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Posts posted by idontknow

  1. 8 hours ago, slide said:




    It's up on HLJ now. Don't know if I want to pre-order or not. I am not a Delta fan and wish it was a DYRL or M+ valk I would probably jump on it. Hmmmmm

  2. Hi kajnrig,

    Yes. Per the title, all items were sold. No new listings.

    If I have more items or lots as I go through items while prepping to move that I need to get rid of, I will create a new post for such items.

    I will update the post to state all items have been sold in this post for clarification.

  3. On 11/30/2017 at 12:32 PM, jvmacross said:

    OK, I know that this thread is about quitting on collecting.....but I have a 4 year old son who is all about Thomas the Train Wooden Engines.....OMG.....there are so many.....seriously....how can so many engines exist on the frickin' Island of Sodor??!?!?........

    Curse you Rev W. Awdry!!! :angry:


    And don't get me started on Paw Patrol!!!

    My son loved the original Thomas Trains, they were diecast in the beginning. Pretty much had the whole set and then I give them away as soon as he moved on to pokemon. Let's not get started there with the original pokemon cards, which we actually still have packed in the attic. Another thing I must get rid of when I move soon...ugh.


    So far as macross collecting, my model habit got out of control years and years ago with the plastic kits. Not many I have not owned. Had to stop. I try to focus on Resin/Multimedia kits now as I just don't have the time to invest as I did when I was younger and the realization that I don't plan on stopping long enough to seize up from old age. Currently selling a few of my kits and toys, but having a hard time letting go of some things. Just can't bring myself to doing it. While I was going through my Macross toys and models I was putting it all on the bed that I was going to get rid of. As I was my my for sale post earlier I was putting some of them back in my stash thinking "I need this so when I finish that"...I know I am going to have to let them go at some point, model kits wise. The toys though, they are pre-made so I don't have to invest the same amount of time.

    Don't know if any of that makes sense, but ugh...the addiction. So far as collecting anything else, I don't collect anything else for personal satisfaction other than Macross.

  4. All lots SOLD

    I will be selling off more in new posts as I go through more boxes. Thank you for the interest. Way more than I though there would be.



    Hello all. I am in the middle of beginning a move and pulled out boxes, some I've not been in for at least 3 years and know I am never going to get to doing, using, or just no interest. I really need to get rid of and make space.Prices reflect the chance of something not noted, missing etc...

    I buy from here now and again and mainly a lurker, but been around for a bit.

    All prices in USD $ with buyer to pay actual S&H +paypal fees (unless you wanna be friends via paypal) +insurance if wanted.

    I will ship internationally but prefer not to due to the exorbitant rates that I am sure you are used to already.

    If you feel the prices are too much, make an offer. You never know, they've gotta go!

    I took a stab in the dark for prices and just guessed and didn't do any research, so your or I may or may not be getting a good deal, I just don't keep up. If you make an offer please be reasonable.



    Toys: I can not vouch 100% as most of these have been out of the box and placed back in. I don't typically lose items nor do I use sticker sheets, so all should be intact and everything that belongs should be there.

    Models: I opened ones here and there to check them and all seem to be 100% but no guarantee. I do know there is one here and there that has either a Hasegawa PE set or a Jasmin PE Set, and may have both. I recall placing some in their respective boxes back in the day but don't which ones. So there is a small chance you could end up with a kit that has a PE set or even an open bag, (please don't ask me to look, I am packing each one of these lot's as soon as I post this).

    Some of these models are very old and I have had them ever since they come out (speaking of Imai and LS), sigh...man I am getting old. Expect decals to be cracking, etc...

    Descriptions done as best as I can from past history. Not splitting lots, trying to make this easy on myself because I suck at selling.


    Take it all for 500$ USD and I will pay 1/2 shipping. my problem your problem, Please!!!


    Lot#1 - 100$
    Bandai      - 1/72 VF-25S Variable Model
    Imai         - 1/144 VF-1A 4-Type (orginal shrinkwrap)
    Hasegawa - 1/72 VF-1A/J/S Model
    Hasegawa - 1/72 VF-1S Strike Battroid Model
    LS            - 1/144 AFC-01Z Armo-Soldier Model
    LS            - 1/144 AFC-01Z Armo-Fighter Model
    Megahouse- 1/15 Variable Yellow VR-041H Toy
    Yamato     - GN-U Dou YF-19 Figure




    Lot#2 - 100$
    Bandai     - 1/72 RFV-25 Variable Model
    Bandai     - 1/100 VF-1J Variable Milia Model
    Bandai     - 1/144 VF-11C Model
    Hasegawa - 1/48 VF-1J/A Model
    Hasegawa - 1/72 U.S. Aerospace Ground Equipment Model Set
    Hasegawa - 1/72 VF-1 Weapons Model Set
    Yamato     - V1 VF-1A Max Variable Toy (looks like in great condition)
    LS            - 1/100 AFC-01I Armo-Soldier Model
    LS            - 1/100 AFC-01I Armo-Fighter Model




