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Posts posted by 00Geass

  1. by the way just a heads up

    Paypals currency conversion seems to be set to "ON" now, even if you previously have it set to "bill me in the currency listed on the seller's invoice like before"

    Ugh, I ALWAYS forget how to undo that :angry: It's such a hassle

  2. I wouldn't be upset if Bandai paused on SDF for a while and moved on to plus or 7 or FB2012. I'm still waiting for that YF-21 they teased all those years ago.

    I also wouldn't mind an HMR Layzner, Ideon, or Scopedog

  3. Pretty upset that the VF-1A comes with the fighter mode stand adapter that's used with Super parts instead of the one the GBP VF-1J had. There better be a super parts set coming (P-Bandai)

  4. I think you're right! Great explanation.

    Do we have a specific release date for the Hikaru 1J? I want to figure out PW shipping dates.

    Go to Tamashii.jp They always list the exact date of their releases for the month.

  5. I missed the Pre-Orders for the VF-1J, Other than praying Amiami/HLJ open orders again or stalking manda where you should I look around for one after release?

  6. I'm so hyped for Dougram! It makes sense to ease of the Macross, after this initial slew of releases there aren't many high demand machines left to make from SDF/DYRL (Please keep in mind most people aren't Macross obsessed and don't live on MW before bringing up your niche mecha waifu). The next releases would have to be planes from other series and if they did that they'd begin to over saturate the market and releases would start eating each others sales.

    This makes me very happy, I pray we get a Scopedog soon too, maybe even a Giant Gorg!

  7. FINALLY! I don't care that's it's a little pricey I'm glad we FINALLY have a kit for this! Now I'll never need to buy the Arcadia. I've built Waves Battroid and fighter mode VF-1 kit that they have really nice quality!

  8. I stumbled on here while searching for her news. Anyway on gg infinite they have the Roy 1s for $120 U.S.. They also have a holiday sale so if there's anything else available of interest there is some potential for savings.

    Stupid spell check I was trying to write hmr news not her news.

    You can get Roy's for $20 less on Nippon Yasan

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