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Posts posted by SIGHUP

  1. You might want to look at some books like "the World After People" I think thats what it is called which depicts how the Earth would respond if Humanity vanished that might help you imagine.

    I know it isn't the same thing also books on Nuclear Winter, Climate change, Volcanic eruptions, they might also help you.

    I would assume the most damaging part of the Zentradi Attack on the Earth would be the massive introduction of particulate mater in the the atmosphere which would block out a large part of the Sun's energy for a months damaging the surviving plant life.

    You're thinking of "Life After People."

  2. Hey, do individual posts disappear or something? I was going to reply to chrisk's post about him just playing around about the Macross cosplay and if I were to post about Comic Con in my view. I was just going to say that basically all the posts on RTX "news" are done by me. MEMO posts mostly in the forums.

    As far as Rick Hunter, didn't he get lost in space? Oh wait that was Hikajojo.

  3. This was shocking news. I just couldn't believe it. My condolences to your family and friends.

    I am glad I got to meet him at Comic Con, such a great guy. With tons of stories! Thank you for everything, you will be missed.

  4. Please wear the Tuna Hat. In the bondage gear of Sheryl. I'd love to see how MEMO would react.

    Hmm not a bad idea. But the Tuna Hat belongs to Phred, he's the guy who made it. Besides that thing is too freakin' heavy. On second thought, cosplaying might be too much effor so might just go as 30-year old guy who likes anime, That way I won't have to put a costume together.

  5. Supposedly, there's enough out there to deserve a fan works award or something for Comic-Con. However, I think the whole thing is fixed or biased in some way.

    That's where I come in. As long as I'm there, I'll do what I can against corruption.

    Geez, that sounds like a cheesy line from a tv show.

  6. Why does he even want to be a part of that? It's not like he's going to have ANY creative control

    since it's a given that tommy doesn't like sharing the spotlight, so really what is he going to do with Robotech now?

    It does to me because I believed Carl never liked the idea that someone took over Robotech in the first place.

    This wouldn't be the first time he was put in this situation. Remember what Canon Films did to Robotech Untold Story? More boobs! Bigger explosions! If he shows up at Comic Con '10 and I get to, I'll ask him how he feels about no creative control and see if he gives me an answer.

  7. No, SIGHUP's right. Watch the "Easter Egg" interview with Noburo Ishiguro on disc 9 of the AnimEigo release. The interviewer asks him if something was "going on" between Misa and Global, and Ishiguro answers that yeah, there might have been.

    He also says that he thinks the Macross's continual bad luck was due to Global bad karma.

    Oh man what better place than the source! Thanks for clearing that up Gubs, I couldn't put my finger on where I heard that. Or technically since I don't speak Japanese "read that." Now you know why Global kept hitting his head on the entryway, kept staring at all the girls.

  8. The only way it would work is with magic!

    If you guys ever get a chance/time watch Battle of the X-Planes (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/xplanes/).

    http://www.hulu.com/watch/23356/nova-battle-of-the-x-planes or even on NETFLIX's Watch Instantly.

    The development of the two X-planes competing for the military contract reinforced even more how impossible a Valkyrie really is. But who knows what they would come up with if giants were really invading earth.

  9. We're going into hypothetical situations now? Fine, whatever.

    Robotech is dying, MEMO, LSC, and doug are madmen, you want to bury all of them on your own terms, and this isn't going to end at all. Don't take this as me defending the guy or conceding; they're all just tools who don't deserve THIS much discussion.

    And there you have it! Sorry Cobra Commander, just let it go and let it die on its own. I know for a FACT that MEMO is incomprehensible 99% of the time. He defends HG to the bone, I've even called him on it. He types in all caps and if he stops people wonder why! I don't even remember what else I was going to type, that's how unimportant it all is.

    Just let go!

  10. To Kamikaze Kamujin, I don't even see how if Memo was paid a little on the side by HG really means a big conspiracy of not. As someone who gets tons of this type of info all the time, Memo as an employee isn't something that is one of them. Out of respect of privacy, I know where Memo works, and what he does, and punching a clock at HG isn't part of it. Now, maybe he gets alternative payment in goods and services for his participation, maybe even getting some money in small forms for specific things, but he's not on HG's payroll. If you have a source, send me a pm message, and I'll keep it between us, and maybe fill you in on what is and isn't verifiable.

    There's reasons why I don't advertise info like that. 1)It serves no purpose for such trivial info, 2) If you can't verify the source, it stays just as a rumor. Just my opinion on that, but like I said, if you wanna hash through facts, I can provide quite a bit.

    I'll have to second this, I've know and met the guy since 07 and talk on a regular basis. I concur he is not on the payroll.

  11. Agreed. SIGHUP, if I offended you in any way in the past, I am very sorry for what I said or did before. But I have to say that it's a crappy situation(s) your site has been put into by other people recently.

