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Posts posted by tn_prvteye

  1. I don't suppose you've got any pics? I can vacu-form a new canopy if I need to. I'd really just like to make sure that the general shape is correct. I can scribe panel-lines, scratch-build the interior, and add more detail...but if the whole shape is wrong, I'm not going to go that far.

    I'm in the mood for a challenge, but not that much of one! :D

  2. Okay, I've been wondering this for a long time, but I've been too embarrassed to ask. I can't take it anymore...I have to know.

    What in the blazes are those HUGE shoulder pads for on the flight-suits? You know, the Yellow and Black striped things? I come from an aviation background, and, for the life of me, can't come up with a reason. I thought they might be flotation devices, but in Macross Zero, you can clearly see those in addition to the shoulder pads. I thought maybe some sort of Ejection Seat protector...like they come down to cover the arms during an ejection. But the VF-11 has a capsule, and the pilot still wears the shoulder pads.

    I know that part of the fun in any sci-fi 'verse (be it Star Trek, Star Wars, whatever) is coming up with "realistic" uses for things that are obviously just there to "look cool". But I can't come up with anything for the pads.

    And yes, I realize the absurdity of arguing over shoulder pads in a world with jet fighters that turn into robots. :D

  3. First time poster here...

    I've been searching e-bay and scouring the net, and I just can't seem to find a 1/72 VF-11B. I know that Club-M and Reppu <sp?> made one, and apparently they are worth some major cash (which I don't have).

    Anyone know of any upcoming 1/72 re-releases? Or any other alternatives? If not, I'm gonna have to go through Shapeways.com and make my own...but it wouldn't be as nice as a real resin kit.


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