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Posts posted by sriracha

  1. Sorry if this is a noob question, but I was wondering where are all the Meltrans in the SDF series, especially on Earth after "Love Drifts Away"? I mean, obviously Milia and Lap Lamiz are featured heavily, but you really don't see any other females populating Earth. Did they all get wiped out in the battle, I'm sure someone had to be driving Lap Lamiz's ship right?

    I'm sure if there were plenty of Meltrans hanging out on Earth, it would have assuaged all the angry Zentrans pissed off about having to do manual labor. I'm sure they would have been all down with making a little culture between them, right? Or did all the females get micronized and hook up with humans? Macking on newly culturalized Meltrans would be like hitting on junior college freshman girls, I would imagine. Easy pickings! Ha.

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