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Posts posted by mandol

  1. I have an unopened milia and I have now taken out max(the 3rd time I think) to practice before I'm finally all over his counterpart. max is now extremely loose at the thigh swivel and wing joints. I hope to remedy those problems soon using the awesome tips posted here.

    I had a couple of times tranformed max to battroid without noticing that I had scrucnhed up the small plastic wing flaps. Of course the whole thing didn't tab in and when I finally found out(doh?!?), I thought I finally broke it. It didn't. There is not even any hint of stress marks.

    Most likely I'll be getting gamlin and the reissued original + fold boosters in the near future. It is such an awesome mold imho.

  2. What I was doing was transforming from fighter to battroid and when I was swinging thelegs down, the left leg dropped onto the table. I was not directly touching the left leg either. It was very weird.


    It was disturbing for me as both of mine of max fell off and my hands were not even handling/gripping the legs either. In my limited experience I find it tends to pop off only when the hip joints are in plane postion, more so when you are fiddling around with the figure other than its legs.

    Make sure that you have the legs in battroid-gerwalk position all the way right until the last few steps when you tuck in the legs and fit the panels in place for plane mode. Same thing when you are transforming it from plane mode to other modes, immediately swing the hips to battroid-gerwalk position when you have swung and click the hip bars in place.

    The hips are most stable in battroid-gerwalk position and my max does not pop off anymore when I took the above precuation.

  3. imagine the utter shock that i got when the right thigh of my sv 51 nora exploded the very few times i transformed it frm fighter mode.it gave an extremely loud bam when i bend the knees to gerwalk form without first extending it out which i forgot.the front thigh piece flew off, along with the lower leg which crashed down to earth in a heap.i gathered up whatever senses that was left and immediately set to super glue(a generous amount in fact) the broken parts back.shock number two came when my dad came to me three days later to ask me whether this small piece of metal rod belongs to one of my toys.this time i went a little CRAZY when i went to unscrew the other leg and found it had a similar piece of metal rod.

    well what the heck lol.hope every sv 51 owners can learn from this nightmare of mine

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