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Posts posted by distantmantra

  1. Yeah, have Ranka sing to heal and stop the enemy, knock off its spikes, the egg pods under the tail and the spikes on the lower front, then UNLEASH THE ITANO CIRCUS.

    Hehe, I sat right underneath the Guardian and unleashed ITANO CIRCUS to wipe out the eggs. It killed the damn thing! :lol

  2. Mission 6-5 boss. Seems similar to the 3-5 boss. I can take down the "first form" and to get to the point where Guld shows up, but it does that red laser attack and I'm having a hell of a time avoiding it. I keep my distance, but that isn't much help. Any suggestions on what I can do?

  3. Ok, I seriously cannot beat the boss at the end of chapter 3. I feel like an absolute idiot. The thing continues to slaughter me. Any tips aside from SP attack when it glows blue?

    I get to the part where Rod and his squadmates show up, and then eventually get killed.

  4. @Zoroastres

    For the Chapter 3 Boss is relatively easy to avoid, if you see the bosses (and this holds true to most fights with Mad Dogs and aces) do the Blue flash of using an SP move is to counter it with your own SP move as they usually only do the SP move only once per battle.

    Also avoid fighting it at close range as the tail attack can punch thru your FAST pack armor and around 1/2 of you HP in one hit :p

    When you eventually fight Rod, one thing I noticed is he's exceptionally vulnerable to melee attacks as the first Melee SP managed to blow away his Fast pack armor and the 2nd SP move finished him off.

    The stupid thing consistently does an SP move twice on me. Argh. I've been stuck here for a few days.

  5. My copy got to San Francisco customs last night, but I have a feeling EMS won't deliver to Seattle until Monday.

  6. That's a very good thing. The USD:JPY exchange rate was absolute crap when we all preordered. Much better now at 92 yen to the dollar.

    Still not as good as 116 yen to the dollar when I was in Japan in 2006. But still better than 75 yen to the dollar when I was there in 2010.

  7. Some details from Famitsu today:

    Game clear time (main quest only): approx. 40hrs

    Game clear time (incl. all sub quests): approx. 80 hrs

    I'm always suspicious of reviewers with clear times. I bet a main quest time is more like 15-20.

  8. Are they ever going to add this to the Japanese Playstation store, or is it forever stuck as a bonus for the LE version of DYRL? I opted for the cheaper regular version, and while I have the Saturn version of the game, I'd like to have it on my PS3.

  9. Are you sure about that? Doesn't make sense to have trophies without letting you save your unlockables.

    I've dug around my save folders looking for something, but the game doesn't create any sort of save file on your system, and there's no option to save your progress anywhere. It does remember your trophy accomplishments, though.

  10. I have no Japanese language skills, except for "Nyan Nyan" and "Sushi".

    Has anyone encountered a fansub of this movie that makes sense?

    My days of watching Anime and trying to guess the dialogue by watching the action nearly drove me nuts as a kid, and this is MACROSS, so I'd really like to know what those guys are saying to each other!


    Not yet, I'm sure it will get subbed pretty quickly.

    Too bad there isn't a way to "insert" a subtitle track while watching it on a PS3 like you can do with DVDs and Blu-rays on a PC...

  11. Go with the the PS1 version. At the very least, it is compatible with the PS3 (not sure if there is region encoding). The other benefits are that there are 3 other Macross games for the PS1, whereas there are 0 other Macross games for the Saturn.

    So, if you (or anyone else heading to Japan) don't already have either a PS1 (or PS3) or a Saturn, go with the PS1.

    If you (or anyone else heading to Japan) already have both... I'm not sure which one is better. Saturn was released first, and the PS1 about a year later. During that year, there could have been some improvements added to the game, or it could have all been spent translating the base code for a new system.

    I've got a Japanese PS2 and my Saturn can play imports via the 4MB Action Replay cart, so I can go either way. The Saturn version appears to be much cheaper, but I'd rather pick up the better version of the two. Either way it won't be very much.

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