    Lot#3 - 140$
    Hasegawa - 1/72 VF-1A/J/S Model
    Hasegawa - 1/72 VF-11B Model
    Bandai     - 1/72 VF-1S Super Valkyrie Model
    LS           - 1/144 AFC-01H Armo-Soldier Model
    LS           - 1/144 AFC-01H Armo-Fighter Model
    Yamato    - GN-U Dou YF-21 Figure
    Imai        - 1/12 VR-041H Blowsperior Variable Model
    Bandai     - RVF-25 Messiah Luca Custom Variable Toy




    Lot#4 - 90$
    Hasegawa - 1/48 VF-1J/A Model
    Hasegawa - 1/48 YF-19 Model
    Hasegawa - 1/72 VF-11B Super Thunderbolt Model
    Hasegawa - 1/72 VF-1 Super/Strike Valkyrie Model
    Imai         - 1/48 AFC-01I Variable Model (Original Shrinwrap)
    Imai         - 1/72 ADR-04-MK X Destroid Defender Model
    Yamato     - GN-U Dou VF-11 Figure
    Bandai      - Robot Spirits VF-25F Super Messiah Alto Custom Toy




    Lot#5 - 120$
    Hasegawa - 1/48 VF-1J/A Model
    Hasegawa - 1/72 VF-1 Super/Strike Valkyrie Model
    Hasegawa - 1/72 VF-1A/J/S Model
    Hasegawa - 1/72 VF-1 Valkyrie Weapons Set Model
    Hasegawa - 1/72 YF-21 Model
    Imai         - 1/48 AFC-01H Variable Model
    Imai         - 1/12 VR-052F/T Variable Model
    Yamato     - V1 VF-1A Hikaru Variable Toy (looks to be handled a lot and missiles are yellowing)
    Yamato     - V1 VF-11B Variable Toy (don't recall this one having the notorious legs issues but placing a disclaimer)


  5. On 12/8/2017 at 7:58 AM, Gatsu said:

    It would be nice if once in a while hasegawa would release a kit with correct proportions... this looks much better then the cruiser mode wich have almost totally wrong proportions. Instead the Yamato was perfect: look here 64308fc6ga1215ef025de690.jpg.9591e74cbbfad4c4cc470e548f5ce37c.jpg

    As you can see in the hasegawa the central main body part is too long (it has almost a section too much) but it is correct in the storm attacker version. In the Yamato is right obviously. Also legs are not correct in the hasegawa expecially the thighs. If i noticed this defects before buying it i would n t have built and painted it... But hasegawa is not a cheap alternative to the Arcadia.

    I was comparing this too and noticed this one has the shoulders on the wrong sides :(

    Agree with some of the proportions, and think that Hasegawa took it upon themselves to take the middle ground so they could re-use the mold for both the TV and DYRL versions?

  6. 16 hours ago, arbit said:

    You designed and 3D printed every building?

    Give us spme specs. How many buildings in all?

    Hi Abit, that was not mine. I am assuming that is how it was done due to the detail. It could be done with plastic sheet as well with the right amount of precision and patience.

    Sorry for the misunderstanding.

  7. On 11/8/2017 at 3:33 AM, tekering said:

    No, I'm sorry...  I just can't.  I can't begin to process this level of detail.


    How is this even possible?  :blink:

    3D Printer...I actually just bought two different ones (by total accident, was going to send one right back but decided, what the hell) and awaiting for them to arrive. I really want a SLA printer and may do it before the end of the year if I can get this to work (and time to play).

    Doing a Ataria island was an idea I had to start with to test out for Macross modelling purposes after I got things up, running and working well. I was thinking of doing one for my Hase 1/4000 model and if I was balsey enough, do one for the 1/3000 Arcadia/Yamato version...Decisions, decisions, decisions.

    The problem of course is the size of the diorama :(

    Yours is coming along very well! Look forward to watching your progress.

  8. 2 hours ago, kajnrig said:
    6 hours ago, idontknow said:

    Anyone remember the scale of the arii one? It was 1/20 if I recall, very little detail, and made from a ceramic type material?

    I remember there being a 1/35 VF-1 by Bandai, but that was just a display prototype or something and never made it past that stage.

    ...then there was this sexy beast last year:

    I don't remember the 1/35. I should stay in touch.

    How big was that one in the youtube vid? Hard to get a real justification of the size of the beast.

    Here is the one I was thinking of. Good old Macross World to the rescue.



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