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Posts posted by light

  1. Thatz why i like that guy keith ... You can alwayz count upon him to make a comment... Ever since I joined this site about two yearz ago you could alwayz count on good ole Keith like clock work count on Keith making some "Stalin Grad" comment such as he made...

    Now I know it is going to be hard for you not to reply .... so go ahead and let it out... " I mean itz the internet right???" lol muhahahah...

    Basically you might not understand what I am getting at here Keith and groupiez of Keith....

    Basically like kinder blockz ... I am saying no matter what you tweek or twist upon some thingz they will not be any good for you... "I mean for example your commentz are no good for me ... no matter how you twist and turn them"

    For every other "Robot" or "human" out there if you dont like the game "you just dont like it ... not matter how much advertising they force upon you"

  2. I believe that the gaming industries saw that MUF was such a excellent game ... they would make a low key game for the general publik.

    I do not believe this game was for hard core gamerz such as yourselves and I.

    And adjusting and moving thingz just wont make it better...

    Are you not tired of trying to make something you dislike into something you like because people call you namez for not promoting or going with the flow???

    If you dont like it say you dont like it ....

    I looked at triangle and it seemed to be to fluffy for me ;

    I dont need the singing and romance .....

    I needed various amountz of gunz and flying mechz...

    Therefore from what I read here and from what I read from the promo.... " I will not be buying the game because I DID NOT LIKE IT"

    Now for all those people that want to come along and call me a winer or wush or dweeb.... because I did not go with the flow or buy the game.....

    Go ahead waste your breath but think about that last breath when your old and remember what you wasted on ....

  3. At this point, I'm waiting to see what's up with the PSP2... definitely hoping for more PS3 integration.

    I still believe the first psp was the best .... the psp go did not have even a "g" eee download speed.... and lol eheheh ... lol ... it carries no umd slot so .... ummmmm ... eheh ... lol downloading gamez on a new system that runz on "b" eee is just disrespecting custumorz....

    3000 psp has a bigger screen that is a plus .... so I cannot say anything bad about it....

    The original I can speak about because I still have it from the original year that it was announced and it still has the most amazing sound quality speakerz I have ever heard ... comming from a musician, and past dj.....

    I dont know .... any one willing to bet the next MUF just wont be good as the first ???? I just dont see it happening...

  4. I hate to be a fan boy and all but .... right now it seems that the psp is one of the best toyz going

    I have had mine for about five yearz and it never skipped a beat... The battery never died or had to be replaced.

    The gamez that are added from the Playstation is such a big plus, and they allow you to buy movies for 3 to 9 dollars; you dont have to go any were to get them.

    On top of that you can plug your psp into the television and watch movies you would buy on disk for about twenty dollars for only 3 to 9 dollarz.... oooopppz

    did I say that ...

    And you can save the movies or gamez on your ROM chip and put it on your computer run it with psp codex and watch the movies on your braintop (aka laptop).....

    I think Sony did a excellent job putting a on line buying shop on the psp ... the free demos are great too.....

    Every one knowz the MMoRPG market is a beached whale (WoW... really lol) and the Xbox is a artificial Playstation... Nintendo is in itz own category because it helpz the children so it is a plus....

    Ohhhh and ....... MUF is the best graphics for a psp game in at least the last two yearz ... handz down.....


  5. I believe that I have a problem.... maybe you all can help me with...

    I thin that MUF ruined me, basically I have been slam dunking other gamez that I have played for their poor graphics and in game play.

    I think that MUFz quality has ruined me for other game I am looking for it every were and cant find it and have become dissatisfied with gamez that have not even come out yet "DCUniverseOnline" and the funny thing about that is that it is made by Sony as well; the graphiz are not bad for a mmo but the game play is how can I say "cryptic" if any one getz what I am saying "coh" "championz online" !!!!

    But MUF is untouchable handz down I will never sell the game, I have had my psp for like almost a decade and the power line died before the battery therefore I have to wait until I can buy another here shortly.


    Can any one think of any game that comes close ???

  6. I think that the Ipad situation is just a style basically.... A alternative to the regular computer models ....

    Plus it seems to be fad kind of thing like buying Nike shoez.... but that is just my opinion... there are some differences but not enough for me...

    There have been some press stating that the new Iphone is exactly the same as the old with some software updates... but I could be wrong...

  7. If your local Best has that Dell or Samsung model that mikeszekely pointed out, either would be a decent one to work with. You might want to look at this one from Asus if they have it.

    Actually, after using a display with a reflective surface for a while now, it doesn't bother me anymore. I actually prefer it if I can. I do have my monitor in a spot that has minimal glare, but I've dealt with setups where the room was as bright as can be with natural sunlight and with all sorts of possible spots for glare yet the monitor had a reflective screen and still could crystal clear without any issues.

