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Posts posted by Jasonlord

  1. Actually VFX-2 does have a forward view but you need to enable it. Go to the screen where you can customise the controls and set the forward view to ENABLE.

    actually, I tried that...it just goes back to missile/target view...Unless I'm doing something wrong...

    BTW, are there any cheats?

  2. What am I doing wrong? :huh: I can access some mission with one valk but not with others. And with the bonus valks, I can't effect changes in the game so I can unlock other valks. What do I do? Do I have to start over again to unlock the other valks?!? :(

  3. How do you get an S rank in the last ARMD stage?

    I managed to finish the first two parts with perfect health. Its with the duel with Badolza where I mess up. :angry: It's so impossible to finish Bodolza with perfect health.

    HELP! :(

    how do you complete the second part - curse my lack of understanding Japanese!

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