    Oh no worries there.Technically its his site since he dishes out the dough for it. I just do the web stuff. Like it has been mentioned on this thread, RTX is probably in the clear since its not a company or anything and it is non-profit. The only difference between RTX and UEG's is the slightest possibility of UEG actually becoming a company. Correct, MEMO did not know the full details or maybe he did and way playing like he did not. Which is why Nenad and I discussed it to clear up anything and everything. No McKeever-style dodging, toungue-twisting, spidey web-spinning thiis one. :

    Original discussion here

    Is it possible that Deviant Art wants to remove all art just so they avoid conflict? Let's say without taking into consideration the type of art or genre it is? This way they don't get involved in legal troubles.

    UEG: No. Acording to them:

    The records associated with your account, robotechgenesis.deviantart.com/ indicate that the removed deviations were named specifically in a Claim of Copyright Infringement filed by Harmony Gold USA and were removed in order to comply with the claim of infringement on the federal trademark held by that company on the "Robotech" and "Macross" properties.

    This is supported by the fact not all deviations were removed. 36 are removed. 18 are not.

    Is UEG Productions a company or a fan group?

    Along the entire life span of the genesis project (2004-2010) ueg was a RT fan group.(not a company)

    UEG: Now it is just an Artist group...(still not a company)

    There was mention in an article (sorry I can't get the link to it now but if someone has it link it please) and to my understanding, UEG was going to become a company with its base being in some islands somewhere. Clarification on that please.

    UEG: Yes. The Kenna cubed article. The whole Genesis endevour made us realize our potential to create quality graphics and animation. However those plans for setting up a company were intentioned to take place long after the Genesis project is finished. (with original projects and IP) And had nothing to do with Genesis..

    Nor there was ever any intention for Genesis to be used to promote that company...


    And as mentioned the true subject of this thread is in regards to UEG's own Cegar Project, which was removed and HG claims as infringement on their IP.

    UEG: Indeed.

    it appears I now have a stalker

    Wow someone has some serious issues!

    Not the first time eh lady?

    My contribution:


    Me likey.

    No, what's REALLY funny is HOW MEMO's been telling UEG that we did it... reportedly he's been telling them that I "posed as Harmony Gold" and contacted DeviantArt to demand the removal of all of their Robotech Genesis fan works. The lies MEMO's telling are getting more and more extravagant and unbelievable as he attempts to undermine someone who just doesn't give a poo about Robotech anymore. :rolleyes:

    I'll have to ask MEMOEATS@DOMINOS on this one. See what he tells me.

  12. Oh, I very much doubt that RobotechX is in any danger of being shutdown by Harmony Gold. After all, it's MEMO's baby, and he's one of the very worst ass-kissing Tommy Yune fanboys and goose-stepping pro-Harmony Gold fascists. You've got nothing to fear... your site's an unofficial police box for the Harmony Gold division of ThinkPol.

    Correction: ". . MEMO is one of the very worst best ass-kissing Tommy Yune fanboys and goose-stepping pro-Harmony Gold fascists."

    I know, it'd be hilarious if it wasn't for the fact that some Robotech fans probably believe that it's true. Quite a few of them, including Maverick_LSC, Doug Bendo, and WDKaiserV1 (the guy who had the "Death to Macross Purists" signature) readily reiterate the theory that I'm lying about the Macross licensing issue to cause "pain and suffering", and that I'm the sinister lord of a cabal of Macross purists who've infiltrated the Robotech fanbase and are working to destroy it from within. I'm like Cobra Commander to these people, except I'm actually competent and I almost never lose...

    Aye! Aye!, this guy and the high horse. Humility Cobra Commander. Do you have the same annoying voice?

    I don't know about HP's stuff. The impression I get is that she's content to do completely original stuff, leaving RT behind.

    As for me, I'm working on shifting DLD over to Macross, where it truly belongs. Just gotta figure out all I have to do to get it done.

    You're probably ok, unless you show any bit of a sign that you're making a profit off it. Which of course is not your intent.

  13. That makes the announcement involving him from AOD this year less meaningful. He's usually a guest at panels anyway, as if he never left the franchise or HG. So he's officially back on board probably to do something relatively in the future. Does HG now have the ability to do anything with Robotech without Japanese or Korean animation studios? If not, then I guess people will still have to wait for something significant like always.

    Not really. He only showed up as a guest @ Comic Con 2009. It was announced @ AOD that he was returning to work on Robotech. Yes, we'll wait another 10 years.

  14. Seriously? MEMO sounded VERY excited about all the information he found out from AOD and wanted to both tell people and prove the naysayers wrong. He even posted videos of it.

    I was talking about the Comic Con 2009 Robotech Panel. Carl Macek was a guest there as well.