    Asus is a brand that you get what you pay for and more in general they are a newcomer to the market... for the main stream market about four yearz old. Dell is not a bad brand it is just that they are "return to dell to have fixed" which means being sent a box to send the monitor off or go to a Dell registered store. Samsung .... hmm what can I say good about Samsung... ohhh i know the prices should be reasonable.

  8. Okay;

    I might get slammed for this but I am OLD SCHOOL

    I want more fighting and action and less loving and fluffy dancing teen agers.

    I know Japanese Anima has been going the fluffy lovey stuff because it draws the attention of girls to thier sci-fi ... but a true Nerd Woman would not need anything to draw her to the stuff...


    ALL THAT SAY NAY "bunch of horses....lol"

  9. The layout is way too similar to MUF's to not be another iteration.

    DAMN... I was hoping to buy several games from my region, but it seems I'll have to divert those resources on the newest Macross...

    That, and buy a new PSP... CRAP...

    I only hope that the three pilot team gets realized, as they already used it in GAS... Which I ended up not liking and sold.

    salvating at the mouth

    rubbing handz to warm them up

    cracking knuckles getting them ready for fast button clicking and eye moving and ........ crazy awesome graphics.

  10. Refferring to earlier " dana sterling and her bunch"

    Wow you guyz are devastatingly cruel man that was so... funnywrong

    Maybe the person was talking about a sucky game "in my opinion", that would have Dana sterling and her bunch, yah know from the early beginings.

  11. Ever since, I dunno, XP SP3, maybe earlier, the saved .htm files on my hard drive like to try to access that web page "live" when opened rather than simply reading what is saved on the drive. That's the whole reason I saved them, to access them offline and load quickly. Is there any way to force Windows to simply READ a saved .htm file, rather than always try to "load" it?

    It's especially annoying when there's some active X or java in the page, as it tries forever to load it before it gives up. It kind of defeats the whole purpose of saving a page to the hard drive in the first place.

    i know what you mean but I have no answer for that one.

  12. Yeah, Jason Chen "just happens" to pay $5000 for the prototype, and then cops "just happen" to show up with a warrant and seize a bunch of Chen's stuff, and Chen "just happens" to be under felony investigation now.

    Nevermind that Apple is one of the most secretive companies on the planet (an employee was supposedly fired for showing Steve Wozniak an iPad minutes before they actually went on sale, IIRC). Nevermind that no one "just happened" to have media friends (Gizmodo had an open bounty out for information on yet-to-be-released Apple products). Sure sounds like a marketing stunt to me. <_<

    Well explain to me how it "just happened" that with all the "just happened" security and firings; explain how this employee still has his job and went to lunch with one of the top new products of Apple?

    It is amazing how that "just happened"

  13. That whole apple situation seemed to be to amazing dont you think?

    It has the seasoning of "make up something so people will come and loook at our stuff"

    Just think about it; It just happens to be that person working for Apple "just happens" to take one of the most important new technologies for the company on a routine lunch and "just happens" that a person "just happens" to pick it up and "just happens" that person is a Apple freak and "just happens" to notice the phone is a new proto type and " just happens" that he has media friends that boost the media out of the ceiling on the issue.

    Just happens

  14. VT1010;

    That case is awesome looks like wheels will fit easy; also some people are buying a rom or solid state first harddrive for speed and making their second harddrive a uber sized hampster runner or aka rpm 7200. At least that is what i waz thinkin, and Asus gives so much on their board and they are so easy to diagram good choice.

    Oh did not see the power supply make sure it is larger than what is asked for by a good amount especially if your running sli or 2x in general.

  15. Well if I had a budget "lol" I would love the market right now, I could build my ultimate machine again. I have one or two stored away but I need to stick parts in them.

    The funny part about technology is that sometimes the world gets in a mode were it produces a ton of competitive "Awesome Tech" and then it is forgotten about because the world is moving fast in that time period.

    But I haven't forgotten!!!!

    A year or so back there was some awesome stuff that came out that would be dirt cheap about now for desktops. I also remember having a mouse type device that was for rpg play; it had about twenty buttons on it that were programmable, man do i wish I still had that one. That is just one example of some of the stuff that is dirt cheap.

    There is some great tech for desktops out there that is really cheap right now.... it will be a boon for those that can look back just a little and pick it up.

  16. Nah dude, I'm pretty sure "Robotech" is for the kiddie crowd. I also doubt you've seen any serious Gundam.

    You might be right about me not seeing any of the serious Gundam; if you get a chance point me in the right direction on google or some vidz if you know of any.

    I could be wrong about Gundam I am human just like the next person

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