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Posts posted by Timberwolf

  1. Hmm, after looking at the prototype picture, I agree: there doesn't appear to be a seam for that launcher.

    It's a shame really: that launcher adds to the functionality of the shuttle/bomber mode.

    As a side note, does anyone remember that the micro missile launchers were supposed to be on the legs originally? (12 total, 6 each leg, 3 each side). There are some polygonal indentions/holes around the knee area that match up with that, but I can't seem to find anything backing that up. It may just have been something from VFX2

  2. thanks for hearing our concerns G-man,

    I too am concerned about the pricing of the Yamato toys, but like others have said, I wouldn't gawk at the prices if there was always an initial release version that had several critical QC problems.

    Aside from those realistic concerns, I would like a YF-19 that has

    1) Locking chest section

    2) The special arm weapon unit from Macross Plus (to me the FP version was incomplete without it)

    3) Full poseable wings (i've heard it's an engineering nightmare, but I'd still like to see it)


  3. I got my military version garland tonight...and the magnet in the front right tire section promptly fell out. I superglued it back in, but i had apparently turned it over in my hand and had the wrong pole facing out b/c after i tried testing it out, the magnets wouldn't draw up.

    Had to carefully drill a small hole on the other side of the piece (all of this is covered by the hub thankfully) and use a nail to push the magnet out and redo the process. It all works now, but holy cow i could've done w/o the headaches.

  4. Like many here, I really liked the design when I first saw it...then reports about the shoulders came out.

    Anyway, I saw the news about the prototype garland being released and it looks amazing (i like the MODAT version a little better though as far as coloring). All the extra weapons, outrigger redesign, and new headsculpt seem to fit the pics i've seen of the movie pretty well (still need to track down a copy of that).

    I decided I couldn't wait until December though, so I took advantage of Big Bad Toystore's 20% sale and snagged myself one of the military versions since that supposedly has fixed shoulders (keeping fingers crossed).

    Has anyone tried doing a repaint on these? I figured if I don't like the rather odd brown i could always paint most of it matte black.

  5. In reference to the debate over how the Konig would take off/land or be stored, I have to jump on the bandwagon, not only for all the previous stated reasons, but because of the entrance to the cockpit.

    Now I know someone has a pic of this, so I'm not gonna even bother searching, but that yellow section on the nose actually swings down, and a ladder unfolds down to the ground, meaning that the cockpit itself doesn't open upward, it merely has a hatch below, much like many medium/heavy bombers.

    I assume this might also allow the dome of the cockpit to be thicker and more resistant to damage, but that's only a theory.

  6. I love the darker, more weathered olive drab paint job, but I still don't like how squashed the cockpit looks. If it were just a bit more round and didn't have a gap in front, it'ld look more like the lineart

  7. Like a lot of people have said so far, those cannons just look waay too short and I want the eyes on there.

    Also, this painted proto also lacks the nose mounted 30mm autocannon, which really sucks.

  8. DAMN nice job man!

    Jin Roh is one of my fav. anime's, so I'm always excited to see anything done w/ toys related to it, and yours is especially nice, I like the imprint on the arm shield, but I noticed it lacked the slot about 1/3-1/2 the way up where the ammo belt slides across.

    Other than that, friggin' kick ass! I can't believe that's your first custom, so keep up the good work


  9. Wow, holy crap!

    This is the best news I've heard since I saw the Masterpiece Prime proto photos, but I digress.

    While I agree that the sculpt is totally awesome, and I definitely would rather have a sturdy design than one that is totally accurate, did anyone notice that it is lacking the gun turret under the nose?

    I don't have a pic, but I'm sure someone does as I've seen lineart comparing it to a Gundam capital ship that is from the same page as a picture showing the turret.

    Anyway, if it's not on there, that's fine by me, kudos to Yamato for pullin' it off!

    *ahem* Now about that VF-19 FAST Pack.... :p

  10. Wow, I gotta say, this really pisses me off.

    I fully respect all of your openness towards alternate transformations because you want the YF-19FP for display, I hold a different opinion. I still buy toys to play with and yes, that made the YF-21FP a supreme disapointment for me.

    As a matter of fact, the toys were what got me interested in Macross, before that I was just a rabid Transfan. I was impressed not only with the mecha designs, but also with the explanation for why humanity would suddenly make giant walking robots, something Gundam never did.

    The YF-19 in particular impressed me, but I hesitated buying it on seeing mixed reviews. Now, after seeing the Hasegawa this version is supposedly going to be based off of, I am really excited about getting it, and while I understand everyone's feelings on the subject, quite frankly I want a mecha that can transform w/o removing major parts of the body

    Yamato has churned out some great stuff in the past, and I only hope that the YF-19FP doesn't become to robot toys what Daikatana has become for computer games

  11. The lasers will be firing from the two gunpods located inside the fastpacks that are attached to the lower body of the fighter.

    I'm afraid I gotta disagree man: those gunpods shoot bullets ONLY, no lasers, the lasers should, in theory fire from the elbow end of that gauntlet, in addition to the fwd firing barrel that is visible.

    So in fighter mode, I guess they just didn't bother to show the exit port in the front

  12. Question: I thought the YF-21's arm lasers were supposed to be able to fire fwd and backward, so where's the other end of the barrel?

    I was just thinkin' about it when I looked at mine in Fighter mode and realized I couldn't tell where the lasers would be firing from in the front

  13. I'm looking for some replacement floor mats for my car.

    I remember about a year or so ago that Hot Topic carried Autobot and Decepticon floor mats, but now all they have are Superman and fairies, yech! :angry:

    Anyway, I was wondering if anyone here knew where I could find some (and yes, I've checked eBay and many auto parts stores, on and offline).

    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide and everyone have a good Thanksgiving B))


  14. hey guys,

    This'll be one of my first posts, up until now, I've just been lurkin'. Anywho, I was checkin' out some info on Macross Mecha Designs and I noticed something odd in the lineart of the YF-19 Alpha:

    There is what appears to be a quad-barreled gatling gun in the lower left hand portion of the torso in the pic of the YF-19's Battroid mode. Perhaps I'm wrong, but either way, can anyone give me a clue as to what this is?

    Hopefully, the pic I attached will work properly. If not, you can see it over at Macross Mecha Designs



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