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Posts posted by ObiJ

  1. Actually I'm with you Prime, I forgot to put in on the list, I liked on PS2 and I gave it away in hopes of buying the xbox version, hopefully the graphics will look better, but I did wanted to put it on my list

    For being a multiplatform game of the anime I like even if is base of the ripped-off version by Macek, still is the only next best thing we have here in the states

  2. Ok, games with Robots............mmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    --- Sorry forgot my opinion ------

    - Murakumo

    Good game, the hype and the promo videos for it were high but at the end the game falls short, its a high speed-action game of robots chasing other robots, I wanted to played so bad when it came out, only put it once do and stashed it away, you can try it see if you like it, game is very cheap if you get a used one around $9.99 at any gamestop or EB games store

    - Gunmetal

    I've not play this one, only seeing the title at the stores mentioned before, is cheap around $19.99 or less, I'm drawn to the name since it reminds me of a color made by Gunze for GUNDAM plastic kit models

    - Metal Arms: Glitch in the system

    This one I know is a good game, like a version of a mechanical HALO, might not be as good, but the actions is very similar and is also very cheap I've seen it for less than $9.99

    - GunValkyrie - humans with armor fighting mutants and robots

    This one I like the best since I've played more than Murakumo, is a platform third person shooter, it reminds me of the earlier games you jump, shoot, duck and continue to the next level, pretty graphics, you can get it for less than $12.99

    - Robotech: Battlecry

    Hey, what can I said it has robots and they look like Valkyries ^_^

    you can get it for $7.99

    Those are the only ones I can think right now If I remember anything else I let you know


  3. For those in the Dallas,Tx area again

    In this Sunday add for Circuit City the SALE is on for all CC Stores in the AREA, $4.99, no list just announced as a Game Clearance.

    Don't waste time and got to your nearest store


  4. For those in Dallas, Tx

    The sale is almost over at the Circuit City near Walnut Hilll and U.S. 75

    There was no Flyer and when i got there the bins were almost empty

    I just got my self a copy of Rogue Squadron, most of the games left are just Skatign games and like 20 copies of TUROK evolution for GC

    The Lady at the store told me there were the only ones amking the sale, started las sunday and will last as long there is a game on the bins.

    = (

    Sucks, whish I've seen the post earlier


  5. If you are in the Dallas,Tx area and want a GBP please go to the SALE section of macrosworld.com

    I have two for sale


  6. Married for just 3 years now

    My wife is also a big ANIME Fan she likes other Kawamori works like Escaflowne and Earth Girl Aryuna but she leaves the Macross stuff for me.

    She will understand my need for toys (collectable figures) and get me anything related to ANIME but Macross.

    Guess that is not so bad.


  7. I've been selling Macross Toys and Anime Toys in general, in Mexico.

    For the moment I stopped because I moved back to Dallas, I was living in Monterrey and while working there I was buying stuff for my colection and every time i got a box my coworkers gather around me to see what new toy I got, and they started asking me to order some for them, I did it for about 3 years, but now with my new job here I haven't found the time and since I want to keep sending toys to Mexico, I haven't figure out how to securely send them ovethere and don't have them lost or wathever.

    If there is a ANIME Toy distributor or Store, outhere who wants to sell toys cheap for folks in Mexico, please let me know, At this point is all I need to start bussines again.


  8. Well, My firts Valk i got back in the 80's i can tell for sure the year so i just said that Macross was being aired here in the US and back in my home at the time (Monterrey, Mexico)

    In Houston, Tx my aun took us to a store in Little York Ave (now the store is near the Sam Houson Tollway Intersection), i remembered that when i got in the store it was full of the Revell Models and Some Bandai Toys, My Aunt is a big time shopper and even that the store was a small one i spent at least an hour looking at the boxes and running around showing them to my Mom and see if she get me one, Men, Every time i got pass thru there i wish i can get a time machine and get all of those good ol' toys they had back then. :rolleyes:

    I ended up with a Small Valk, not a jetfire but i remember it transformed pretty good.

    Years later, I bought from a friend in need a Jetfire and he gave me also some of the Bandai Destroids (the small 4 in. ones)

    He also had an original (english box) Gakken Motorcicle thing from Robotech, it was mint, but i never get it from him since i was not intrested in Mospeada :blink:

    The only thing that wakes me up at night is every time i remember when i was in Mexico and my parents asking me to get a Valkyrie, since they were so cheap (I presume they were either bandai or takatoku), and i say no since i was hook on Star Wars and Transformes as well, and want it to complete those collection first. :(

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