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Posts posted by comicguru

  1. chronocidal, i had order mine from NY on monday and got the same letter from them asking me if i wanted to upgrade to Fedex priority. it doesnt seem that BBTS is/ will be carrying macross items. i was lucky to get the reissue of the YF-29 form them though.

  2. Hi all. I just got an email from BBTS.com. I had preordered this item from them. They say that they may not get it in until the reissue. I was wondering if anybody has one that they may want to part with. Not looking to pay the inflated prices of eBay. If you have one, shot me a PM. Thanks.

  3. hi everyone,

    i know that this isnt macross but i was wondering if anyone has a picture of the vf-1s model? i found a picture but it isnt quite clear enough. i would like to be able to see all sides. i have a unpainted vf-1s that i want to do in that paint scheme. any help would be greatly appreciated.


  4. hi guys, just wanted to say that i had a very good experience with MacrossMan. He was very communicative with the item and working with Pay Pal. I would definitely recommend him in the future. Also, its nice to do business with fellow Macross fans. :D

  5. hi fellow macrossworlders,

    i was wondering where i could get water slides for my 1/48 valks? i see a lot of customization on this site and i thought that they look great. as much as i like the stickers that come with the valks themselves, i want something that stands up a little bit better. if you could help, that would be great. :D thanks

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