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Posts posted by Chicago

  1. I want to see a new series or movie that focus's on the protoculture people. I think it would be cool to have a show revolve around new characters that effected the current Macross universe from the past. I always had an interest in the protoculture and always wondered what happen to them. This new concept would be totally different but with similar elements to the Macross we know currently. I picture the protoculture to be a far advanced race.

  2. I was wierd when I finally noticed that he was in the lead and always thought Hikaru became Skull leader when he returned to the Macross. I also notice how Kakizaki called max commander and Hikaru was still a Lieutenant at the Minmay reunion. Goes to show there always something new to macross no matter how many times you see it.

  3. Was watching DYRL for the millionth time today and notice that when Misa and Hikaru got back to the Macross and then the Meltron attacked by the old city, It was Max's valkyrie that was in the lead and not Hikaru. It was quite distincive that the valkyrie up front had a blue strip. So I conclude that he was actually Skull leader while Hikaru and Roy were gone for that month, the next choice is Max. Hikaru was never Skull leader in DYRL. Max also had the Skull leader head on his machine and i think Hikaru still had the VF1a head. This has probably been talked about before but maybe someone will tell me if im right.

  4. Hello guys, just would like to know where I can buy the new game in the states or on line and if the boot disk work for this title. I really didn't want to read a 41 page thread to get the answer, sorry

  5. well, if you use e-mule and serch for all macross items the game is up as a dvdrip and if I use a regular cd writer, I hope the burn will work. Looks like some one else went to the trouble to rip it. Wont be able to find out if it works until my swap cds arrive. I havent tried to extract it but the uncompressed file is 775 megs

  6. Hello everyone, I was able to download the new macross game from a shareware program and the files are in a bin and que format. Does anyone know if in need a dvd burner to burn the game to a dvd disk or can I just burn a already burned game directly to a cdr using a cd burning program? I fI burn it using a regular cd writer, will it still play on a psx2 if i have the swap disk?



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