series, bad shoulders and all, with the only possible exception being the VF-0 line. Even so, I'd still rather have them because at least they're line art accurate and still look great sitting on display in any mode.
    If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you're wanting this line to fail miserably just so you'll feel better about your purchase of the entire V1 line, exclusive parts, flaws and all. LOL @ you, sir. laughing2.gif

    ;) This makes no sense. Anyways, I'm done with you. Perhaps I am indeed the one of the few out here who still have their V1s in one solid piece with no flaws. :rolleyes:

    Do I want the line to fail? Ah you must be a mind-reader, good job man. I mean, I already pre-ordered one from HLJ, and yet I still want the line to fail - yeah - you got me there. Ok, go pat yourself in the back now. <_<

    the V2 is not a solid toy.........

    the joints used will for sure not last long unless you transform the toy once a month......

    I can say that just by looking at the mechanism chosen

    That's what I'm saying. Will it outlast V1s. Sure, maybe. Will it last the test of time without running into floppy joints, and snapping parts, and crumbling issue. Not too sure. Time will tell. Just saying. <_<

    but get ready for the panic mode in couple of months

    Yeah, while I am new in this board - I'm beginning to notice people sure like hitting the panic button a lot - specially over minor things. But HEY! if you drop $200 plus, you should. It just amazes me how people tend to blow up small stuff.

    I'm pretty confident they designed this new line with the Super and Armor parts in mind this time around.

    It's only logical Bandai had to go that route. It would be a damn shame to have them include the weak snapping parts for the hip-intake covers again from all V1s Super Parts. A damn shame. In this I agree with you. The rest not so much....

  15. And beyond that, would you really ENJOY spending that much time and that much care just to keep your product kicking? I don't even treat my Yamato's with that much care, and they keep up fine. I don't know about you, but I certainly wouldn't like it :(

    :( so much hate for my poor v1. - anyhow - regardless, love the figure regardless. What else can I do? sell it on Ebay!? I guess if I ran into the same issues as some of you have, I would probably be in the other side of the fence....(I really don't see that happening YET, not any time soon anyways, time will tell). And well, it seems like the majority here simply LOATHE the thing with a passion (and with righteous indignation of course), but it still, I think the figure is awesome and great.

    And yeah, I take my time - I'm just getting into modeling, and one thing I learned from building Kotobuyika's Armored Core models - IS PATIENCE, some runners are so damn small, they can easily break, get lost, etc. I'm sure any modeler out here would understand that. Is it annoying, no not at all, I actually enjoy it, I stream some MF 1080HD eps on my 42 Plasma, and we are good to go - however, I guess its pointless to convey my point since many of you already suffered enough from poor manufacturing defects/design/parts - and I hope I don't run into the same fortune.

    I simply subscribe to a simple ideology: You paid for it, you take care of it, regardless of flaws/quality control issues/poor manufacturing/wrong paint app/poor durability that MAY arise in the future, and live with it. Bandai or Yamato. Regardless, its just my opinion. Bitching, crying, and moaning ain't going to do a thing - at the end of the day - either Bandai or Yamato made their money off you and that's that. What else can you do?

    Don't misunderstand - I hold no love towards neither Bandai nor Yamato (I think Yamato has a bad rep, seeing so many damn posts about broken shoulders and crappy CQ but are getting better...at a GLACIAR pace - And Bandai, well, just is Bandai, 'nuff said) The move towards designing a V2 was inevitable and only logical. V1s were crappy and badly designed - what else did people expect. Some love the v1s (like me) and others hate them with a passion. All toy manufacturers do it. Bandai and Yamato are no exception. They both marketed crappy products with poor quality control and made a fortune over it, perhaps one did it better than the other, years go by, they re-release and new re-designed product based on the same concept. As I stated before - What else can you do?

    One question lingers in my mind: I wonder how Bandai is going to design the armor THIS time around and how well it hold up. Those armor wing parts ARE going to be HEAVY and without any sort of ratchet joints on those hips - how the hell is it EVEN going to stand with all that back heaviness. Will there be any sort of lockin mechanism in those back plate joints!?

    I think its going to be the same drama over again, minus some quirk. Loose joints, easy scratch off tampo, and the inability to free pose without the need of a special stand or something to support the immense weight of the Armored Parts. And looking how FRAIL the v2 is - I would not be surprised if the V1s with all their "flaws" and being giant steaming pile of sh!t end up being more durable than the v2s.

    Once again, just my opinion - and I guess time will tell - either way Bandai has made its money of me. (And others who decide to buy)

  16. So getting the new armored ozma. looks a ton better in battroid than the V1. Just waiting for it to go up on tokyohunter or similar i guess. btw anyone experienced with them here? I preordered the alto super pack from them, but for some reason it doesn't show shipping price yet? Is that normal?

    I too, pre-ordered since they announced day one, in both the forums and their websites. They are very reliable as they got me my last ghost and weapon set even after 1 and 1/2yrs after it was released at a very reasonable price. However, like anime export, they demand fullpayment upfront to reserve. So. Be ready to dig in as soon as you checkout your order.

    @VF25SSS man, sorry to hear your fig, broke like that. Also, minor tampo scratch I can live with, but once. Stuff like the small sms and numbers go, it really rubs me the wrong way.

    @Eugimon, likewise, although my valks are still in good conditions, I feel your pain. That's. Why I take a long time to transform, so as to not scratch the sensitive areas, not stress any joints, and plan ahead what pose I want in battroid mode, always leaving the armored and torando,and super parts back parts so as not stress any joints. Don't care how long it takes. Sorry for mispell, fomr phone.

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