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Posts posted by tweetychick630

  1. Yeah, Konishi was sort of forgotten. I guess that makes me a bad Ozma cosplayer. :lol: Are you saying he was actually supposed to die of the Pinecake?

    Lol, poor Konishi xD but it's totally understandable. A lot of the questions were about super random/small/upcoming roles, but it was still a fun panel =). And I didn't quite catch the episode titling thing because it went by pretty fast, but apparently there is a Pine Apple or Pine Cake thing in Japan, and it means death? And the episode originally had that in the title, so he feared for Ozma's life. He kept bugging the producers/staff, and they eventually changed it to something more ambiguous, so he was like "whew," and felt safer =). I think there was another Macross question, about which was his favorite scene, but I can't quite remember the answer well enough to describe it xD

    Wah, panel pictures make me feel kinda bad xD. I made my brother go to May'n's panels because I was working to get the ticket, and I never ended up getting her autograph >o<

    And the video's playing for me! I wish I could've brought my camera and tried to abuse my powers as staff, lol, but I'm not that brave xD. The screens at the beginning saying 'No warning we will kick you out' were scary! My friend was "press" so he's going to send me at least 10 hopefully high quality photos that I can share, apparently press was able to take video of the first 20 minutes as well but he probably didn't.

  2. Man, I'm sorry I missed out on meeting some of you guys. Preparations for AX kept me so busy I forgot to check in with the thread before leaving, and then some people from club had the MWCon fliers and I was like, 'Dude where'd you get those? =O' >.<

    But yeaaaaaaah, the concert was amazing. It was so good I was practically in tears at some points, and it was so awesome hearing the harmony switching in Lion live. I wasn't able to get their autographs (ToT), or go to either of their panels (super ToT), but I think I'm ok with seeing them live at an amazing concert. I do think that May'n is more polished than Megumi, but Megumi's also newer and younger, right? I remember some of her earlier live performances, and the few off points, and I can really tell that she's improved a lot since then with her singing, it was way above and beyond what I could have expected/hoped for (besides that awesome Tokyo video). Yoko Kanno was amazing as well, a real treat. Oh yeah, but back to the topic, I really really liked that Megumi had her personal touches (Ninjin), and that she tried so hard with her English, it was adorable. And she had more crowd participation overall, which I liked too. I guess I'm one of the few people that holds them rather equal overall.

    I guess everyone's mostly May'n/Megumi fans because it hasn't been mentioned before, but in Konishi's panel (only panel I went to yay! XD), he talked about how he really wanted Ozma to live, and bugged and asked the producers (I think?) to even change the title of the episode so that he could have better chances of living. Everybody was like, 'awwwww'

    And I haven't been on the forums long enough to tell whether you guys are joking or not, but lay off on the cosplayers, man. It takes a lot of guts to cosplay, and when I see you guys just talk about their weight and nothing about their cosplays at all, or how much time/energy/money it takes to pull everything together, that makes me sad. And makes me think you know nothing about the horrors of sewing.

    Lucky Star + Macross is incredible. I saw crossover figures in the Exhibit Hall, but the booth was way too busy. I'll have to search around to get them, because they were just awesome.

  3. I won't be going, since I have stuff to do (sadly), but could I make a request?

    Whoever attends the concerts, could you bring a video camera and upload to YouTube?

    I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one feeling thankful for it.

    Nokia Theater has a policy of no cameras inside, which they search and use metal detectors if I remember from 2008, so I don't think anyone will be able to =(. Then if you can get it through the doors, Main Events staff will probably catch the camera. Sorry =(.

    Is it going to be possible to pick up tickets during pre-registration on Wednesday? I'm going Wednesday afternoon/night to pickup passes. If doing that is possible, I'm hoping I can get my tickets early.

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure you can =). My friend who works at Main Events said that Day 0'd be her busiest day, and they won't close until maybe 9 so that everyone can get their tickets I'm guessing.

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They actually have the autograph sessions posted!


  4. so i caved in and bought a 1 day pass on Friday to go to the May n and Megumi Concert. =] Figured i'd probably never get to see them otherwise. So where do we pick up the tickets then?

    If you come in from the double doors for South Hall, Reg should be on the left side, and I think Main Events Ticketing is on the right side. Randomly, I didn't realize that they charged twice as much for Main Events for people who didn't buy the 4-day pass =\...or that it's more expensive at-con for 4-dayers. Anyways, I'm attaching a layout of South Hall, and I don't feel too bad because it was leaked on cosplay.com earlier >D.

    And yay, Macross music =D. So looking forward to the concert!

  5. Thanks for the welcome KiriK! And sorry for the late reply, finals, graduation, and AX preparations have been killer XD. And now I start summer school tomorrow! :slumps in chair:

    @>EXO< - I think I'd be down with making a few of the lyrics, did you export it from Powerpoint to Windows Movie Maker and time it that way? If you let me know the general standards (how many lines per slide, whether you want backgrounds in each video, font and size). I'd probably be most comfortable making Macross Frontier videos, as that's the one I'm most familiar with xD

    Actually, now that I think about it, one of my friends put the karaoke to one of Nakajima's Seikan Hikou performances for me (I think it's still up here: http://hemineko.net/share/Seikan_Hikou_Karaoke.wmv though it's 171MB xD), so I can try to add lyrics to that kind of thing (have videos instead of backgrounds in the karaoke video for some of them? Or different versions, if that's not too ambitious xD)

    And the fliers look awesome =D. If I can finish my Ranka cosplay in time and make it to the Macross Frontier gathering for AX, I'd love to pass out some fliers too =D

  6. I'm not sure whether you guys know or not, but Nokia Theater tickets have assigned seating, so you don't need to get there really early on the day of if you get your tickets on an earlier day. I heard from a friend who works in Main Events ticketing that how close your seats are depends not on when you ordered/purchased them, but when you pick them up (first come first serve), so I'd try to get them early rather than coming early on the day of, if you can. And as a red vest, the lines outside of assigned seating are pretty pointless out in the sun, so just come in closer to the concert time rather than waiting outside and your seat will still be there =).

    Waiting in the sun will probably be Exhibit Hall/Registration, which are both (among other things) in South Hall Lobby......sadpanda this year ToT. I've heard the lines aren't nearly as bad after Day 0 and Day 1, so you should be ok shiroikaze, but you're only going one day? Aww =(

    And random update on the panels - They changed the schedule so Nakajima and Konishi aren't at conflicting times, though Konishi's still in the smaller room rather than the bigger one for his GoH panel =O

  7. Hi everyone! I'm pretty new, but wanted to say hi, and I am going to AX (4th year staffing!) I got totally excited when I heard May'n and Nakajima Megumi were coming, and Konishi on top of that, awesome. Hope to be able to meet some of you, especially if you're going to MacrossWorld at my home school!

    And I'm definitely hoping they'll be at the Open Autograph session on Sunday, because for some reason I can never make the regular sessions =(

  8. Hi everyone! My name is Jenny, I'm one of the JACers, and thought I'd join and introduce myself, though I should be studying for finals xD. MacrossWorld sounds like it'll be a blast this year though, and hopefully I'll get to meet some of you at AX before MacrossWorld! (heading to that thread now xD)

    And for karaoke song lyrics, I normally use Gendou, they're pretty accurate, though they don't always have all the songs I need. Are you guys planning on printing them out for the con? Putting them in a binder or something? Anyways, I'm always up for karaoke!

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