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Posts posted by Raven21

  1. Earth has been destroyed, and it'll probably take centuries for it to even begin to recover.

    " All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again."

    -In this case,humpty dumpty referring to earth.

    But the thing is, how do people live in those times and not harbor at least some level of hate for the zentreadi?

    I mean,call me dumb and say that i'm wrong, but,you gotta the zentreadi were responsible for putting earth in

    the condition it's in., I mean,you did have max and millia...

    Man,SWI was just a tragedy all around,wasn't it?

    But anyway,

    There are 55 long-range emigration fleets,right?

    'You think there gonna make a 56th fleet?

    Just wondering.

  2. Heya guys,Don't see an introduction thread here,

    But,here I am,the Standard-issue noob :p

    'Been watching macross for awhile now,It all started with robotech(Now,before you guys break out the pitchforks and

    torches,rest assured,that was when I was in elementary school,Nowadays,I know Macross is the real deal,And It rocks hard!)


    Back on-topic,If you could have any macross pilot covering you in battle,who would it be?

    For me,It'd be Hikaru ichijo,

    The guys the type to look out for his buddies,you know?

    P.S:Any Ace combat/flight sim fans here?

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