  15. I'm of the opinion that Frank Agrama is waiting / hoping Warner Brothers buys the RT franchise from him outright.

    All new RT projects are on hold, with the exception of the movie. You wouldn't want to take on new debt or be in the middle of a new production if you wanted to be bought out!

    Despite all the rhetoric on the various sites and on the SC dvd, Frank doesn 't care about RT. It was an unexpected cash cow for a couple of years in the 80s and then made him more money early in the new century. Agrama is all about buying low and selling high, with very little in house investment in between. RT has cost him money. TSC cost him a 1M, and I doubt with the distribution deal with Funimation that it made enough profit to be compelling sequel material. If that were the case, the second animated movie would be in the can by now. Instead, the "creative staff" (I used the term loosely) has been on hiatus for the past two years following WB's option of the RT property. Certainly seems like someone is waiting for something to happen, doesn't it?

    The RT movie is largely handcuffed for a narrative without the ability to use the Macross material. The HG staffers are fully aware that a Macross based film is their linchpin for the franchise and BW has effectively shut down that possibility. HG knows that their fans want to see a Macross film. I have to agree with other posters, that to publicly admit HG can't use the Macross IP in new productions would effectively kill the franchise fandom or effective reduce its number.

    Then there's the other risk of admission. Without a strong fanbase, the RT property no longer has any value and thus Agrama can't hope to unload or sell it for a profit. If Agrama has sold / given shares to his top brass, then they stand to profit from any sale as well. So keeping the fans loyal by any means necessary would be required by all involved.

    This makes sense to me. In the end its all about business. $$$ talks.

    What I gleaned from the convention panel discussion videos posted on RTX I honestly don't think they had a story to begin with. Macek's comments lead me to believe that nothing was in the works in so far as animation was concerned. Yune waffled between suggesting a new anime may be a continuation of the SC or a tie in with the LAM. However as time goes on the film appears to have begun a slow sink into "development hell"... As I've already said, WB must be aware that they're best ROI is with a Macross film and they can't do that with HG dangling from their legs... :rolleyes:

    You know that's the same impression I get. Same with last years' extremely disappointing Robotech Industry Panel @ Comic Con 2010 where NOTHING NEW was announced. Seems to me that HG brought along Carl Macek to prevent them from being booed and tomato-ED off the floor. Heck even MEMO was surprised when he said something like "wow nothing new?"

    I've been reading these threads with interest (and sometimes tears of laughter),and thought y'all might be interested in my perspective.

    I'm a Macross fan that was introduced to both Macross and anime-in-general by Robotech. Robotech was on in Denver on a channel I couldn't watch because I lived so far out in the country our antenna was blocked by nap-of-the-Earth. (Gawd,that was a long time ago!) In the Summer of '86 though, a overnight in Denver introduced my brother and I to Robotech by way of Bye-Bye Mars. We were blown away! This was nothing like Thundercats or GI Joe, and soon we bought a few action figures and lusted after the un-affordable Macross model kits we saw advertised in magazines,which also was our introduction to the Japanese origin of Robotech. Taking the best option for poor country boys, we collected the McKinney novels. I loved the first 6,suffered through "Masters", and enjoyed "New Generation". I grew older,started to afford the models I wanted,and discovered other anime,preferably subtitled. Mecha remained a favorite,especially the "real" Macross stuff I found.

    But I never forgot Robotech. She was the girl what brung me to the dance. Even after I interned at a friend's anime import shop at the turn of the century,learning about HG's attitudes and the real reason it was hard to get Macross stuff, my affection for the old girl remained. I was excited a couple(?) years ago when Shadow Chronicles was announced. It couldn't replace Macross and Gundam, but it would be great to see the rest of the story!

    OMG. My problem with SC isn't that it's so bad, it's that it's so.........nothing! 20 years of waiting,for this? Now, all I have left is that lingering affection for Robotech as my anime intro.

    But the series just seems irrelevant otherwise. I think HG's business practices are disgusting, but I wish Robotech fans no ill. I'm glad people are still passionate about it. There is even a tiny part of me that hopes there will be a kickass LAM.

    Ditto. It has definitely not been a good things for people that have been following the franchise for 20+ years. But that's their own fault. Robotech has to be clearly enjoyed purely for its nostalgic merits. Heck after re-discovering Robotech in 2007 the first DVD boxset I bought from RT.com was the Macross AnimEigo set. In the end Macross is what people want and its not what they'll get.

    Joking aside, this is an all-too-common phenomenon among what remains of the Robotech fanbase. Now that the Harmony Gold "creative team" has made it appallingly obvious that they will never produce anything of quality, fans of Robotech find themselves in a difficult position. The most rational fans simply accept that Robotech was just doomed to fail, and move on to other shows that actually have potential. They might retain a lingering affection for the show that introduced them to anime, or they might just walk off shaking their heads and wondering what the hell they were thinking. The more devoted Robotech fans, who've stuck with the franchise through two and a half decades worth of disappointment, will often work themselves up into a frenzy of denial over the current state of affairs. They'll spend hours or days trying to justify how Shadow Chronicles really isn't as bad as everyone says it is, and all the while it's painfully obvious that they don't actually believe the things they're saying and are just trying to retroactively justify 20+ years of wasted time to themselves. The most devoted Robotech fans, who are generally thick enough to actually believe Harmony Gold's hype, have been clinging to the franchise for so long that they've lost all contact with reality and actually believe that Robotech is a strong property and that Shadow Chronicles is a misunderstood gem. Oddly enough, this most devoted group of fans is also usually the group that knows the least about Robotech, frequently tripping up on simple stuff like what character belongs to what saga and the fact that not every minor one-shot character has a huge, elaborate backstory.

    This last group is Robotech's core constituency... the strange, mutant creatures whose completely alien concepts of "fun" and "entertainment" leave you wondering if they unwind by building databases in Microsoft Access. More often than not, they give their unwilling audience cause to wonder whether they're masochists, stupid, or both.

    In practice, nostalgia is about the only merit Robotech has ever had. Even as early as 1986, Harmony Gold was already gleefully proving that they hadn't a clue how to write original material of their own. Eventually, the nostalgia of the people will run out, and Robotech will finally die... albeit a far less dignified death than the one it should have had back in 1987.

    Just look at this guy go at it. Marathon writer. But he is mostly right on the money.

    And so the thread of love continues!

  16. And so I have watched episode 14. Fun episode. City 7 still separated from the fleet, and everyone basically trying to get along like normal despite.

    Gamlin really needs to relax some more, lol. He only doesn't like Fire Bomber music because he has a problem with Basara and is conflicted about Mylene.

    Also Fire Bomber seems to hit all demographics for their concerts, I have to say though, Basara is a great sport about it.

    More amazing Valk action from Milia again. Too bad we have to wait so long to see Max back in the cockpit again.

    I don't really have much to say for this episode there is pretty much not much to say but what you see with this one. Can't even think about anything to do for the science bit this week. I guess it is for next week.

    But this is why Gamlin has gray hair at such a young age! Way too uptight! I prefer him over Basara. I've always wanted to hit him over the head with his guitar. I wonder if the guitar controls work similar to the Rockband controllers, lol!

  17. At the risk of sounding like some vacant-minded born-again fool, I have to say that, in the time since I've dropped RT (Roughly two weeks ago), it's been a refreshing time.

    I can only say that there's this feeling of losing a TON of unneccessary weight. I've been able to concentrate on a lot of interesting stuff, thanks to the vacancy left by the complete lack of RT-bullschwat.



    Goodness, maybe this thread should be renamed ROBOTECH Fans Anonymous.

  18. I'm curious, cause while some seem hell bent on getting HG's pr to admit the truth, some have some sort of in between view. What's interesting is that the unspoken truth that Kevin and staff really hate to bring up is that there are more and more fans showing a frustration and disinterest in the franchise. Yes, while the fact they still talk does show some interest or attention, it doesn't show it in any positive manner.

    While it doesn't show it in a positive manner. From a PR perspective, any interest whether good in the end is interest. Let's just see how long they can push it in that direction before it bites them in the butt.

    That should be expected when the only thing the company does now is stall indefinitely while teasing about an optimistic future from time to time. The more they do it, the worse it will get. In the end, they'll just wear down anybody who can't take it anymore by "proving them wrong."

    Trying to have a serious conversation about it is pretty much futile, especially when you have a PR guy and yes men moderators like these.

    Much expected from a corporate site. This is why it doesn't surprise me at all. Corporations tend to do that. Its not fair to the fans but unfortunately that's the way it is.

  19. Even if it's not your thing, the job has to be done by someone. If the whole series of incidents surrounding dougbendo and Pizza the Hutt proved anything, it's that MEMO is NOT the right man for the job. Regardless of whether it was "your thing" or not, that MEMO was gleefully looking the other way while his cronies dougbendo and Pizza the Hutt were busily calling most of the site's active membership everything from trolls to pedophiles and child pornographers should have prompted a reaction from you without needing me, HP, Viper, and a handful of other people getting on your case about it. Having to wait days or weeks for moderator intervention definitely did nothing to help the already-tense situation.

    Well true, it can't be denied. Luckily now tension is at an all-time low @ RTX with moderate activity.

    As far as the fate of Robotech goes, who knows. Its up in the air. Much like its been for so many years. Maybe that's what happens when you don't let something die. It is just not natural.

    Nothing more than to play the Robotech game of wait and see, while the fans entertain themselves.

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